z/ higher computing science

This class was created by Brainscape user Jill Beard. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

Three different types of design m...,
Memory write operation,
Pre defined function random lette...
86  cards
Insertion anomaly,
Database validation checks,
What does css stand for
86  cards
SDD Notes lol N5
Define the alu,
The more bits used to represent e...,
Parts of the processor 3
102  cards
ISDD Notes lol N5
Example of a web browser,
Example of a compound primary key
171  cards
Computer Systems: Chapter 1 (Data Representation)
What is floating point notation,
What is a mantissa what happens w...,
What is an exponent what happens ...
18  cards
Computer Systems: Chapter 2 (Computer Structure)
What are the 3 main parts of the cpu,
What is the alu,
What is the control unit
38  cards
Computer Systems: Chapter 3 (Peripherals)
What is an interface,
What are the functions of an inte...,
What is buffering
24  cards
Computer Systems: Chapter 4 (Networking)
What is a network,
What is a local area network lan,
What is a wide area network wan
34  cards
Computer Systems: Chapter 5 (Computer Software)
What is the bootstrap loader,
What are the 6 main functions of ...,
What is the computer language int...
48  cards
Networking: Chapter 1 (Common Network Protocols)
What is file transfer protocol ftp,
What is hypertext transfer protoc...,
What is simple mail transfer prot...
6  cards
Networking: Chapter 2 (The OSI Network Model)
What is the open systems intercon...,
What is the correct order of the ...,
What is the application layer
9  cards
Networking: Chapter 3 (IP Addresses and the Domain Name Service)
What is an ip address,
How are ip addresses constructed,
What numbers are reserved for spe...
12  cards
Networking: Chapter 4 (The World Wide Web)
What are attributes in terms of h...,
What is xhtml,
What is a microbrowser
10  cards
Networking: Chapter 5 (The Implications of the WWW)
What is e commerce,
What are the advantages of e comm...,
What are the advantages of e comm...
21  cards
Networking: Chapter 6 (Network Security)
What is the purpose of network se...,
What are the main security measur...,
What are some user access rights 2
8  cards
Networking: Chapter 7 (Denial of Service Attacks and Disaster Recovery)
What are passive attacks,
What are active attacks,
What are the 2 types of denial of...
20  cards
Networking: Chapter 8 (Data Transmission)
What is asynchronous data transmi...,
What is synchronous data transmis...,
What are 2 types of error checkin...
33  cards
Networking: Chapter 9 (Wireless Data Applications)
What is a wireless personal area ...,
What is a wireless local area net...,
What is a wireless wide area netw...
3  cards
Software Development: Software Development Process
Explain why the software developm...,
What is the software specificatio...,
What are 2 purposes of the softwa...
45  cards
Software Development: Languages and Environments
Name 4 types of programming langu...,
What is a procedural language 2 g...,
What is a declarative language 2 ...
15  cards
Software Development: High Level Programming Language Constructs
What is a variable,
What is an integer variable,
What is a real variable
32  cards
What is a standard file format,
What is lossy compression,
What is lossless compression
45  cards
What are the problems with a flat...,
What is a primary key,
What is a surrogate key
13  cards
SDD Unit
What is a procedure,
What is a function,
What is a compiler
15  cards
Final exam revision
What are the three steps to twos ...,
What is a procedural language,
What is a declarative language
25  cards
Describe the structure of a database,
What are the advantages of a rela...,
What are the purpose of primary s...
100  cards
What 3 basic control structures c...,
What are the different types of p...,
What must happen before high leve...
42  cards

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z/ higher computing science

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