Neuro Lab Practical Flashcards
Frontal Lobe
- most anterior portion of cerebrum
- contains precentral gyrus
1) Controls voluntary motor activity
2) Higher mental processing
3) Emotional behavior
4) Speech output (Broca’s)
Blood Supply = internal carotid, post cerebral, anterior cerebral a
Parietal Lobe
- Lateral surface of each hemisphere of brain
- Includes postcentral gyrus
- Central sulcus –> parieto-occipital sulcus
1) Reception of general sensory info from body
2) Tactile object recognition
3) Language, verbatim repetition of terms (Wernicke)
Blood supply = internal carotid, post cerebral, anterior cerebral a
Temporal Lobe
- Lateral, inferior portion of each hemisphere
- Inferior to lateral sulcus
1) Primary hearing/smell area
2) Memory
3) Speech perception and recognition
Blood supply = middle cerebral a
Occipital Lobe
- posterior portion of each hemisphere
Function: primary visual area
Blood supply: internal carotid, post cerebral
Longitudinal Fissure
- midline (deep groove) between cerebral hemispheres
- Contains falx cerebri
- Anterior cerebral a runs through here
Central Sulcus
- Lateral aspect of cerebral hemisphere
- Boundary between frontal and parietal lobes
- Between precentral and postcentral gyrus
Pre-central gyrus
Primary motor cortex
- Lateral aspect of each cerebral hemisphere
- “fold” at posterior border of frontal lobe, anterior edge of central sulcus
Function = controls voluntary movement
Post-central gyrus
Primary somatosensory cortex
- lateral aspect of each cerebral hemisphere
- “fold” at anterior border of parietal lobe, posterior edge of central sulcus
Function = receives somatosensory info from body
Lateral sulcus
Lateral fissure
- Lateral aspect of each cerebral hemisphere
- deep groove separating temporal from frontal & parietal lobes
Broca and Wernicke
- Neural loop running around lateral sulcus in LEFT hemisphere of brain
- connected by a large bundle of nerves
1) Broca = production of language (output)
2) Wernicke = processing of words we hear (input)
Blood supply: middle cerebral a
Olfactory tract
- ventral aspect of frontal lobe
- bw olfactory bulb and medial aspect of temporal lobes
- bundles of afferent and efferent axons
Function: transmits smell to brain
Optic Tract
- ventral aspect of diencephalon
- bw optic chiasm and brainstem nuclei
- white matter tract from both eyes, carry info to thalamus and other BS nuclei
Blood supply: anterior communicating a
Optic Chiasm
- ventral aspect of diencephalon
- bw optic nn and optic tracts
- transmission of sensory input
- ventral surface of diencephalon at midline
1) transmits ADH and oxytocin to posterior pituitary
2) attachment for pineal gland
Mamillary bodies
- ventral surface of diencephalon
- paired, small, rounded projections
1) regulates autonomic functions
2) emotional behavior
3) memory
- ventral aspect of brainstem
- characterized by ventral bulge
- attached to cerebellum by middle cerebral peduncle
1) control of sleep and respiration
2) transfer of info bw hemispheres
Blood supply: basilar a and branches (anterior superior & inferior cerebellar aa)
- most caudal portion of brain, extending from pons to SC
Function: contains respiratory, cardiac, and blood pressure centers
Blood supply: vertebral aa branches: anterior and posterior spinal aa, posterior inferior cerebellar a
Parts of medulla
1) Anterior median fissure = fold of pia mater dividing whole medulla in half
2) Pyramids = axons (motor fiber tracts)
- ventral surface, either side of #1
3) Pyramidal decussation = bundle of fibers that cross obliquely from one side to the other, interrupts #1
4) Olives = oval bump on superior, anterolateral surface of medulla
5) Fasciculus gracilis and cuneatus