Neuro Good To Know Flashcards
Presynaptic nerve terminal to post synaptic cell
The neurotransmitter is synthesized and then stored and then leave the presynaptic cell and goes into the synapse and bind to receptors on the postsynaptic cell and then is terminated via reputake, degration by enzyme or diffusion away from gap
CNS contains what
Brain and spinal chord
PNS contains what
Motor system and autonomic nervous system
Motor system contains what
Afferent sensory nerves: signals from body TO brain & spinal chord
Efferent sensory nerves: signals from brain TO body
Autonomic system contains what
Sympathetic: protects during danger/stress (fight&flight)
Parasympathetic: maintains regulation of body (rest&digest)
What is membrane potential
Charge difference between the inside and outside of cell
When sodium moves in and potassium moves out which causes the membrane potential to be less negative
Calms neuron and muscle excitability
Acts as a reward motivated behavior in the central nervous system
Inhibits norepinephrine released, acts a a vasodilator, increases sodium excretion and urine output, reduces insulin production, reduces G.I. motility, protects intestinal mucosa, reduces the activity of lymphocytes
What causes Parkinson’s
A loss of dopamine secreting neurons in the midbrain
Acetylcholine receptors
Located in the parasympathetic and sympathetic system and the receptors cholinergic
Norepinephrine and epinephrine receptor
Located in the sympathetic nervous system and the receptor is adrenergic
Adrenergic receptors
Beta and alpha
Cholinergic receptors
Nicotinic and muscarinic
Drug therapy goals related to the neurological system
Increase or decrease CNS activity
Regulate amount of neurotransmitter
Simulator block autonomic receptors
Treats depression and anxiety