Neuro Anatomy Flashcards
Name the major lobes of the brain
Frontal, temporal, occipital, parietal
What areas of the brain are involved in comprehension and production of speech?
comp = Wernicke's production = Broca's
What is the location and role of the Primary Motor Cortex/ Precentral Gyrus
Immediately in front of and parallel to central sulcus - responsible for planning, controlling and executing voluntary movements.
what is the ventricular system?
network of 4 ventricles with dense capillary network - choroid plexus. Secretes cerebrospinal fluid to coat brain, spinal cord, central canal
What are sulci/gyri? name major ones.
sulci = grooves
- longitudinal fissure
- central sulcus
- parieto-occipital sulcus
- lateral sulcus
gyri = folds
- cingulate gyrus
- precentral gyrus
- superior temporal
What is meant by resting potential and action potential?
What is the refractory period?
Resting potential = polarized membrane maintained by actively pumping Na+ and K+ ions out. usually sits around -70mV
Action potential = depolarization due to opening of ion channels allowing influx of Na+ to around +30mV
The refractory period is the time taken for membrane to repolarize - during which another action potential cannot happen.
name key neurotransmitters
dopamine acetyl choline serotonin adrenaline/noradrenaline GABA glutamate endorphins
describe features of a neuron and differences between motor, sensory and connector neurons.
Cell body/ Soma Nucleus Axon Dendrites myelin sheath nodes of Ranvier
motor = Cell body on one end, a long axon in the middle and dendrites on the other end
sensory = Have dendrites on both ends, connected by a long axon with a cell body in the middle
connector = no myelin
What is the location and role of the Primary Somatosensory Cortex/ Postcentral Gyrus
Immediately behind central sulcus - responsible for receiving and processing sensory information from across the body
What are the functions of the frontal lobe?
How would damage to this lobe present?
Emotion, Personality, Reasoning, Problem Solving, Executive Functions, Speech, Movement.
Personality, Emotion, Ability to multitask (can be overwhelmed by tasks), Speech (linked to Broca’s area)
What are the functions of the parietal lobe?
How would damage to this lobe present?
Movement, Touch/Pressure, Spatial Perception/Orientation, Proprioception, Comprehension, Recognition
Sensory/Perception Dysfunction, Spatial Awareness issues, Rudced ability to recognise people/objects, Movement can be affected - displays on contralateral side.
What are the functions of the temporal lobe?
How would damage to this lobe present?
Memory, Visual Object Recognition, Receptive Language, Wernicke’s area (speech comprehension)
Memory issues, language comprehension issues, Loss of motivation and emotional change.
What are the functions of the occipital lobe?
How would damage to this lobe present?
- Recognition and perception of info from retina of the eye - light and dark, lines and edges.
- Interpretation of visual info (linked to limbic system) - vs Memory and Emotion
Difficulty recognising objects, Unable to identify colours, unable to recognise words, face blindess
What is the role of the Cerebellum?
How would damage present?
- Modifies motor commands on descending pathways to make movements accurate
- Coordinates unconscious regulation of balance, muscle tone and coordination of voluntary movements.
- Balance and Posture, Motor Learning, Cognitive Function
Abnormal Movement - ATAXIA
Wide base of support, trunk instability, difficulty coordinating movement - jerky/shaky
What structures make up the brain stem?
Comprised of Mid Brain, Pons, Medulla
What is the role of the brainstem?
Vital to life, controls cardiac and respiratory centres. Often referred to as the Reptilian Brain.
- The route for all ascending and descending info, and the route for impulses to and from the Cerebellum.
- Base of Cranial nerve nuclei
- Sleep/wake control centre - Reticular Activating System (RAS) - sends info to Thalamus to increase tone and wakefulness. Damage to RAS can lead to coma
- Contains nuclei for control of posture and equilibrium, eye and head movements.
How would damage to the brainstem present?
- Abnormal breathing and cardiac rhythms
- Altered sleeping patterns
- Abnormal movement and poor postural control
- Potential coma/ death
- ‘locked in’ syndrome
What is the role of the limbic system?
What are the key structures here?
- Primitive Emotions - happy, sad, scared etc.
- Higher Mental Functions - learning and memory
- Pleasure Centre - sex,eating, drugs
- Regulation of behaviours, emotion, anxiety, drives, orientation
Amygdala, Hippocampus, Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Cingulate Gyrus, Basal Ganglia