Networking: Chapter 7 (Denial of Service Attacks and Disaster Recovery) Flashcards
What are Passive attacks?
Passive attacks are attacks that does not damage the network but intercepts data moving around the network and copies it.
What are Active attacks?
Active attacks are attacks that are intended to damage the network
What are the 2 types of Denial of Service attacks
- An attack that consumes so many network resources that there are none left for legitimate users
- An attack on a specific network resource
What is ‘Resource Starvation’?
Using up a network resource so legitimate users can’t access it
What is ‘Bandwidth Consumption’?
Flooding a network with useless traffic
What is ‘Attacking the Routers’?
Using ping attacks to disrupt the router.
What is a ‘Domain Name Server Attack’?
Disrupting network access by filling the cache of Domain Name Servers with name lookup information about non existent hosts, causing legitimate users to be dropped.
What are the costs of a Denial of Service Attack? (3)
- System downtime which is inconvenient for users
- Lost labour and revenue
- Money will need to be spent on improving network security
What are the motives for a Denial of Service Attack? (3)
- Personal (Grudge with an organisation)
- Political (Rival company)
- Malicious (Terrorist organisation)
What is Anti-virus software?
Software which finds and eliminates viruses
What are Fault Tolerance Components?
Components that allow a system to recover after a failure
What are Uninterrupted Power Supplies?
A type of battery backup which provides a limited amount of stored electricity which a system can use after power failure
What are the 4 methods of avoiding disaster?
- Anti-virus software
- Fault Tolerance Components
- Uninterrupted Power Supplies
- Regular Maintenance
What are 4 backup strategies?
- Disk Mirroring
- Backup Schedule
- Backup Tape
- Backup Server
What is Disk Mirroring?
Duplicating your data on multiple disks
What is a Backup Schedule?
Dictating when backups are made
What is Backup Tape?
Storing backup data on tapes
What is a Backup Server?
It backs up all network data
What is an advantage of using a Backup Server? What is a disadvantage?
- It makes a full backup of the network server
* It must be kept up to date
What is an advantage of using Disk Mirroring? What is a disadvantage?
- Copies are always up-to-date
* Does not copy network configuration or software