Netwerk Neu B1 Ch 3 Flashcards




Veränderungen (die Veränderung, die Veränderungen, der Veränderung), (changes)

  • Die Firma hat viele Veränderungen durchgemacht.
  • Nach der Trennung kam es zu großen Veränderungen in ihrem Leben.
  • Es ist wichtig, sich den Veränderungen anzupassen.
  • In der Natur gibt es ständig Veränderungen.
  • Die politischen Veränderungen haben zu Unruhen geführt.(The company has undergone many changes.)
    (After the breakup, there were significant changes in her life.)
    (It is important to adapt to changes.)
    (In nature, there are constant changes.)
    (The political changes have led to unrest.)

Similar Words: Änderungen (changes), Wandlungen (transformations)

Usage Tips: “Veränderungen” is a noun that refers to any kind of changes or alterations. It can be used in various contexts, such as personal, professional, or societal changes. It is a general term that encompasses both small and big changes.

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Gewohnheit (die Gewohnheit, die Gewohnheiten, der Gewohnheit), (habit)

  • Es ist schwierig, eine alte Gewohnheit abzulegen.
  • Das Rauchen ist eine ungesunde Gewohnheit.
  • Früh aufstehen ist eine gute Gewohnheit.
  • Ich habe die Gewohnheit, vor dem Schlafengehen noch ein Buch zu lesen.
  • Wir sollten uns gesunde Gewohnheiten aneignen.(It’s difficult to break an old habit.)
    (Smoking is an unhealthy habit.)
    (Waking up early is a good habit.)
    (I have the habit of reading a book before going to bed.)
    (We should adopt healthy habits.)

Similar Words: Routine (routine), Sitte (custom)

Usage Tips: “Gewohnheit” refers to a regular behavior or action that has become automatic or ingrained. It often implies a habitual pattern of behavior that is difficult to change. It can be used in various contexts, such as discussing daily routines, personal habits, or cultural customs.

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gewohnt, (used to)

  • Ich bin es gewohnt, früh aufzustehen.
  • Er hat sich schnell an die neue Umgebung gewohnt.
  • Sie ist es nicht gewohnt, so viel zu trinken.
  • Wir haben uns an den Lärm in der Stadt gewohnt.
  • Die Kinder müssen sich erst an den neuen Lehrer gewöhnen.(I am used to getting up early.)
    (He quickly got used to the new environment.)
    (She is not used to drinking so much.)
    (We have gotten used to the noise in the city.)
    (The children have to get used to the new teacher.)

Similar Words: sich gewöhnen (to get used to), üblich (usual), gewöhnlich (common)

Usage Tips: The word “gewohnt” is used to express being accustomed to something or someone. It is often used to describe habits or routines that people are familiar with. The verb form “sich gewöhnen” is used when someone is in the process of getting used to something new. It is important to pay attention to the context in which “gewohnt” is used to determine if it is referring to a state of being used to something or the action of getting used to something.

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raus, (out)

  • Komm raus aus dem Zimmer!
  • Wir gehen gleich raus in den Park.
  • Er hat den Müll raus gebracht.
  • Sie ist raus aus dem Auto gestiegen.
  • Die Katze ist durch das Fenster raus gesprungen.(Come out of the room!)
    (We’re going out to the park soon.)
    (He took out the trash.)
    (She got out of the car.)
    (The cat jumped out through the window.)

Similar Words: heraus (out), rauskommen (to come out), herauskommen (to come out)

Usage Tips: “raus” is a colloquial and shortened form of “heraus”, which means “out” or “outside”. It is commonly used in spoken language to indicate movement or direction out of a specific location or object. It is often used in commands or instructions, such as telling someone to come out of a room or take something out of a place.

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üblich, (common, usual)

  • Es ist üblich, dass man sich zur Begrüßung die Hand gibt.
  • Es ist nicht üblich, am Arbeitsplatz zu rauchen.
  • Es ist üblich, zu Weihnachten Geschenke auszutauschen.
  • Es ist üblich, dass man sich für ein Vorstellungsgespräch gut vorbereitet.
  • Es ist üblich, dass man in Deutschland pünktlich ist.(It is customary to shake hands when greeting each other.)
    (It is not common to smoke at the workplace.)
    (It is customary to exchange gifts at Christmas.)
    (It is common to prepare well for a job interview.)
    (It is customary to be punctual in Germany.)

Similar Words: gewöhnlich (ordinary, usual), normal (normal)

Usage Tips: “üblich” is an adjective used to describe something that is customary, common, or usual. It is often used to describe social norms, traditions, or expected behavior. The word “üblich” can be used in various contexts, such as greetings, workplace rules, holidays, or cultural customs. It is synonymous with the words “gewöhnlich” and “normal” in many cases.

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historisch, (historical)

  • Dieses Gebäude hat eine historische Bedeutung.
  • In dem historischen Roman wird eine vergangene Epoche dargestellt.
  • Das Museum zeigt historische Artefakte aus verschiedenen Jahrhunderten.
  • Die Forscher analysieren historische Dokumente, um mehr über die Vergangenheit zu erfahren.
  • Diese Stadt hat eine reiche historische Tradition.(This building has a historical significance.)
    (The historical novel depicts a past era.)
    (The museum displays historical artifacts from different centuries.)
    (The researchers analyze historical documents to learn more about the past.)
    (This city has a rich historical tradition.)

Similar Words: geschichtlich (historical), alt (old)

Usage Tips: “historisch” is used to describe something that is related to history or has a historical importance. It can be used to describe buildings, events, documents, and any other aspect of the past. It is important to note that “historisch” refers to something that is historically significant or related to history, while “geschichtlich” is a broader term that can refer to anything related to history, whether significant or not.

An example for “geschichtlich”:
geschichtlich, (historical)

  • Die geschichtliche Entwicklung Europas umfasst viele verschiedene Epochen.
  • Dieses Dorf hat eine lange geschichtliche Tradition.
  • Die Analyse der geschichtlichen Ereignisse ist von großer Bedeutung.
  • Die Forscher haben eine geschichtliche Abhandlung über den Zweiten Weltkrieg veröffentlicht.(The historical development of Europe includes many different eras.)
    (This village has a long historical tradition.)
    (The analysis of historical events is of great importance.)
    (The researchers have published a historical treatise on World War II.)

Usage Tips: “geschichtlich” is a broader term that can be used to describe anything related to history, whether significant or not. It is often used to talk about the overall historical development of a region or to describe traditions and events. “geschichtlich” is a more general term compared to “historisch” and can be used in a wider variety of contexts.

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Krise (die Krise, die Krisen, der Krise), (crisis)

  • Die Wirtschaft befindet sich in einer schweren Krise.
  • In Zeiten der Krise müssen Unternehmen ihre Ausgaben überdenken.
  • Der Patient hatte eine lebensbedrohliche Krise.
  • Die Regierung versucht, die Krise mit verschiedenen Maßnahmen zu bewältigen.
  • Nach langen Verhandlungen wurde ein Kompromiss zur Lösung der Krise gefunden.

(The economy is in a severe crisis.)
(In times of crisis, companies have to reconsider their expenses.)
(The patient had a life-threatening crisis.)
(The government is trying to manage the crisis with various measures.)
(After long negotiations, a compromise was found to solve the crisis.)

Similar Words: Notlage (emergency), Notstand (emergency)

Usage Tips: “Krise” is a noun used to describe a difficult or critical situation. It is commonly used to refer to economic, political, or personal crises. The plural form of “Krise” is “Krisen”, and in the genitive case, it becomes “der Krise”. It is important to note that “Krise” is a feminine noun and should be used with the appropriate articles and adjective endings.

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Trennung (die Trennung, die Trennungen, der Trennung), (separation)

  • Nach langem Streit entschieden sie sich zur Trennung.
  • Die Trennung von ihren Eltern war für sie sehr schwer.
  • Nach der Trennung zogen sie in unterschiedliche Städte.
  • Die Trennung der beiden Firmen führte zu großen Veränderungen.
  • Er konnte die Trennung von seinem geliebten Hund nicht verkraften.(After a long argument, they decided to separate.)
    (The separation from her parents was very difficult for her.)
    (After the separation, they moved to different cities.)
    (The separation of the two companies led to major changes.)
    (He couldn’t cope with the separation from his beloved dog.)

Similar Words: Scheidung (divorce), Abspaltung (secession)

Usage Tips: “Trennung” is a noun that is used to describe the act of separating or the state of being separated. It can refer to various types of separations, such as the end of a relationship, the division of companies, or the splitting of a country. It is a versatile word that can be used in different contexts.

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Rückkehr (die Rückkehr, die Rückkehren, der Rückkehr), (return)

  • Ich freue mich auf meine Rückkehr nach Hause.
  • Die Rückkehr des verlorenen Sohnes wurde gefeiert.
  • Nach einem langen Urlaub war es Zeit für die Rückkehr zur Arbeit.
  • Es gab viele Emotionen bei meiner Rückkehr in meine Heimatstadt.
  • Die Politikerin versprach eine schnelle Rückkehr zur Normalität.(I am looking forward to my return home.)
    (The return of the lost son was celebrated.)
    (After a long vacation, it was time for the return to work.)
    (There were many emotions upon my return to my hometown.)
    (The politician promised a swift return to normalcy.)

Similar Words: Heimkehr (homecoming), Wiederkehr (reappearance)

Usage Tips: “Rückkehr” is a noun that is used to describe the act of returning or going back to a previous place or situation. It can refer to physical return as well as metaphorical or symbolic return. It is often used in contexts such as returning home, returning to work, or the return of a lost or missing person.

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verschwinden, verschwand, ist verschwunden, (to disappear)

  • Wo ist mein Stift? Er ist einfach verschwunden.
  • Das Schiff ist in der Ferne verschwunden.
  • Er ließ den Raum und verschwand in der Dunkelheit.
  • Die Spuren des Verbrechens sind verschwunden.
  • Das Geräusch kam plötzlich und verschwand genauso schnell wieder.(Where is my pen? It simply disappeared.)
    (The ship disappeared in the distance.)
    (He left the room and disappeared into the darkness.)
    (The traces of the crime disappeared.)
    (The sound came suddenly and disappeared just as quickly.)

Similar Words: sich absetzen (to vanish), sich verflüchtigen (to evaporate)

Usage Tips: “verschwinden” is a common verb used to describe the action of something or someone disappearing or vanishing. It can be used in various contexts, such as objects disappearing, people leaving unexpectedly, or even the disappearance of evidence or traces. This word can also be used figuratively to describe the fading or disappearance of an emotion or feeling.

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verursachen (das Verursachen), (to cause)

  • Der Sturm verursachte große Schäden.
  • Rauchen kann schwerwiegende gesundheitliche Probleme verursachen.
  • Die laute Musik verursachte Kopfschmerzen bei den Nachbarn.
  • Die fehlerhafte Software verursachte den Systemabsturz.
  • Sein rücksichtsloses Verhalten verursachte einen Unfall.

(The storm caused significant damage.)
(Smoking can cause serious health problems.)
(The loud music caused headaches for the neighbors.)
(The faulty software caused the system crash.)
(His reckless behavior caused an accident.)

Similar Words: auslösen (to trigger), hervorrufen (to evoke)

Usage Tips: “verursachen” is a verb used to describe the action of causing or bringing about something. It is commonly used in contexts where there is a direct causal relationship between an action or event and its resulting effect. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing the cause of damage, health problems, accidents, or system failures.

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führen, führte, hat geführt, (to lead, to guide)

  • Er führt eine Gruppe von Touristen durch die Stadt.
  • Die Lehrerin führt die Schülerinnen und Schüler zum Museum.
  • Der Kapitän führt das Team zum Sieg.
  • Die Politikerin hat eine lange Debatte geführt.
  • Das Buch führt den Leser durch verschiedene historische Ereignisse.(He is leading a group of tourists through the city.)
    (The teacher is guiding the students to the museum.)
    (The captain is leading the team to victory.)
    (The politician conducted a long debate.)
    (The book guides the reader through various historical events.)

Similar Words: leiten (to lead), lenken (to steer)

Usage Tips: The verb “führen” is used to describe the action of leading or guiding someone or something. It can be used in various contexts, such as leading a group of people, leading a team to victory, or guiding someone through a process or experience. In the past tense, it takes the form “führte” and in the perfect tense, it becomes “hat geführt”. It is a versatile verb that can be used in both formal and informal situations.

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Prozess (der Prozess, die Prozesse, des Prozesses), (process)

  • Der Prozess der Produktentwicklung dauert mehrere Monate.
  • Wir müssen den Prozess der Bewerbung beschleunigen.
  • Die Firma hat ein effizientes Prozessmanagement implementiert.
  • Der Gerichtsprozess wird nächste Woche beginnen.
  • Das Unternehmen befindet sich im Umstrukturierungsprozess.(The process of product development takes several months.)
    (We need to speed up the application process.)
    (The company has implemented efficient process management.)
    (The court process will begin next week.)
    (The company is going through a restructuring process.)

Similar Words: Verfahren (procedure), Ablauf (sequence), Vorgang (process)

Usage Tips: “Prozess” is a noun that is commonly used to refer to a series of actions or steps aimed at achieving a particular result. It can be used in various contexts, such as business, law, or manufacturing. “Prozess” can also refer to a legal trial or judicial process. It is important to pay attention to the context in which “Prozess” is used to determine its specific meaning.

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Gegensatz (der Gegensatz, die Gegensätze, des Gegensatzes), (opposite)

  • Der Gegensatz zwischen Arm und Reich ist immer noch sehr groß.
  • Sie haben einen komplett unterschiedlichen Charakter, ein echter Gegensatz.
  • Im Vergleich zu ihren Eltern ist sie ein Gegensatz.
  • Die beiden Meinungen stehen im starken Gegensatz zueinander.
  • Die Dunkelheit bildet einen starken Gegensatz zur Helligkeit des Tages.(The contrast between the rich and the poor is still very big.)
    (They have completely different personalities, a true contrast.)
    (Compared to her parents, she is a contrast.)
    (The two opinions are in strong contrast to each other.)
    (The darkness forms a strong contrast to the brightness of the day.)

Similar Words: Kontrast (contrast), Unterschied (difference)

Usage Tips: “Gegensatz” is a noun used to describe a strong opposition or contrast between two things, ideas, or qualities. It is often used to highlight differences and create emphasis. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as social, cultural, and personal situations, to emphasize the distinction between two contrasting elements.

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minimal, (minimal)

  • Dieses Kleid hat ein minimales Design.
  • Der Raum ist nur mit minimalen Möbeln ausgestattet.
  • Die Farbpalette besteht aus minimalen Farben.
  • Die Größe des Projekts wurde auf ein Minimum reduziert.
  • Seine Antwort war knapp und minimal.(This dress has a minimal design.)
    (The room is furnished with minimal furniture.)
    (The color palette consists of minimal colors.)
    (The size of the project was reduced to a minimum.)
    (His response was brief and minimal.)

Similar Words: gering (low), klein (small), bescheiden (modest)

Usage Tips: “minimal” is an adjective used to describe something that is very small, simple, or basic in design, size, or quantity. It implies a lack of excess or unnecessary elements. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as in art, fashion, interior design, and technology.

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radikal (der Radikale, die Radikalen, des Radikalen), (radical)

  • Er ist ein radikaler Gegner der Regierung.
  • Die Jugendliche unterstützen eine radikale Umweltschutzpolitik.
  • Die Partei hat sich für eine radikale Reform ausgesprochen.
  • Die Ideen des Philosophen sind zu radikal für die meisten Menschen.
  • Sie hat eine radikale Entscheidung getroffen und ihren Job gekündigt.(He is a radical opponent of the government.)
    (The youth support a radical environmental policy.)
    (The party has advocated for a radical reform.)
    (The philosopher’s ideas are too radical for most people.)
    (She made a radical decision and quit her job.)

Similar Words: extremistisch (extremist), fundamental (fundamental)

Usage Tips: The word “radikal” is used to describe something that is extreme or drastic in nature. It can refer to political ideologies, social movements, or personal decisions that go against the mainstream or established norms. “Radikal” can have both negative and positive connotations, depending on the context. It is important to use it carefully and consider the tone and implications of the word in each situation.

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führen zu


führen zu (to lead to)

  • Die schlechte Ernährung kann zu gesundheitlichen Problemen führen.
  • Die Entscheidung des Managers führte zu Unzufriedenheit bei den Angestellten.
  • Der Verkehrsstau hat dazu geführt, dass ich zu spät zur Arbeit gekommen bin.
  • Der Mangel an Bewegung kann zu Übergewicht führen.
  • Diese Maßnahme soll zu einer Verbesserung der Lebensqualität führen.(Poor nutrition can lead to health problems.)
    (The manager’s decision led to dissatisfaction among the employees.)
    (The traffic jam resulted in me being late for work.)
    (Lack of exercise can lead to overweight.)
    (This measure is intended to lead to an improvement in quality of life.)

Similar Words: verursachen (to cause), bewirken (to bring about)

Usage Tips: “führen zu” is a commonly used verb phrase in German to express causality. It is used to describe the result or consequence of an action or event. It is often used in formal and informal contexts to explain the cause and effect relationship between two things or situations.

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während, (during)

  • Ich habe Musik gehört, während ich die Hausarbeit erledigt habe.
  • Er hat geschlafen, während der Film lief.
  • Während des Sommers gehen viele Menschen ans Meer.
  • Sie hat Kaffee getrunken, während sie auf ihren Zug gewartet hat.
  • Während des Meetings hat er die Präsentation vorbereitet.(I listened to music while I did the housework.)
    (He slept while the movie was playing.)
    (During the summer, many people go to the beach.)
    (She drank coffee while she was waiting for her train.)
    (During the meeting, he prepared the presentation.)

Similar Words: währenddessen (meanwhile), währendessen (meanwhile)

Usage Tips: “während” is a preposition that is used to indicate a period of time during which an action or event takes place. It is commonly used to describe simultaneous actions or events. In some cases, it can also be used as a conjunction to introduce a clause that provides additional information about an action or event occurring at the same time.

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mittlerweise (meanwhile, in the meantime)

  • Ich warte schon seit einer Stunde auf ihn. Mittlerweise bin ich ziemlich genervt.
  • Wir haben uns vor zwei Jahren kennen gelernt. Mittlerweise sind wir beste Freunde.
  • Die Firma hat mittlerweise viele neue Filialen eröffnet.
  • Ich habe den Job mittlerweise gekündigt und suche nach einer neuen Stelle.
  • Mittlerweise ist der Zug schon abgefahren.(I’ve been waiting for him for an hour. In the meantime, I’m pretty annoyed.)
    (We met two years ago. In the meantime, we have become best friends.)
    (The company has opened many new branches in the meantime.)
    (I’ve quit the job in the meantime and I’m looking for a new position.)
    (In the meantime, the train has already left.)

Similar Words: inzwischen (in the meantime), unterdessen (meanwhile)

Usage Tips: “Mittlerweise” is used to indicate a change or development that has occurred during a period of time. It is often used to describe something that has happened between two points in time or to express a sense of passing time. It is commonly used in everyday conversation and writing. Another similar word that can be used interchangeably is “inzwischen”.

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schließlich, (finally, eventually)

  • Wir haben uns verlaufen, aber schließlich fanden wir den Weg zum Ziel.
  • Nach vielen Versuchen hat er schließlich Erfolg gehabt.
  • Ich wollte das Buch nicht lesen, aber schließlich habe ich es doch getan.
  • Die Präsentation war lang, aber schließlich waren alle beeindruckt.
  • Er hat hart gearbeitet und schließlich seine Ziele erreicht.(We got lost, but eventually we found the way to the destination.)
    (After many attempts, he finally succeeded.)
    (I didn’t want to read the book, but eventually I did.)
    (The presentation was long, but in the end everyone was impressed.)
    (He worked hard and finally achieved his goals.)

Similar Words: letztendlich (ultimately), letztlich (in the end)

Usage Tips: “schließlich” is used to indicate a final or eventual outcome, often after a process or a series of events. It can be used to express perseverance, a change of mind, or to emphasize the conclusion of a sequence of actions. It is commonly used in both spoken and written German.

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seitdem, (since then)

  • Ich habe ihn seitdem nicht mehr gesehen.
  • Seitdem ich angefangen habe zu lernen, verbessern sich meine Deutschkenntnisse.
  • Seitdem ich mein Auto verkauft habe, spare ich viel Geld.
  • Seitdem sie ihren Job gekündigt hat, ist sie viel glücklicher.
  • Seitdem der Film herausgekommen ist, hat er viele positive Kritiken erhalten.(I haven’t seen him since then.)
    (Since I started studying, my German skills have improved.)
    (Since I sold my car, I’ve been saving a lot of money.)
    (Since she quit her job, she’s been much happier.)
    (Since the movie came out, it has received many positive reviews.)

Similar Words: danach (afterwards), daraufhin (thereupon)

Usage Tips: “seitdem” is used to indicate a point in time that follows a certain event or action. It is commonly used in contexts where the speaker wants to express a cause and effect relationship between two events or actions. “seitdem” is often used with verbs in the present or past tense, depending on the timeframe of the events being described.

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von…auf, (from…to)

  • Ich habe mein Flugticket von Frankfurt auf Berlin umgebucht.
  • Der Zug fährt von München auf Hamburg.
  • Die Preise sind von 50 Euro auf 80 Euro gestiegen.
  • Das Unternehmen hat von Papier auf digitale Dokumente umgestellt.
  • Er hat von einem alten Auto auf ein neues Auto gewechselt.(I rescheduled my flight ticket from Frankfurt to Berlin.)
    (The train goes from Munich to Hamburg.)
    (The prices have increased from 50 euros to 80 euros.)
    (The company has switched from paper to digital documents.)
    (He switched from an old car to a new car.)

Similar Words: von…bis (from…to), von…nach (from…to)

Usage Tips: “von…auf” is used to indicate a change or transition from one state, location, or condition to another. It is often used when talking about transportation routes, price changes, or switching between different options or choices. It is important to note that “von” is used to indicate the starting point or origin, while “auf” indicates the destination or end point.

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jahrelang, (for years)

  • Er hat jahrelang in diesem Unternehmen gearbeitet.
  • Wir haben uns jahrelang nicht gesehen.
  • Sie hat jahrelang an diesem Projekt gearbeitet.
  • Jahrelang habe ich nach diesem Buch gesucht.
  • Es hat jahrelang gedauert, bis ich fließend Deutsch sprechen konnte.(He worked in this company for years.)
    (We haven’t seen each other for years.)
    (She worked on this project for years.)
    (I searched for this book for years.)
    (It took years until I could speak German fluently.)

Related Words: lang (long), jährlich (yearly), viele Jahre (many years)

Usage Tips: “jahrelang” is used to emphasize the duration or length of time that something has been happening or going on. It is commonly used to describe actions, events, or periods of time that span multiple years. It can be used in various contexts, such as work experience, relationships, projects, or personal achievements.

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Arbeiterin (die Arbeiterin, die Arbeiterinnen, der Arbeiterin), (female worker)

  • Die Arbeiterin arbeitet in einer Fabrik.
  • Viele Arbeiterinnen sind in der Dienstleistungsbranche tätig.
  • Die Arbeiterin hat heute Überstunden gemacht.
  • Die Arbeiterin ist sehr fleißig und zuverlässig.
  • Die Arbeiterinnen haben für bessere Arbeitsbedingungen gestreikt.(The female worker works in a factory.)
    (Many female workers are employed in the service industry.)
    (The female worker worked overtime today.)
    (The female worker is very hardworking and reliable.)
    (The female workers went on strike for better working conditions.)

Similar Words: Arbeiter (worker), Mitarbeiterin (female employee), Angestellte (female employee)

Usage Tips: The word “Arbeiterin” specifically refers to a female worker. It is used to describe women who are employed in various industries and perform manual labor or other types of work. The term “Arbeiterin” is often used to emphasize the gender of the worker, while “Arbeiter” is the gender-neutral term for a worker. It is important to use the correct gender form when referring to a specific gender.

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Lehrling (der Lehrling, die Lehrlinge, des Lehrlings), (apprentice)

  • Mein Bruder ist ein Lehrling bei einem Schreiner.
  • Der Lehrling lernt die Grundlagen des Handwerks.
  • Sie ist eine talentierte Lehrling und macht schnell Fortschritte.
  • Die Firma stellt jedes Jahr neue Lehrlinge ein.
  • Der Lehrling arbeitet unter Anleitung eines erfahrenen Meisters.(My brother is an apprentice at a carpenter’s shop.)
    (The apprentice is learning the basics of the trade.)
    (She is a talented apprentice and is making rapid progress.)
    (The company hires new apprentices every year.)
    (The apprentice works under the guidance of an experienced master.)

Similar Words: Auszubildende (-r), Praktikant (-in) (trainee, intern), Geselle (-r) (journeyman)

Usage Tips: “Lehrling” is a term used to describe a person who is learning a trade or profession through a combination of practical on-the-job training and theoretical instruction. It is commonly used in the context of apprenticeships, where individuals gain hands-on experience and acquire specific skills in a particular field. “Lehrling” is often used in the crafts and trade industries, such as carpentry, plumbing, or electrical work.

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Personal (das Personal, die Personale, des Personals), (staff, personnel)

  • Das Unternehmen hat qualifiziertes Personal.
  • Das Personal kümmert sich um die Kundenbedürfnisse.
  • Wir brauchen mehr Personal für das Projekt.
  • Das Personal wurde für seine Leistungen gelobt.
  • Das Unternehmen legt großen Wert auf motiviertes Personal.(The company has qualified staff.)
    (The personnel takes care of customer needs.)
    (We need more personnel for the project.)
    (The staff was praised for their performance.)
    (The company values motivated staff.)

Similar Words: Mitarbeiter (employee), Angestellte (employee)

Usage Tips: The word “Personal” refers to the employees or staff members of an organization or company. It is used to talk about the people who work for a particular institution or business. It can also be used to refer to the human resources department or department in charge of managing the employees of an organization. “Personal” is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts, such as describing the qualifications of the staff, the need for more personnel, or praising the performance of the employees. It is often used in formal and professional settings.

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Handarbeit (die Handarbeit, die Handarbeiten, der Handarbeit), (handwork)

  • Meine Großmutter liebt es, Handarbeit zu machen.
  • Diese Decke wurde mit viel Liebe und Handarbeit hergestellt.
  • In der Schule lernen die Schüler verschiedene Arten von Handarbeiten.
  • Meine Schwester ist sehr geschickt in der Handarbeit.
  • Ich habe ein neues Projekt für meine Handarbeiten.(My grandmother loves to do handwork.)
    (This blanket was made with a lot of love and handwork.)
    (In school, students learn different types of handwork.)
    (My sister is very skilled in handwork.)
    (I have a new project for my handwork.)

Similar Words: Handwerk (craftsmanship), Basteln (crafting)

Usage Tips: “Handarbeit” refers to any type of manual or handcrafted work. It can include activities such as knitting, sewing, embroidery, and other similar crafts. It is often done as a hobby or as a way to create unique and personalized items. “Handarbeit” can also be used to refer to the products or items created through these manual techniques.

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Bedingung (die Bedingung, die Bedingungen, der Bedingung), (condition)

  • Unter welchen Bedingungen kannst du kommen?
  • Die Party findet nur bei gutem Wetter statt.
  • Das Angebot gilt nur unter der Bedingung, dass du dich rechtzeitig anmeldet.
  • Eine wichtige Bedingung für den Erfolg ist Fleiß.
  • Die Erfüllung bestimmter Bedingungen ist notwendig, um den Kredit zu erhalten.

(Under what conditions can you come?)
(The party only takes place in good weather.)
(The offer only applies on the condition that you register in advance.)
(Hard work is an important condition for success.)
(Fulfilling certain conditions is necessary to obtain the loan.)

Similar Words: Voraussetzung (requirement, prerequisite), Kondition (condition)

Usage Tips: The word “Bedingung” is used to describe a situation or circumstance that is required for something else to happen or be true. It is commonly used in contexts such as agreements, contracts, rules, and requirements. “Voraussetzung” and “Kondition” can be used interchangeably with “Bedingung” in many cases.

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Konkurrenz (die Konkurrenz, die Konkurrenzen, der Konkurrenz), (competition/rivalry)

  • In diesem Markt gibt es viel Konkurrenz.
  • Unsere Firma steht oft in Konkurrenz zu anderen Unternehmen.
  • Die beiden Restaurants sind direkte Konkurrenten.
  • Sie kann gut mit Konkurrenz umgehen.
  • Der Wettkampf zwischen den Sportlern ist eine harte Konkurrenz.(There is a lot of competition in this market.)
    (Our company often competes with other businesses.)
    (The two restaurants are direct competitors.)
    (She can handle competition well.)
    (The competition between the athletes is tough.)

Similar Words: Wettbewerb (competition), Rivalität (rivalry)

Usage Tips: “Konkurrenz” is used to describe a situation of competition or rivalry between individuals, businesses, or groups. It can refer to the competition in various fields such as business, sports, or academics. It is often used in contexts where there is a struggle for success, market share, or achievement.

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Schulbildung (die Schulbildung, -en, der Schulbildung), (school education)

  • Eine gute Schulbildung ist wichtig für die Zukunft.
  • Er hat eine umfangreiche Schulbildung in verschiedenen Fachbereichen.
  • Die Qualität der Schulbildung variiert von Land zu Land.
  • Meine Eltern legten großen Wert auf eine gute Schulbildung.
  • Die Regierung investiert in Programme zur Verbesserung der Schulbildung.

(A good school education is important for the future.)
(He has an extensive school education in various fields.)
(The quality of school education varies from country to country.)
(My parents placed a lot of value on a good school education.)
(The government is investing in programs to improve school education.)

Similar Words: Bildung (education), Schule (school), Ausbildung (training)

Usage Tips: “Schulbildung” specifically refers to the education received at schools. It encompasses the knowledge and skills acquired during primary, secondary, and sometimes even higher education. It is often used in discussions about educational systems, policies, and access to quality education.

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Disziplin (die Disziplin, die Disziplinen, der Disziplin), (discipline)

  • Sie hat eine gute Disziplin und arbeitet immer hart.
  • Ohne Disziplin ist es schwer, seine Ziele zu erreichen.
  • In der Schule herrscht eine strenge Disziplin.
  • Für den Erfolg im Sport ist Disziplin unerlässlich.
  • Er hat eine ausgeprägte Disziplin beim Lernen.(She has good discipline and always works hard.)
    (Without discipline, it’s difficult to achieve your goals.)
    (There is strict discipline in school.)
    (Discipline is essential for success in sports.)
    (He has a strong discipline when it comes to studying.)

Similar Words: Ordnung (order), Selbstbeherrschung (self-control)

Usage Tips: “Disziplin” refers to the ability to control oneself and follow rules or guidelines. It can be applied to various areas of life, such as work, school, sports, and personal habits. Having discipline is important for achieving goals and maintaining order. It is often associated with qualities like self-control, perseverance, and focus.

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tolerant, (tolerant)

  • Sie ist eine tolerante Person, die andere Meinungen respektiert.
  • Unsere Gesellschaft sollte offener und toleranter sein.
  • Ich versuche, tolerant gegenüber verschiedenen Kulturen und Religionen zu sein.
  • Es ist wichtig, tolerant gegenüber Menschen mit unterschiedlichen sexuellen Orientierungen zu sein.
  • Ich bin nicht tolerant gegenüber Rassismus und Diskriminierung.(She is a tolerant person who respects other opinions.)
    (Our society should be more open and tolerant.)
    (I try to be tolerant towards different cultures and religions.)
    (It is important to be tolerant towards people with different sexual orientations.)
    (I am not tolerant towards racism and discrimination.)

Similar Words: nachsichtig (lenient), geduldig (patient)

Usage Tips: “tolerant” is used to describe someone who is accepting and open-minded towards different ideas, beliefs, and lifestyles. It is often used in the context of promoting diversity, equality, and respect for others. “tolerant” is used both in formal and informal situations.

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Strafe (die Strafe, die Strafen, der Strafe), (punishment)

  • Die Polizei verhängte eine hohe Strafe für das Falschparken.
  • Als Strafe muss er Sozialstunden ableisten.
  • Laut Gesetz ist Diebstahl mit einer Strafe von bis zu fünf Jahren Freiheitsstrafe bedroht.
  • Die Schüler bekamen eine mündliche Strafe für ihr unangemessenes Verhalten.
  • Im Strafgesetzbuch sind verschiedene Strafen für unterschiedliche Straftaten festgelegt.(The police imposed a high fine for illegal parking.)
    (As a punishment, he has to do community service hours.)
    (According to the law, theft is punishable by a sentence of up to five years in prison.)
    (The students received an oral reprimand for their inappropriate behavior.)
    (The Penal Code lays down different penalties for different crimes.)

Similar Words: Bestrafung (punishment), Sanktion (sanction)

Usage Tips: “Strafe” is a noun used to describe a punishment or penalty imposed for a wrongdoing or violation of rules. It can refer to legal punishments enforced by authorities or disciplinary actions given in various contexts such as school or work. Keep in mind that “Strafe” can also refer to a fine or a traffic ticket.

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Fitness (die Fitness), (fitness)

  • Ich gehe dreimal pro Woche ins Fitnessstudio, um meine Fitness zu verbessern.
  • Yoga ist eine gute Aktivität zur Steigerung der körperlichen und geistigen Fitness.
  • Meine Freundin ist sehr sportlich und hat eine ausgezeichnete Fitness.
  • Regelmäßige körperliche Aktivität ist wichtig für die Erhaltung der allgemeinen Fitness.
  • Ich fühle mich nach dem Workout erschöpft, aber ich spüre auch eine gesteigerte Fitness.(I go to the gym three times a week to improve my fitness.)
    (Yoga is a great activity for increasing physical and mental fitness.)
    (My friend is very athletic and has excellent fitness.)
    (Regular physical activity is important for maintaining overall fitness.)
    (I feel exhausted after the workout, but I also feel an increased fitness.)

Similar Words: körperliche Verfassung (physical condition), Kondition (condition)

Usage Tips: “Fitness” is a noun that refers to a person’s physical condition or level of health and physical well-being. It is often used in the context of sports, exercise, and general health. “Fitness” can also refer to the state of being physically fit or the quality of being suitable or appropriate. It is commonly used in everyday German and is a borrowed word from English.

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Form (die Form, die Formen, der Form)

  • Welche Form hat dieser Kuchen?
  • Die Tasse hat eine ungewöhnliche Form.
  • Bitte füllen Sie das Antrags-Formular aus.
  • Dieses Puzzle hat viele verschiedene Formen und Farben.
  • Die Blumen haben eine wunderschöne Form.(What shape does this cake have?)
    (The cup has an unusual shape.)
    (Please fill out the application form.)
    (This puzzle has many different shapes and colors.)
    (The flowers have a beautiful shape.)

Similar Words: Gestalt (shape), Silhouette (silhouette)

Usage Tips: “Form” is a versatile noun that can refer to different types of shape or structure. It can be used to describe the physical appearance of objects, the structure of documents or forms, or even the shape of abstract concepts. It is a common word used in various contexts, such as art, design, geometry, and paperwork.

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Trend (der Trend, die Trends, des Trends), (trend)

  • Den Trend zu nachhaltigen Produkten kann man immer mehr beobachten.
  • Der aktuelle Trend ist es, Vintage-Kleidung zu tragen.
  • Dieses Jahr sind knallige Farben voll im Trend.
  • Die neuesten Trends in der Modeindustrie werden auf der Fashion Week vorgestellt.
  • Viele Menschen folgen den Trends der Social-Media-Influencer.(The trend of sustainable products can be observed more and more.)
    (The current trend is to wear vintage clothes.)
    (This year, bright colors are very trendy.)
    (The latest trends in the fashion industry are presented at Fashion Week.)
    (Many people follow the trends of social media influencers.)

Similar Words: Mode (fashion), Stil (style)

Usage Tips: “Trend” is a widely used word in both German and English to describe a current popular or fashionable pattern or direction. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as fashion, technology, lifestyle, and social media. “Trend” can refer to both short-term and long-term tendencies and is often associated with changing preferences and behaviors.

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Weltmeister (der Weltmeister, die Weltmeister, des Weltmeisters), (world champion)

  • Deutschland ist der amtierende Weltmeister im Fußball.
  • Er wurde zum Weltmeister im Boxen gekrönt.
  • Die USA hat viele Weltmeister in verschiedenen Sportarten.
  • Sie träumt davon, einmal Weltmeister im Skifahren zu werden.
  • Der Tennisspieler hat den Titel des Weltmeisters gewonnen.

(Germany is the current world champion in football.)
(He was crowned the world champion in boxing.)
(The USA has many world champions in various sports.)
(She dreams of becoming a world champion in skiing one day.)
(The tennis player has won the title of world champion.)

Similar Words: Champion (champion), Meister (master)

Usage Tips: The word “Weltmeister” is used to refer to someone who has achieved the highest level of skill or success in a particular sport or activity on a global scale. It is commonly used in sports contexts to describe individuals or teams who have won world championships. “Weltmeister” is often used interchangeably with the English loanword “Champion” in German.

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fünffache, (noun/adjective)

  1. Das fünffache (Singular) / die fünffachen (Plural) (fivefold)
  • Das ist das fünffache der ursprünglichen Menge.
  • Sie hat in drei Jahren das fünffache ihres ursprünglichen Gehalts verdient.
  • Das Unternehmen verzeichnete einen fünffachen Anstieg der Gewinne.
  • Das Event hat das fünffache der erwarteten Besucherzahl angezogen.
  • Das Gebäude ist das fünffache so groß wie das alte.(That is five times the original amount.)
    (She earned five times her original salary in three years.)
    (The company experienced a fivefold increase in profits.)
    (The event attracted five times the expected number of visitors.)
    (The building is five times as large as the old one.)

Similar Words: doppelt (twice), dreifach (three times), zehnfach (tenfold)

Usage Tips: “fünffache” is used to indicate a multiplication or increase by a factor of five. It can be used as both a noun and an adjective. When used as a noun, it refers to five times the original quantity or value. When used as an adjective, it describes something that is five times larger, stronger, or more significant. It is important to pay attention to the context in order to determine whether “fünffache” is being used as a noun or an adjective.

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sechsfache (das Sechsfache, die Sechsfachen)

  • Das Haus hat das sechsfache der normalen Größe.
  • Sie verdient das sechsfache von dem, was ich verdiene.
  • Die Preise sind um das sechsfache gestiegen.
  • Der Gewinn hat sich um das sechsfache erhöht.
  • Die Bevölkerung hat sich in den letzten Jahren um das sechsfache erhöht.(The house is six times the normal size.)
    (She earns six times what I earn.)
    (The prices have increased sixfold.)
    (The profit has increased by a factor of six.)
    (The population has increased sixfold in recent years.)

Similar Words: doppelte (double), dreifache (triple), vierfache (fourfold)

Usage Tips: “sechsfache” is used to express a multiplication by six or an increase by six times. It is often used in comparisons, calculations, or to describe significant changes or growth. Other similar words can be used to express different multiples or increases.

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sich ereignen


sich ereignen, ereignete sich, hat sich ereignet, (to occur, to happen)

  • Der Unfall ereignete sich gestern Abend.
  • Es hat sich nichts Interessantes ereignet.
  • Die Veranstaltung hat sich als großer Erfolg ereignet.
  • Wann hat sich das Ereignis ereignet?
  • Es ereignet sich oft, dass wir uns verpassen.(The accident occurred last night.)
    (Nothing interesting happened.)
    (The event turned out to be a great success.)
    (When did the event occur?)
    (It often happens that we miss each other.)

Similar Words: passieren (to happen), geschehen (to happen)

Usage Tips: “sich ereignen” is used to describe events or occurrences that happen, take place, or unfold. It is typically used to talk about specific incidents or situations that have happened in the past or are currently happening. It is a reflexive verb, which means it is used with a reflexive pronoun “sich” to indicate that the action is happening to the subject itself.

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stürzen, stürzte, ist gestürzt, (to fall)

  • Er ist die Treppe hinunter gestürzt.
  • Ich bin beim Joggen gestürzt und habe mir das Knie verletzt.
  • Der Baum ist bei dem Sturm umgestürzt.
  • Sie haben sich in den Fluss gestürzt, um sich abzukühlen.
  • Die Aktienkurse stürzten nach der schlechten Wirtschaftsnachricht ab.(He fell down the stairs.)
    (I fell while jogging and injured my knee.)
    (The tree fell during the storm.)
    (They plunged into the river to cool off.)
    (The stock prices plummeted after the bad economic news.)

Similar Words: fallen (to fall), hinfallen (to fall down)

Usage Tips: “stürzen” is commonly used to describe the action of falling or tumbling, either physically or metaphorically. It can be used to refer to accidents, emergencies, or sudden declines in situations or conditions. It is important to note that “stürzen” is an intransitive verb, which means it does not take a direct object. Instead, it describes the action of falling itself.

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Wirbelsäule (die Wirbelsäule, die Wirbelsäulen, der Wirbelsäule), (spine)

  • Die Wirbelsäule besteht aus vielen einzelnen Wirbeln.
  • Eine Verletzung an der Wirbelsäule kann schwerwiegende Folgen haben.
  • Die Wirbelsäule ist für die aufrechte Haltung des Körpers verantwortlich.
  • Bei Rückenschmerzen kann manchmal eine Störung der Wirbelsäule die Ursache sein.
  • Der Arzt untersuchte den Patienten auf Probleme mit der Wirbelsäule.(The spine consists of many individual vertebrae.)
    (An injury to the spine can have serious consequences.)
    (The spine is responsible for the upright posture of the body.)
    (In case of back pain, sometimes a disorder of the spine can be the cause.)
    (The doctor examined the patient for problems with the spine.)

Similar Words: Rückgrat (spine), Rücken (back)

Usage Tips: “Wirbelsäule” is a medical term used to refer to the spine or spinal column. It is made up of individual bony segments called vertebrae. The spine plays a crucial role in supporting the body and protecting the spinal cord. It is often mentioned in the context of anatomy, injuries, and various spinal conditions. “Rückgrat” and “Rücken” can also be used interchangeably with “Wirbelsäule” in everyday language.

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abwärts (downwards)

  • Der Ball rollt abwärts den Hügel hinunter.
  • Die Preise tendieren abwärts.
  • Der Wanderweg führt abwärts in das Tal.
  • Das Thermometer zeigt einen abwärts-Zeiger.
  • Das Flugzeug flog abwärts und landete sicher.(The ball rolls downwards down the hill.)
    (The prices are trending downwards.)
    (The hiking trail leads downwards into the valley.)
    (The thermometer shows a downwards arrow.)
    (The airplane flew downwards and landed safely.)

Similar Words: nach unten (downwards), hinunter (down)

Usage Tips: “abwärts” is used to describe movement or direction towards a lower position or level. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing the movement of objects, trends, paths, or even temperature readings. It is important to note that “abwärts” is an adverb and does not change form based on gender or number.

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aufgeben, gab auf, hat aufgegeben, (to give up)

  • Ich werde niemals aufgeben, meine Ziele zu erreichen.
  • Er hat seine Arbeit verloren und musste aufgeben.
  • Sie hat das Spiel verloren und sofort aufgegeben.
  • Wir sollten niemals aufgeben, auch wenn es schwierig wird.
  • Sie hat ihr Studium aus persönlichen Gründen aufgegeben.(I will never give up on achieving my goals.)
    (He lost his job and had to give up.)
    (She lost the game and immediately gave up.)
    (We should never give up, even when it gets difficult.)
    (She gave up her studies for personal reasons.)

Similar Words: verzichten (to renounce), resignieren (to resign)

Usage Tips: “aufgeben” is used when one decides to stop pursuing or working on something. It can refer to giving up on a goal, a task, a job, or even a relationship. It is often used in the context of perseverance and determination, emphasizing the need to continue despite challenges or setbacks. Another verb with a similar meaning is “verzichten”, which specifically refers to renouncing or forgoing something voluntarily. “Resignieren” is another word that can be used to express a sense of resignation or giving up, but it is more commonly used in the context of accepting a situation rather than actively stopping or quitting.

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Mut (der Mut, kein plural), (courage)

  • Er hatte genug Mut, um seinen Traum zu verfolgen.
  • Sie bewies Mut, als sie gegen die Ungerechtigkeit kämpfte.
  • Man braucht viel Mut, um seine Ängste zu überwinden.
  • Trotz der Gefahr zeigte er Mut und rettete das Kind.
  • Der Mut der Soldaten wurde bewundert.(He had enough courage to pursue his dream.)
    (She showed courage when she fought against injustice.)
    (It takes a lot of courage to overcome your fears.)
    (Despite the danger, he showed courage and saved the child.)
    (The soldiers’ courage was admired.)

Similar Words: Tapferkeit (bravery), Stärke (strength)

Usage Tips: “Mut” is a noun that refers to the quality or state of having courage or bravery. It is used to describe someone’s ability to face and overcome fear, danger, or adversity. “Mut” is often used to discuss acts of bravery or to encourage others to be courageous in difficult situations.

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Herausforderung (die Herausforderung, die Herausforderungen, der Herausforderung), (challenge)

  • Die neue Aufgabe ist eine große Herausforderung für mich.
  • Sie hat die Herausforderung angenommen und wird ihr Bestes geben.
  • Diese Prüfung war eine echte Herausforderung.
  • Die Teammitglieder stehen vor verschiedenen Herausforderungen.
  • Er sucht ständig nach neuen Herausforderungen.(The new task is a big challenge for me.)
    (She accepted the challenge and will do her best.)
    (This exam was a real challenge.)
    (The team members are facing different challenges.)
    (He is constantly looking for new challenges.)

Similar Words: Problem (problem), Schwierigkeit (difficulty)

Usage Tips: “Herausforderung” is a noun that is used to describe something that requires effort, skill, or determination to overcome. It can refer to various types of challenges, such as personal, professional, or academic challenges. It is commonly used in contexts where a difficult task or situation is being discussed.

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einsetzen, setzte ein, hat eingesetzt, (to insert/to use/to deploy)

  • Du kannst den Schlüssel in das Schloss einsetzen.
  • Der Arzt hat mir eine Zahnprothese eingesetzt.
  • Sie setzten die neue Technologie in ihrem Unternehmen ein.
  • Wir müssen das neue Verfahren einsetzen, um effizienter zu arbeiten.
  • Er setzte seine ganze Kraft und Energie ein, um das Ziel zu erreichen.(You can insert the key into the lock.)
    (The doctor fitted me with a dental prosthesis.)
    (They are implementing the new technology in their company.)
    (We need to implement the new procedure in order to work more efficiently.)
    (He put all his strength and energy into achieving the goal.)

Similar Words: verwenden (to use), benutzen (to use)

Usage Tips: “einsetzen” is a versatile verb that can have multiple meanings depending on the context. It can refer to physically inserting something into something else, such as a key into a lock or a prosthesis into the mouth. It can also mean using or deploying something, such as implementing a new technology or using one’s strength and energy to achieve a goal. Pay attention to the context to determine the exact meaning of “einsetzen”.

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politisch, (political)

  • Er hat eine politische Karriere angestrebt.
  • Die beiden Parteien haben ein politisches Bündnis geschlossen.
  • Die Diskussion drehte sich um politische Korruption.
  • Die Regierung hat politische Reformen eingeführt.
  • Das Thema der Veranstaltung war politisch motivierte Gewalt.(He pursued a political career.)
    (The two parties formed a political alliance.)
    (The discussion revolved around political corruption.)
    (The government has introduced political reforms.)
    (The theme of the event was politically motivated violence.)

Similar Words: staatspolitisch (politically related to the state), parteipolitisch (politically related to a specific political party)

Usage Tips: “politisch” is a versatile adjective used to describe anything related to politics or the government. It can be used in a wide range of contexts, from discussing political ideologies and policies to analyzing political events and movements. It is important to note that “politisch” can also be used as an adverb to describe actions or behaviors that are politically motivated or influenced.

Some related words that are commonly used in the same context as “politisch” include: Wahl (election), Partei (political party), Regierung (government), Gesetz (law), öffentliche Meinung (public opinion).

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Wahl (die Wahl, die Wahlen, der Wahl), (election, choice)

  • Die nächste Wahl findet im nächsten Jahr statt.
  • Welche Wahl hast du getroffen?
  • Bei den letzten Wahlen hat die Partei viele Stimmen erhalten.
  • Ich bin mit meiner Wahl nicht zufrieden.
  • Du hast die Wahl: Entweder du kommst mit oder bleibst zu Hause.

(The next election will take place next year.)
(What choice have you made?)
(The party received many votes in the last elections.)
(I am not satisfied with my choice.)
(You have a choice: Either you come with us or stay at home.)

Similar Words: Abstimmung (voting), Entscheidung (decision)

Usage Tips: “Wahl” can refer to both the act of voting in an election and the act of making a choice in general. It is commonly used in political contexts to talk about elections, political parties, and voting systems. In everyday situations, “Wahl” is also used to talk about personal choices and decisions.




kämpfen (der Kampf, die Kämpfe, des Kampfes), kämpfte, hat gekämpft, (to fight)

  • Sie kämpfen für ihre Rechte.
  • Die Soldaten haben tapfer gekämpft.
  • Er kämpfte gegen seine Krankheit.
  • Wir müssen zusammen kämpfen, um dieses Problem zu lösen.
  • Sie hat hart gekämpft, um diesen Erfolg zu erreichen.(They fight for their rights.)
    (The soldiers fought bravely.)
    (He fought against his illness.)
    (We have to fight together to solve this problem.)
    (She fought hard to achieve this success.)

Similar Words: streiten (to argue), sich duellieren (to duel)

Usage Tips: “kämpfen” is a verb that is used to describe physical or metaphorical fights or struggles. It can refer to actual physical fighting, as well as battling against obstacles, challenges, or opponents. It is a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts, such as in sports, warfare, or personal struggles. It can also be used figuratively to describe arguments or disagreements between people.




Heldin (die Heldin, die Heldinnen, der Heldin), (heroine)

  • Sie ist eine tapfere Heldin, die für ihre Überzeugungen kämpft.
  • Die Heldin des Romans rettet am Ende den Tag.
  • In der Geschichte gibt es viele mutige Heldinnen.
  • Die junge Frau wurde als Heldin gefeiert, nachdem sie einen Mann vor dem Ertrinken gerettet hatte.
  • Im Film spielt sie die Hauptrolle als starke Heldin.(She is a brave heroine who fights for her convictions.)
    (The heroine of the novel saves the day in the end.)
    (There are many courageous heroines in the story.)
    (The young woman was celebrated as a hero after saving a man from drowning.)
    (She plays the lead role as a strong heroine in the movie.)

Similar Words: Held (hero), Superheldin (superheroine)

Usage Tips: “Heldin” is used to refer to a female hero or heroine. It is commonly used in literature, film, and storytelling to describe a brave and courageous female character who often saves the day or fights for a cause. The masculine form is “Held”.




ehren (to honor), geehrt (honored), hat geehrt

  • Sie ehren ihn mit einem Preis. (They honor him with an award.)
  • Mein Vater wurde für seine Verdienste geehrt. (My father was honored for his achievements.)
  • Es ist wichtig, die Traditionen und Werte zu ehren. (It is important to honor the traditions and values.)

Similar Words: würdigen (to appreciate), respektieren (to respect)

Usage Tips: “ehren” is a verb used to express the act of honoring or showing respect to someone or something. It is often used in formal or ceremonial contexts, such as awards ceremonies or commemorations. Additionally, it can refer to honoring traditions, values, or principles.




Ernährung (die Ernährung, die Ernährungen, der Ernährung), (nutrition/diet)

  • Eine gesunde Ernährung ist wichtig für ein gutes Wohlbefinden.
  • Meine Ernährung besteht hauptsächlich aus Obst und Gemüse.
  • Die richtige Ernährung kann dazu beitragen, Krankheiten vorzubeugen.
  • Ich versuche, meine Ernährung ausgewogen zu gestalten.
  • Eine vegane Ernährung schließt tierische Produkte komplett aus.

(A healthy diet is important for overall well-being.)
(My diet consists mainly of fruits and vegetables.)
(The right diet can help prevent diseases.)
(I try to make my diet balanced.)
(A vegan diet completely excludes animal products.)

Similar Words: Ernährungsweise (eating habits), Diät (diet), Nahrung (food)

Usage Tips: “Ernährung” refers to the overall eating and nutritional habits of an individual. It encompasses the types of food consumed and the way they are consumed. It is often used in discussions related to health, wellness, and dietary choices. “Ernährungsweise” is a similar term that specifically refers to eating habits and patterns. “Diät” is another related term that specifically refers to a specific plan or program for temporary weight loss or other health goals. “Nahrung” is a more general term for food or nourishment.




ernähren, ernährte, hat ernährt, (to nourish)

  • Wir ernähren uns gesund mit frischem Gemüse und Obst.
  • Sie ernährte ihre Familie mit selbstgekochten Mahlzeiten.
  • Er hat das Baby mit Muttermilch ernährt.
  • Man sollte sich ausgewogen ernähren und auf eine ausreichende Zufuhr von Vitaminen achten.
  • Die Pflanzen werden regelmäßig gegossen und mit Nährstoffen ernährt.(We nourish ourselves with fresh vegetables and fruit.)
    (She nourished her family with home-cooked meals.)
    (He nourished the baby with breast milk.)
    (One should have a balanced diet and make sure to get enough vitamins.)
    (The plants are watered regularly and nourished with nutrients.)

Similar Words: speisen (to dine), füttern (to feed)

Usage Tips: “ernähren” is used when referring to the action of providing nourishment, food, or sustenance to oneself or others. It is commonly used in the context of eating a balanced diet or feeding someone, such as a family or a baby.




Diät (die Diät, die Diäten, der Diät), (diet)

  • Meine Freundin macht gerade eine Diät, um ein paar Kilos zu verlieren.
  • Mein Arzt hat mir eine spezielle Diät verschrieben.
  • Ich halte mich an eine gesunde Diät mit viel Gemüse und wenig Zucker.
  • Viele Menschen versuchen, mit einer Diät abzunehmen.
  • Bei dieser Diät darf man keine Kohlenhydrate essen.(My friend is currently on a diet to lose a few kilos.)
    (My doctor prescribed me a special diet.)
    (I stick to a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and little sugar.)
    (Many people try to lose weight with a diet.)
    (On this diet, you’re not allowed to eat carbohydrates.)

Similar Words: Ernährung (nutrition), Essgewohnheiten (eating habits)

Usage Tips: The word “Diät” is used to refer to a specific eating plan or regimen that is followed for health or weight loss purposes. It can also refer to a specific restriction or limitation on certain types of food. “Diät” is commonly used in conversations about healthy eating, weight management, and lifestyle choices.




halten (halten, hält, hat gehalten), (to hold)

  • Bitte halte die Tür auf.
  • Er hält ein Buch in der Hand.
  • Wir haben den Zug gerade noch gehalten.
  • Kannst du das für einen Moment halten?
  • Sie hat die Blume fest gehalten.(Please hold the door open.)
    (He is holding a book in his hand.)
    (We barely caught the train.)
    (Can you hold this for a moment?)
    (She tightly held the flower.)

Similar Words: festhalten (to hold on tight), aufhalten (to stop, to hold up)

Usage Tips: “halten” is a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts to refer to the action of holding or keeping something in place. It can be used for physical objects, actions, or situations. Additionally, “halten” can also be used metaphorically to express the idea of keeping or maintaining something, for example, “eine Beziehung aufrecht halten” (to maintain a relationship).




Nahrungsmittel (das Nahrungsmittel, die Nahrungsmittel, des Nahrungsmittels), (food)

  • Obst und Gemüse sind gesunde Nahrungsmittel.
  • Die Supermärkte haben eine große Auswahl an Nahrungsmitteln.
  • Diese Nahrungsmittel enthalten viel Vitamin C.
  • Nahrungsmittel sollten immer richtig gelagert werden.
  • Eine ausgewogene Ernährung umfasst verschiedene Nahrungsmittel.(Fruits and vegetables are healthy foods.)
    (The supermarkets have a wide selection of food.)
    (These foods contain a lot of vitamin C.)
    (Food should always be stored properly.)
    (A balanced diet includes various foods.)

Similar Words: Lebensmittel (food), Essen (food)

Usage Tips: Nahrungsmittel is a general term for “food” in German. It encompasses all types of food and can refer to both solid and liquid consumables. It is often used in a more formal or technical context, such as in discussions about nutrition or food safety. Lebensmittel is a synonym for Nahrungsmittel and is more commonly used in everyday language. “Essen” is a more colloquial term for “food” and is often used in casual conversations or when referring to a meal.




Speise (die Speise, die Speisen, der Speise), (dish/meal)

  • Das Restaurant bietet eine Vielzahl von köstlichen Speisen an.
  • Ich habe gestern Abend eine leckere Speise zubereitet.
  • Auf der Speisekarte stehen verschiedene vegetarische und vegane Speisen.
  • Kannst du mir ein einfaches und schnelles Rezept für eine Speise geben?
  • Die Speisen in diesem Restaurant sind immer frisch und von hoher Qualität.

(The restaurant offers a variety of delicious dishes.)
(I prepared a delicious meal last night.)
(The menu includes various vegetarian and vegan dishes.)
(Can you give me a simple and quick recipe for a dish?)
(The dishes in this restaurant are always fresh and of high quality.)

Similar Words: Gericht (dish), Mahlzeit (meal)

Usage Tips: “Speise” is a general term used to refer to a dish or a meal. It is commonly used in the context of food and dining, whether it’s homemade or in a restaurant. “Speise” can be used to describe individual dishes or meals as well as the overall concept of food. It is often encountered on menus and in recipe discussions. Other words that are commonly used interchangeably with “Speise” are “Gericht” and “Mahlzeit”.




Frucht (die Frucht, die Früchte, der Frucht), (fruit)

  • Ich esse gerne reife Früchte.
  • Die Frucht des Apfelbaums ist sehr saftig.
  • In diesem Smoothie sind verschiedene exotische Früchte enthalten.
  • Hast du eine Idee, welche Früchte wir für den Obstsalat verwenden sollten?
  • Die Früchte des Herbstes sind besonders lecker.(I enjoy eating ripe fruits.)
    (The fruit of the apple tree is very juicy.)
    (This smoothie contains various exotic fruits.)
    (Do you have any ideas on which fruits we should use for the fruit salad?)
    (The fruits of autumn are particularly delicious.)

Similar Words: Obst (fruit), Obstsorte (fruit variety)

Usage Tips: The word “Frucht” refers to the edible reproductive part of a plant, usually sweet and juicy. It can be used in a general sense to refer to any kind of fruit, or specifically to the fruit of a particular plant or tree. “Frucht” is often used in cooking or when discussing different types of fruits. It can also be used metaphorically to describe the result or outcome of something.




Karotte (die Karotte, die Karotten, der Karotte), (carrot)

  • Ich esse gerne rohe Karotten.
  • Die Suppe enthält viele geschnittene Karotten.
  • Hast du etwas, womit ich die Karotten schälen kann?
  • In diesem Gericht werden die Karotten gedünstet.
  • Der Bauer erntet die reifen Karotten.(I enjoy eating raw carrots.)
    (The soup contains a lot of sliced carrots.)
    (Do you have something I can use to peel the carrots?)
    (In this dish, the carrots are steamed.)
    (The farmer harvests the ripe carrots.)

Similar Words: Möhre (carrot), Gelbe Rübe (carrot)

Usage Tips: “Karotte” is the standard German word for carrot and is commonly used in both spoken and written German. It is a versatile vegetable that can be used in various cooking methods and recipes. “Möhre” and “Gelbe Rübe” are regional variations of the word “Karotte” and are used interchangeably in different parts of Germany.




Vitamin (das Vitamin, die Vitamine, des Vitamins)

  • Orangen enthalten viel Vitamin C.
  • Ich nehme täglich Vitaminpräparate ein.
  • Ein Mangel an Vitamin D kann zu Knochenproblemen führen.
  • Karotten sind reich an Vitamin A.
  • Obst und Gemüse sind wichtig für die Aufnahme von Vitaminen.

(Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C.)
(I take vitamin supplements daily.)
(A deficiency in vitamin D can lead to bone problems.)
(Carrots are rich in vitamin A.)
(Fruits and vegetables are important for the intake of vitamins.)

Similar Words: Nährstoff (nutrient), Mineralstoff (mineral)

Usage Tips: “Vitamin” is a noun used to describe essential organic compounds necessary for the proper functioning of the body. It is used in scientific and everyday contexts when discussing nutrition, health, and supplements. Vitamins are often categorized by letters (such as vitamin A, B, C, etc.) and play a crucial role in maintaining overall well-being.




Nachtisch (der Nachtisch, die Nachtische, des Nachtisches), (dessert)

  • Zum Nachtisch gibt es eine leckere Torte.
  • Magst du lieber Obst oder Schokolade als Nachtisch?
  • Er kann nie Nein zu einem köstlichen Nachtisch sagen.
  • Sie hat ein Rezept für einen leichten und erfrischenden Nachtisch.
  • Wir haben uns einen besonders aufwendigen Nachtisch für den besonderen Anlass gemacht.(There is a delicious cake for dessert.)
    (Do you prefer fruit or chocolate as dessert?)
    (He can never say no to a delicious dessert.)
    (She has a recipe for a light and refreshing dessert.)
    (We made a particularly elaborate dessert for the special occasion.)

Similar Words: Süßspeise (dessert), Dessert (dessert)

Usage Tips: “Nachtisch” is a common word used to refer to dessert after a meal. It can refer to a variety of sweet treats, including cakes, pies, fruits, and more. It is used in both formal and informal contexts, and is a standard part of a meal in Germany.




biologisch (organic)

  • Ich bevorzuge biologische Lebensmittel.
  • Diese Tomaten sind biologisch angebaut worden.
  • In unserem Garten verwenden wir nur biologische Düngemittel.
  • Der Supermarkt hat eine große Auswahl an biologischen Produkten.
  • Biologisch angebaute Lebensmittel sind gut für die Umwelt.(I prefer organic food.)
    (These tomatoes have been grown organically.)
    (In our garden, we only use organic fertilizers.)
    (The supermarket has a wide selection of organic products.)
    (Organically grown food is good for the environment.)

Similar Words: ökologisch (ecological), naturbelassen (natural)

Usage Tips: The term “biologisch” is commonly used to describe products that are produced without the use of synthetic chemicals or pesticides. It is often associated with food and agriculture, but can also be used to describe other products that meet certain organic standards.




frisch (frisch), (fresh)

  • Ich kaufe immer frische Lebensmittel im Supermarkt.
  • Das Brot ist heute Morgen gebacken und noch ganz frisch.
  • Der Duft von frischem Kaffee liegt in der Luft.
  • Er hat eine frische Brise am Meer genossen.
  • Sie trägt ein frisches Sommerkleid.(I always buy fresh groceries at the supermarket.)
    (The bread was baked this morning and is still fresh.)
    (The smell of fresh coffee is in the air.)
    (He enjoyed a fresh breeze by the sea.)
    (She is wearing a fresh summer dress.)

Similar Words: neu (new), unbenutzt (unused)

Usage Tips: “frisch” describes something that is recently made, produced, or obtained, and thus has qualities of being new, in good condition, or just harvested. It can be used to describe a variety of things such as food, air, clothes, and experiences. Keep in mind that “frisch” is used in a broader sense and is not limited to just food or physical objects.




vegetarisch, (vegetarian)

  • Meine Schwester isst seit einem Jahr vegetarisch.
  • Er ernährt sich vegetarisch und verzichtet komplett auf Fleisch.
  • Das Restaurant bietet sowohl vegetarische als auch vegane Optionen an.
  • Sie kocht gerne vegetarische Gerichte.
  • Ich probiere gerne neue vegetarische Rezepte aus.

(My sister has been eating vegetarian for a year.)
(He eats vegetarian and completely avoids meat.)
(The restaurant offers both vegetarian and vegan options.)
(She enjoys cooking vegetarian dishes.)
(I like to try out new vegetarian recipes.)

Similar Words: fleischlos (meatless), pflanzlich (plant-based)

Usage Tips: “vegetarisch” is used to describe a diet or lifestyle that excludes meat and fish. It is commonly used to refer to food that does not contain any animal flesh. Vegetarian options are readily available in many restaurants and grocery stores in contemporary society. “vegetarisch” can also be used as an adjective to describe dishes, recipes, or ingredients that are suitable for vegetarians.




Reisepass (der Reisepass, die Reisepässe, des Reisepasses), (passport)

  • Ich muss meinen Reisepass für die Reise verlängern lassen.
  • Du benötigst einen gültigen Reisepass, um ins Ausland zu reisen.
  • Der Zollbeamte kontrollierte meine Identität anhand meines Reisepasses.
  • Sie hat ihren Reisepass immer bei sich, falls sie reisen möchte.
  • Mein Reisepass läuft im nächsten Jahr ab und muss erneuert werden.(I need to renew my passport for the trip.)
    (You need a valid passport to travel abroad.)
    (The customs officer checked my identity using my passport.)
    (She always carries her passport with her in case she wants to travel.)
    (My passport expires next year and needs to be renewed.)

Similar Words: Ausweis (ID), Identitätskarte (ID card)

Usage Tips: “Reisepass” is a noun that specifically refers to a travel document or passport. It is used when talking about travel, identification, or crossing borders. It is important to have a valid “Reisepass” when traveling internationally. In German, “Reisepass” is a compound word formed by combining “Reise” (travel) and “Pass” (pass).




Visum (das Visum, die Visa, des Visums), (visa)

  • Ich muss ein Visum beantragen, um in dieses Land einzureisen.
  • Kannst du mir helfen, das Visum für meine Geschäftsreise zu beantragen?
  • Das Visum ermöglicht es mir, für drei Monate im Ausland zu bleiben.
  • Er hat sein Visum rechtzeitig vor seiner Reise erhalten.
  • Ich muss mein Visum verlängern, da es bald abläuft.(I have to apply for a visa to enter this country.)
    (Can you help me apply for the visa for my business trip?)
    (The visa allows me to stay abroad for three months.)
    (He received his visa on time before his trip.)
    (I need to extend my visa as it will expire soon.)

Similar Words: Aufenthaltserlaubnis (residence permit), Reisepass (passport)

Usage Tips: “Visum” refers to an official document or endorsement issued by a country’s immigration authorities that allows a foreigner to enter, stay, or work in that country for a specific period of time. It is an essential requirement for international travel and often comes with various conditions and restrictions. It is important to check the specific visa requirements and regulations of the country you plan to visit or reside in. Make sure to submit the visa application well in advance to allow for processing time.




Visa (das Visa, die Visa, des Visas), (visa)

  • Ich brauche ein Visa, um nach Australien zu reisen.
  • Er beantragt ein Arbeits Visa für Großbritannien.
  • Sie haben ein Schengen Visa, das für alle europäischen Länder gilt.
  • Mein Visa läuft nächsten Monat ab. Ich muss es verlängern lassen.
  • Haben Sie Ihr Visa beantragt? Es dauert einige Wochen, bis es genehmigt wird.(I need a visa to travel to Australia.)
    (He is applying for a work visa for the UK.)
    (They have a Schengen visa, which is valid for all European countries.)
    (My visa will expire next month. I need to get it extended.)
    (Have you applied for your visa? It takes a few weeks to get approved.)

Similar Words: Aufenthaltstitel (residence permit), Pass (passport)

Usage Tips: “Visa” is a loanword in German and refers to an official endorsement or permit that allows an individual to enter, leave, or stay in a country for a specific purpose and period of time. It is commonly used when talking about travel, immigration, or international work. Other similar words include “Aufenthaltstitel” (residence permit) and “Pass” (passport).




überqueren (überquere, überquert, hat überquert), (to cross)

  • Ich muss die Straße überqueren, um zur Bushaltestelle zu gelangen.
  • Sie überqueren den Fluss auf einer Hängebrücke.
  • Er hat gestern die Grenze überquert.
  • Die Fußgänger überqueren den Zebrastreifen.
  • Wir haben den Ozean überquert und sind in ein neues Land gereist.(I have to cross the street to get to the bus stop.)
    (They cross the river on a suspension bridge.)
    (He crossed the border yesterday.)
    (The pedestrians are crossing the pedestrian crossing.)
    (We crossed the ocean and traveled to a new country.)

Similar Words: durchqueren (to traverse), passieren (to pass by)

Usage Tips: “überqueren” is used specifically to describe the act of crossing something, such as a street, a river, or a border. It implies physically moving from one side to the other. It is commonly used in the context of transportation, travel, and navigation.




Botschaft (die Botschaft, die Botschaften, der Botschaft), (embassy/message)

  • Die deutsche Botschaft liegt in der Hauptstadt.
  • Er hat eine wichtige Botschaft für dich.
  • Sie arbeitet bei der US-amerikanischen Botschaft.
  • Sie haben ihre Botschaft erfolgreich übermittelt.
  • Die diplomatische Botschaft wurde gut empfangen.(The German embassy is located in the capital.)
    (He has an important message for you.)
    (She works at the US embassy.)
    (They successfully delivered their message.)
    (The diplomatic message was well received.)

Similar Words: Nachricht (message), Mitteilung (message)

Usage Tips: The word “Botschaft” can have two meanings depending on the context. It can refer to an embassy, which is a diplomatic mission representing a foreign country in another country. It can also refer to a message or communication, conveying information or news between individuals or groups. It is important to understand the context in which the word is used to determine its meaning.




Konsulat (das Konsulat, die Konsulate, des Konsulats), (consulate)




Zoll (der Zoll, die Zölle, des Zolls), (customs)

  • Die Waren werden am Zoll kontrolliert.
  • Ich musste am Flughafen durch den Zoll gehen.
  • Die Firma musste hohe Zölle zahlen.
  • Der Zoll hat den Schmuggel entdeckt.
  • Es gibt bestimmte Dinge, die man nicht über den Zoll bringen darf.(The goods are inspected at customs.)
    (I had to go through customs at the airport.)
    (The company had to pay high customs duties.)
    (Customs discovered the smuggling.)
    (There are certain things that you are not allowed to bring through customs.)

Similar Words: Zollamt (customs office), Zollgebühr (customs fee)

Usage Tips: “Zoll” refers to customs in the sense of border control and the associated regulations and procedures. It is commonly used when talking about the inspection and clearance of goods, as well as the payment of customs duties or fees. In everyday language, “Zoll” can also refer to the physical location or office where customs procedures are carried out.




Beziehung (die Beziehung, die Beziehungen, der Beziehung), (relationship)

  • Sie haben eine gute Beziehung zueinander.
  • Meine Eltern sind seit 20 Jahren in einer Beziehung.
  • Er ist gerade aus einer langen Beziehung herausgekommen.
  • Die Beziehung zwischen den beiden Ländern ist kompliziert.
  • Wir arbeiten an unserer Beziehung, um sie zu verbessern.(They have a good relationship with each other.)
    (My parents have been in a relationship for 20 years.)
    (He just got out of a long-term relationship.)
    (The relationship between the two countries is complicated.)
    (We are working on our relationship to improve it.)

Similar Words: Partnerschaft (partnership), Verbindung (connection)

Usage Tips: “Beziehung” refers to the connection or bond between people, whether it is romantic, familial, or professional. It can also refer to the relationship between things or concepts. “Beziehung” is a versatile word that is commonly used in various contexts, such as personal relationships, business relationships, and international relations.




Verhältnis (das Verhältnis, die Verhältnisse, des Verhältnisses), (relationship, proportion)

  • Sie haben ein sehr gutes Verhältnis zueinander.
  • Das Verhältnis von Preis zu Leistung ist hier sehr gut.
  • In diesem Unternehmen gibt es ein Hierarchie-Verhältnis.
  • Das Verhältnis zwischen den beiden Ländern ist angespannt.
  • Die Studie untersucht das Verhältnis von Arbeit und Freizeit.(They have a very good relationship with each other.)
    (The price-to-performance ratio is very good here.)
    (There is a hierarchy relationship in this company.)
    (The relationship between the two countries is tense.)
    (The study examines the relationship between work and leisure.)

Similar Words: Beziehung (relationship), Verbindung (connection)

Usage Tips: “Verhältnis” is a versatile word that can refer to both personal relationships between individuals and proportions or ratios in a quantitative sense. It is commonly used to describe the quality or nature of a relationship, such as a parent-child relationship or a professional relationship. Additionally, “Verhältnis” can describe the relationship between different quantities or values, such as the ratio of price to performance or the balance between work and leisure. It is important to consider the context in which “Verhältnis” is used to determine its specific meaning.


sich verlieben


sich verlieben, verliebte sich, hat sich verliebt, (to fall in love)

  • Ich habe mich in ihn verliebt.
  • Sie verliebte sich auf den ersten Blick.
  • Er hat sich vor kurzem in eine andere verliebt.
  • Wir haben uns im Sommerurlaub verliebt.
  • Sie verlieben sich oft in die falschen Personen.(I fell in love with him.)
    (She fell in love at first sight.)
    (He recently fell in love with someone else.)
    (We fell in love during the summer vacation.)
    (They often fall in love with the wrong people.)

Similar Words: sich verknallen (to have a crush), sich in jemanden vergucken (to have a crush on someone)

Usage Tips: “sich verlieben” is a reflexive verb used to express the act of falling in love with someone. It is commonly used in romantic contexts to describe the emotional attachment and attraction towards another person. “sich verknallen” and “sich in jemanden vergucken” are similar expressions that can be used to describe having a crush on someone, but they convey a slightly less intense feeling than “sich verlieben”.




Schwiegereltern (die Schwiegereltern, plural), (parents-in-law)

  • Meine Schwiegereltern kommen dieses Wochenende zu Besuch.
  • Mein Mann hat ein gutes Verhältnis zu seinen Schwiegereltern.
  • Wir feiern Weihnachten abwechselnd bei meinen Eltern und bei meinen Schwiegereltern.
  • Die Beziehung zu den Schwiegereltern kann manchmal kompliziert sein.
  • Meine Schwiegereltern haben mich von Anfang an akzeptiert und unterstützt.(My parents-in-law are coming to visit this weekend.)
    (My husband has a good relationship with his parents-in-law.)
    (We alternate celebrating Christmas with my parents and with my in-laws.)
    (The relationship with the parents-in-law can be complicated sometimes.)
    (My in-laws accepted and supported me from the beginning.)

Similar Words: Eltern (parents), Schwiegermutter (mother-in-law), Schwiegervater (father-in-law)

Usage Tips: “Schwiegereltern” refers to the parents of one’s spouse. It is used when talking about the relationship and interactions with one’s parents-in-law. It is important to note that “Schwiegereltern” is always used in the plural form, even when referring to just one parent-in-law. When speaking about the mother-in-law or father-in-law specifically, “Schwiegermutter” and “Schwiegervater” are used.




Benehmen (das Benehmen, -), (behavior)

  • Sein Benehmen war sehr unhöflich.
  • Ich finde, sein Benehmen ist vorbildlich.
  • Gutes Benehmen ist wichtig in der Gesellschaft.
  • Sie hat sich heute wieder einmal schlecht benehmen.
  • Das Benehmen der Schüler im Unterricht war vorbildlich.

(His behavior was very rude.)
(I think his behavior is exemplary.)
(Good behavior is important in society.)
(She misbehaved again today.)
(The behavior of the students in class was exemplary.)

Similar Words: Verhalten (behavior), Umgangsformen (manners)

Usage Tips: “Benehmen” refers to a person’s conduct or behavior, specifically in terms of how they act and interact with others. It is a noun that is used to discuss manners, etiquette, and social behavior. It can be used to describe both positive and negative behavior.


sich verhalten


sich verhalten (to behave)

  • Wie soll ich mich in dieser Situation verhalten?
  • Er verhält sich immer sehr höflich.
  • Sie hat sich völlig anders verhalten, als ich erwartet hatte.
  • Wir können nicht kontrollieren, wie andere sich verhalten.
  • Du solltest dich respektvoll verhalten.(How should I behave in this situation?)
    (He always behaves very politely.)
    (She behaved completely differently than I expected.)
    (We can’t control how others behave.)
    (You should behave respectfully.)

Similar Words: benehmen (to behave), sich aufführen (to behave oneself)

Usage Tips: “sich verhalten” is a reflexive verb used to describe the way someone behaves or conducts themselves in a particular situation. It is commonly used to talk about social behavior, etiquette, and manners.


sich begrüßen


sich begrüßen (reflexive verb, to greet each other)

  • Wir begrüßen uns immer mit einem herzlichen Händedruck.
  • Sie begrüßen sich höflich, wenn sie sich begegnen.
  • Er und sein Bruder begrüßen sich mit einer Umarmung.
  • Die Freunde haben sich freudig begrüßt nach langer Zeit.
  • Ich habe mich heute Morgen nicht richtig begrüßt gefühlt.(We always greet each other with a warm handshake.)
    (They greet each other politely when they meet.)
    (He and his brother greet each other with a hug.)
    (The friends greeted each other joyfully after a long time.)
    (I didn’t feel properly greeted this morning.)

Similar Words: grüßen (to greet), willkommen heißen (to welcome)

Usage Tips: “sich begrüßen” is a reflexive verb used when two or more people greet each other. It is a common social interaction and can involve various forms of greeting such as handshakes, hugs, or verbal greetings. The reflexive pronoun “sich” indicates that the action is reciprocal, with both parties participating in the greeting. The verb can be conjugated based on the subject of the sentence.


such umarmen


umarmen (umarmen, hat umarmt), (to hug)

  • Sie möchte mich umarmen, wenn sie mich wiedersieht.
  • Nach langer Zeit konnte er endlich seinen besten Freund wieder umarmen.
  • Trotz der Entfernung fühlen sich die beiden durch die virtuelle Umarmung nahe.
  • Die Mutter umarmte ihr Kind und drückte es fest an sich.
  • Er hat gestern seine Großeltern zum Abschied umarmt.(She wants to hug me when she sees me again.)
    (After a long time, he could finally hug his best friend again.)
    (Despite the distance, the two feel close through the virtual hug.)
    (The mother hugged her child and held it tight.)
    (Yesterday he hugged his grandparents goodbye.)

Similar Words: umschlingen (to embrace), drücken (to squeeze, to embrace)

Usage Tips: “umarmen” is used to describe the action of embracing someone with one’s arms, usually in a warm and affectionate manner. It is a common word used in various contexts to express feelings of love, comfort, or support. In German culture, hugs are often seen as a gesture of affection among friends, family members, or loved ones.




Siezen (siezen, siezte, hat gesiezt), (to address formally)

  • In der Geschäftswelt ist es üblich, Kunden und Kollegen zu siezen.
  • Als Respektspersonen sollten Lehrer ihre Schüler siezen.
  • In unseren Familien treffen wir uns oft und duzen uns, aber in der Öffentlichkeit siezen wir uns.
  • Er ist ein älterer Herr, deshalb sollte man ihn immer siezen.
  • Nachdem Sie sich vorgestellt haben, können Sie die Mitarbeiter siezen.

(In the business world, it is customary to address customers and colleagues formally.)
(As authority figures, teachers should address their students formally.)
(In our families, we often meet and address each other informally, but in public, we address each other formally.)
(He is an older gentleman, so it is appropriate to always address him formally.)
(After you introduce yourself, you can address the employees formally.)

Similar Words: duzen (to address informally), ansprechen (to address)

Usage Tips: “Siezen” is used to denote the formal way of addressing someone in German. It is used when showing respect or professionalism towards someone. “Siezen” is the opposite of “duzen”, which is the informal way of addressing someone. It is important to pay attention to social cues and context when deciding whether to use “siezen” or “duzen”.




duzen (to address informally)

  • Kann ich dich duzen?
  • Wir duzen uns schon seit Jahren.
  • Er hat mich geduzt, obwohl wir uns gerade erst getroffen haben.
  • In meiner Familie duzen wir uns alle.
  • Bei uns im Büro wird jeder geduzt.(Can I address you informally?)
    (We have been addressing each other informally for years.)
    (He addressed me informally even though we just met.)
    (In my family, we all address each other informally.)
    (In our office, everyone is addressed informally.)

Similar Words: siezen (to address formally), ansprechen (to address)

Usage Tips: “duzen” is a verb used to express the act of addressing someone informally in German. It is the opposite of “siezen”, which means to address formally. “Duzen” is commonly used in casual and familiar settings, such as among friends, family members, or colleagues who have a close relationship. It is important to consider the context and relationship with the person before deciding whether to “duzen” or “siezen” them.




unter, (under)

  • Das Buch liegt unter dem Tisch.
  • Die Katze versteckt sich unter dem Bett.
  • Er versteckt seine Schlüssel immer unter der Fußmatte.
  • Das Restaurant befindet sich unter dem Supermarkt.
  • Ich trage eine Jacke unter meinem Mantel.(The book is under the table.)
    (The cat hides under the bed.)
    (He always hides his keys under the doormat.)
    (The restaurant is located under the supermarket.)
    (I am wearing a jacket under my coat.)

Similar Words: unten (below), hinten (behind), darunter (below it)

Usage Tips: “unter” is a versatile preposition that is commonly used to indicate a position or location that is beneath or below something else. It can be used in various contexts to describe physical placement, concealment, or hierarchy. It is often used with verbs such as “liegen” (to lie), “verstecken” (to hide), “befinden” (to be located), and “tragen” (to wear).




Kuss (der Kuss, die Küsse, des Kusses), (kiss)

  • Sie gab ihm einen sanften Kuss auf die Wange.
  • Zum Abschied gab er ihr einen liebevollen Kuss.
  • Er stahl ihr einen leidenschaftlichen Kuss.
  • Nachdem sie sich lange nicht gesehen hatten, begrüßten sie sich mit einem herzlichen Kuss.
  • Als Zeichen der Zuneigung pflanzen sie einander sinnliche Küsse auf die Lippen.(She gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.)
    (As a goodbye, he gave her an affectionate kiss.)
    (He stole a passionate kiss from her.)
    (After not seeing each other for a long time, they greeted each other with a heartfelt kiss.)
    (As a sign of affection, they planted sensual kisses on each other’s lips.)

Similar Words: Zärtlicher Kuss (tender kiss), inniger Kuss (intimate kiss)

Usage Tips: “Kuss” is a common noun used to refer to a physical gesture of affection or love by pressing one’s lips against someone or something. It can be used in various contexts, such as greetings, farewells, romantic exchanges, or expressions of love. The plural form of “Kuss” is “Küsse”. Other related words include “Zärtlicher Kuss” (tender kiss) and “Inniger Kuss” (intimate kiss).




umgekehrt, (reversed, opposite, inverted)

  • Er hat das Puzzle umgekehrt zusammengesetzt.
  • Die Rollen waren diesmal umgekehrt verteilt.
  • Normalerweise öffnet man die Flasche im Uhrzeigersinn, aber hier ist es umgekehrt.
  • Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels können umgekehrt werden, wenn wir handeln.
  • Sie trug ihr T-Shirt umgekehrt, ohne es zu bemerken.(He put the puzzle together in reverse.)
    (The roles were reversed this time.)
    (Normally you open the bottle clockwise, but here it’s the opposite.)
    (The effects of climate change can be reversed if we take action.)
    (She was wearing her T-shirt inside out without realizing it.)

Similar Words: andersherum (the other way around), verkehrt (inverted, wrong)

Usage Tips: “umgekehrt” is used to describe something that is reversed or inverted in relation to its usual order or position. It can refer to physical objects or concepts, and it is often used to express a change or a shift in a situation or perspective.




ausschließlich (exclusive, solely, exclusively)

  • Ich trinke ausschließlich Wasser.
  • Dieser Raum ist ausschließlich für Mitarbeiter zugänglich.
  • Er verwendet ausschließlich Bio-Produkte in seiner Küche.
  • Die Software wurde ausschließlich für Mac-Computer entwickelt.
  • Ich bin ausschließlich an dieser Position interessiert.(I exclusively drink water.)
    (This room is exclusively accessible to employees.)
    (He exclusively uses organic products in his kitchen.)
    (The software was exclusively developed for Mac computers.)
    (I am exclusively interested in this position.)

Similar Words: nur (only), lediglich (just)

Usage Tips: “ausschließlich” is used to emphasize that something is exclusive or limited to a certain group or category. It indicates that there are no other options or alternatives. It is commonly used to express preferences, restrictions, or specifications in various contexts such as food, access, choices, or preferences. “ausschließlich” can be used both in formal and informal situations.




wesentlich (essential, crucial, significant)

  • Dieser Faktor ist wesentlich für den Erfolg des Projekts.
  • Die Einhaltung der Fristen ist wesentlich.
  • Eine gute Kommunikation ist wesentlich für eine gesunde Beziehung.
  • Die Teilnahme an der Schulung ist wesentlich.
  • Die Verbesserung der Arbeitsprozesse ist wesentlich für die Effizienz des Unternehmens.(This factor is essential for the success of the project.)
    (Adhering to deadlines is crucial.)
    (Good communication is significant for a healthy relationship.)
    (Attendance at the training is essential.)
    (Improving work processes is essential for the efficiency of the company.)

Similar Words: wichtig (important), entscheidend (decisive)

Usage Tips: “wesentlich” is used to emphasize the importance or significance of something. It is often used in formal or professional contexts to describe essential factors, qualities, or actions that are crucial for a particular outcome or result. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as business, relationships, or personal development.




anwesend (present, attending)

  • Die Studierenden sind alle anwesend in der Vorlesung.
  • Ist der Chef heute anwesend?
  • Sie war nicht anwesend bei der Besprechung.
  • Bitte melden Sie sich, wenn Sie nicht anwesend sein können.
  • Wir müssen die anwesenden Teilnehmer zählen.(The students are all present in the lecture.)
    (Is the boss present today?)
    (She was not present at the meeting.)
    (Please inform us if you can’t be present.)
    (We need to count the present participants.)

Similar Words: da sein (to be there), zugegen sein (to be present)

Usage Tips: “anwesend” is used to describe someone or something that is physically present or attending an event, meeting, or class. It is commonly used in formal and informal settings to indicate presence. This word can also be used as an adjective to describe present participants or attendees.




nachher (later, afterwards)

  • Ich komme nachher zu dir.
  • Kann ich dich nachher anrufen?
  • Lass uns nachher ins Kino gehen.
  • Ich mache das nachher.
  • Nachher gehe ich noch einkaufen.(I’ll come to you later.)
    (Can I call you later?)
    (Let’s go to the cinema later.)
    (I’ll do it later.)
    (I’ll go shopping later.)

Similar Words: später (later), danach (afterwards)

Usage Tips: The word “nachher” is used to refer to a time that comes after the current moment or event. It is often used to indicate a future action or event that will happen at a later time. “Nachher” can be used in both formal and informal situations, and is commonly used in everyday conversations. It is similar in meaning to the words “später” and “danach”, but may have slightly different nuances depending on the context.




Fach (das Fach, die Fächer, des Fachs), (subject/compartment)

  • Mein Lieblingsfach in der Schule ist Mathe.
  • In welchen Fächern hast du gute Noten?
  • Kannst du mir bitte das Buch aus dem obersten Fach im Schrank geben?
  • In meinem Rucksack habe ich spezielle Fächer für Stifte und Bücher.
  • Sie hat ein Fach für Schmuck in ihrem Schrank.(My favorite subject in school is math.)
    (In which subjects do you have good grades?)
    (Can you please give me the book from the top compartment in the cupboard?)
    (In my backpack, I have special compartments for pens and books.)
    (She has a compartment for jewelry in her cupboard.)

Similar Words: das Schulfach (school subject), die Abteilung (department)

Usage Tips: “Fach” is a versatile word that can refer to both academic subjects and physical compartments or compartments. In the context of school, “Fach” is used to refer to subjects such as mathematics, science, history, etc. In a physical context, “Fach” can refer to compartments in furniture, bags, or containers. It is important to pay attention to the context in which “Fach” is used to determine its meaning.




Camping (das Camping), (camping)

  • Im Sommer gehen wir oft campen und schlafen im Zelt.
  • Wir haben einen schönen Platz zum Camping am See gefunden.
  • Das Camping-Abenteuer hat uns viel Spaß gemacht.
  • Beim Campen genießt man die Natur und die Freiheit.
  • Unser Camping-Urlaub war sehr erholsam.(In summer, we often go camping and sleep in a tent.)
    (We found a nice spot for camping by the lake.)
    (The camping adventure was a lot of fun for us.)
    (While camping, you can enjoy nature and freedom.)
    (Our camping vacation was very relaxing.)

Similar Words: Zelten (to camp), Lagerplatz (campsite)

Usage Tips: “Camping” is a popular outdoor activity in which people set up temporary shelters, such as tents or RVs, and stay overnight in nature. It is commonly enjoyed during vacations or as a way to connect with nature. The verb “zelten” is often used to refer to the act of camping, and “Lagerplatz” is another word used for a campsite or campground.




Reihe (die Reihe, die Reihen, der Reihe), (row)

  • Die Bäume stehen in einer Reihe.
  • Die Schüler sitzen in einer langen Reihe.
  • Ich stehe in der Reihe und warte auf meine Bestellung.
  • Die Zahlen sind in aufsteigender Reihenfolge geordnet.
  • Wir müssen uns in Reihen aufstellen.(The trees are lined up in a row.)
    (The students are sitting in a long row.)
    (I’m standing in line, waiting for my order.)
    (The numbers are ordered in ascending order.)
    (We have to line up in rows.)

Similar Words: Linie (line), Spalte (column)

Usage Tips: “Reihe” is used to describe a series or sequence of objects or people that are arranged in a straight line. It can refer to objects in physical space, such as trees or chairs, as well as the order of things, such as numbers or tasks. It is a versatile noun that can be used in various contexts to describe linear arrangements or sequences.




der Aufzug (der Aufzug, die Aufzüge, des Aufzugs), (elevator/lift)

  • Du musst den Aufzug nehmen, um in den oberen Stock zu gelangen.
  • Der Aufzug ist leider außer Betrieb.
  • Wir warten schon eine Weile auf den Aufzug.
  • Die Türen des Aufzugs öffneten sich.
  • Der Aufzug fährt sehr langsam.

(You have to take the elevator to get to the upper floor.)
(The elevator is out of order, unfortunately.)
(We have been waiting for the elevator for a while.)
(The doors of the elevator opened.)
(The elevator is moving very slowly.)

Similar Words: der Aufzug can also be referred to as der Fahrstuhl, das Lift or die Aufzuganlage.

Usage Tips: The word “Aufzug” is the most common term for elevator or lift in German. It is used in both formal and informal contexts. However, in certain regions or contexts, other terms are used interchangeably, such as “Fahrstuhl,” “Lift,” or “Aufzuganlage.” It’s always good to be familiar with the different terms used for an elevator in different areas of the German-speaking world.




Struktur (die Struktur, die Strukturen, der Struktur), (structure)

  • Die Struktur des Gebäudes ist sehr stabil.
  • Wir müssen die organisatorische Struktur unserer Firma überdenken.
  • Der Roman hat eine komplexe Struktur mit vielen Handlungssträngen.
  • Die Gesellschaft hat eine hierarchische Struktur.
  • Die chemische Struktur des Moleküls wurde analysiert.(The structure of the building is very stable.)
    (We need to reconsider the organizational structure of our company.)
    (The novel has a complex structure with many plotlines.)
    (The society has a hierarchical structure.)
    (The chemical structure of the molecule was analyzed.)

Similar Words: Bau (construction), Aufbau (build-up), Anordnung (arrangement)

Usage Tips: “Struktur” refers to the arrangement or organization of parts within a whole. It is a versatile word used in various contexts such as architecture, organizations, literature, and chemistry. It can describe the physical or conceptual framework of something. Keep in mind that “Struktur” is used more broadly than the English word “structure” and can refer to both tangible and intangible aspects.




zufällig, (randomly, by chance)

  • Wir haben uns zufällig im Supermarkt getroffen.
  • Er hat zufällig das gleiche Buch gelesen wie ich.
  • Das ist ein zufälliges Ergebnis, das nichts mit unserer Arbeit zu tun hat.
  • Ich habe zufällig bemerkt, dass du Geburtstag hast.
  • Zufälligerweise habe ich genau das gefunden, wonach ich gesucht habe.(We met each other randomly at the supermarket.)
    (He happened to have read the same book as me.)
    (That’s a random result that has nothing to do with our work.)
    (I happened to notice that it’s your birthday.)
    (By chance, I found exactly what I was looking for.)

Similar Words: per Zufall (by chance), willkürlich (arbitrary)

Usage Tips: “zufällig” is used to describe something that occurs by chance or without deliberate intention. It can be used in various contexts to express situations, events, or outcomes that are not planned or expected. “zufällig” can also be used as an adverb to describe actions or occurrences that happen by chance.

Note: “zufällig” can also mean “random” in the sense of lacking a pattern or order, especially in statistics or computer science.




Sonnabend (der Sonnabend, die Sonnabende, des Sonnabends), (Saturday)

  • Am Sonnabend gehe ich zum Arzt.
  • Wir treffen uns am nächsten Sonnabend.
  • Kannst du am Sonnabend arbeiten?
  • Jeden Sonnabend gehe ich zum Fußballtraining.
  • Am nächsten Sonnabend haben wir einen Familienausflug geplant.(I’m going to the doctor on Saturday.)
    (We’re meeting next Saturday.)
    (Can you work on Saturday?)
    (I go to soccer training every Saturday.)
    (We have a family outing planned for next Saturday.)

Similar Words: Samstag (Saturday)

Usage Tips: “Sonnabend” is another word for “Samstag” and is mainly used in Northern Germany. It is commonly used in everyday conversation, but “Samstag” is more widely understood and used throughout Germany. If you are in the northern region of Germany, it is more common to hear and use “Sonnabend”.




gucken, guckte, hat geguckt, (to look/watch)

  • Ich liebe es, Filme zu gucken.
  • Warum guckst du mich so komisch an?
  • Gestern Abend haben wir gemeinsam eine Serie geguckt.
  • Guck doch mal aus dem Fenster, es schneit!
  • Er hat gerade einen spannenden Film geguckt.(I love watching movies.)
    (Why are you looking at me so strangely?)
    (Last night, we watched a series together.)
    (Take a look out the window, it’s snowing!)
    (He just watched an exciting movie.)

Similar Words: schauen (to look/watch), sehen (to see)

Usage Tips: The verb “gucken” is a colloquial term used in everyday German to mean “to look” or “to watch”. It is commonly used in informal conversations and is interchangeable with “schauen” and “sehen”. However, “gucken” is more commonly used in spoken language, while “schauen” is used in both spoken and written language.




aufwachen, wachte auf, ist aufgewacht, (to wake up)

  • Jeden Morgen wache ich um 7 Uhr auf.
  • Gestern wachte er viel zu spät auf.
  • Sie ist heute früh aufgewacht und konnte nicht wieder einschlafen.
  • Nach dem lauten Geräusch wachen die Kinder sofort auf.
  • Wenn die Sonne aufgeht, wacht die Natur auf.(Every morning, I wake up at 7 o’clock.)
    (Yesterday, he woke up too late.)
    (She woke up early this morning and couldn’t fall back asleep.)
    (The children wake up immediately after the loud noise.)
    (When the sun rises, nature awakens.)

Similar Words: erwachen (to wake up), aufstehen (to get up)

Usage Tips: “aufwachen” is used to describe the action of waking up from sleep. It is a common verb used in everyday language to talk about the moment when someone opens their eyes and becomes conscious after sleeping. It can be used in various contexts, such as daily routines, unexpected awakenings, or the awakening of nature.




erstellen (das Erstellen, die Erstellungen, des Erstellens), (to create)

  • Ich werde einen Plan erstellen, um das Projekt zu organisieren.
  • Sie haben eine spezielle Software verwendet, um das Diagramm zu erstellen.
  • Er möchte eine Website erstellen, um seine Produkte zu präsentieren.
  • Die Künstlerin hat ein Gemälde erstellt, das ich sehr schön finde.
  • Kannst du mir helfen, eine Präsentation zu erstellen?(I will create a plan to organize the project.)
    (They used special software to create the diagram.)
    (He wants to create a website to showcase his products.)
    (The artist created a painting that I find very beautiful.)
    (Can you help me create a presentation?)

Similar Words: machen (to make), entwickeln (to develop)

Usage Tips: “erstellen” is a versatile verb used in various contexts to indicate the act of creating or making something. It is commonly used when talking about creating plans, documents, software, websites, art, and more. It is an essential verb to know when talking about different types of creation or production processes.




veröffentlichen (to publish)

  • Der Schriftsteller hat gerade sein neues Buch veröffentlicht.
  • Die Zeitung veröffentlichte einen Artikel über das Ereignis.
  • Sie möchten gerne ihre Ergebnisse in einer Fachzeitschrift veröffentlichen.
  • Das Unternehmen veröffentlicht regelmäßig Pressemitteilungen.
  • Der Künstler wird nächste Woche sein neues Musikvideo veröffentlichen.(The writer just published his new book.)
    (The newspaper published an article about the event.)
    (They would like to publish their findings in a professional journal.)
    (The company regularly publishes press releases.)
    (The artist will release his new music video next week.)

Similar Words: publizieren (to publish), herausgeben (to release)

Usage Tips: “veröffentlichen” is used when referring to the act of making something public, typically in the context of publishing written works, articles, research, or media content. It is commonly used in the fields of literature, journalism, academia, and entertainment. This verb can be used both for physical publishing (such as books, newspapers, and magazines) and digital publishing (such as online articles and videos).




aussuchen, suchte aus, hat ausgesucht, (to choose)

  • Ich möchte mir ein neues Buch aussuchen.
  • Sie hat sich ein Geschenk ausgesucht.
  • Kannst du mir beim Kleid aussuchen helfen?
  • Er hat den besten Kandidaten für die Stelle ausgesucht.
  • Wir müssen eine Farbe für die Wände aussuchen.

(I want to choose a new book.)
(She has chosen a gift for herself.)
(Can you help me choose a dress?)
(He has chosen the best candidate for the position.)
(We need to choose a color for the walls.)

Similar Words: wählen (to select, choose), entscheiden (to decide)

Usage Tips: “aussuchen” is used when you actively look for and select something from among several options. It implies a deliberate choice based on personal preference. It is commonly used in contexts such as choosing presents, deciding on a menu item, or selecting items from a store.




aufhalten (aufhalten, hält auf, hat aufgehalten), (to hold up, to delay)

  • Der Verkehrsstau hat mich aufgehalten. (The traffic jam held me up.)
  • Die schlechte Wetterbedingungen haben den Flug aufgehalten. (The bad weather conditions delayed the flight.)
  • Kannst du bitte die Tür aufhalten? (Can you please hold the door open?)
  • Der Bauarbeiter wurde beim Einbruch aufgehalten. (The construction worker was stopped during the break-in.)
  • Der Film hat uns lange aufgehalten. (The movie held us up for a long time.)

Similar Words: verzögern (to delay), zurückhalten (to hold back)

Usage Tips: “aufhalten” is a verb used to indicate holding someone or something up, causing a delay or preventing progress. It can be used in various contexts, such as traffic, transportation, or everyday situations where a person or object is held back from moving or progressing forward.




operieren, operierte, hat operiert, (to operate)

  • Der Chirurg wird morgen den Patienten operieren.
  • Meine Schwester wurde vor zwei Wochen am Herzen operiert.
  • Das Krankenhaus hat eine spezialisierte Abteilung zum Operieren.
  • Der Arzt hat den Tumor erfolgreich operiert.
  • Die Katze musste am Bein operiert werden.(The surgeon will operate on the patient tomorrow.)
    (My sister had heart surgery two weeks ago.)
    (The hospital has a specialized department for surgery.)
    (The doctor successfully operated on the tumor.)
    (The cat had to undergo surgery on its leg.)

Similar Words: chirurgisch eingreifen (to surgically intervene), eine Operation durchführen (to perform an operation)

Usage Tips: “operieren” is used specifically to refer to the act of performing a surgical operation on someone or something. It is commonly used in medical contexts and discussions related to surgery.




klagen, klagte, hat geklagt, (to complain)

  • Sie klagt immer über das schlechte Wetter.
  • Er klagte über starke Kopfschmerzen.
  • Wir müssen aufhören zu klagen und anfangen zu handeln.
  • Die Kunden klagen über den schlechten Service.
  • Sie hat wegen des Diebstahls geklagt.(She always complains about the bad weather.)
    (He complained about severe headaches.)
    (We need to stop complaining and start taking action.)
    (The customers are complaining about the poor service.)
    (She filed a complaint about the theft.)

Similar Words: sich beklagen (to complain), bemängeln (to criticize)

Usage Tips: “klagen” is a verb used to express dissatisfaction or dissatisfaction with a situation or condition. It is commonly used in everyday language to complain about various things, such as the weather, physical ailments, services, or injustices.




relativ, (relative)

  • Ich bin relativ zufrieden mit meiner Note.
  • Das ist relativ einfach zu verstehen.
  • In relativer Nähe gibt es einen Supermarkt.
  • Die Situation kann als relativ stabil angesehen werden.
  • Es gibt relativ wenige Menschen, die diese Sprache sprechen.(I am relatively satisfied with my grade.)
    (That is relatively easy to understand.)
    (There is a supermarket in relative proximity.)
    (The situation can be considered relatively stable.)
    (There are relatively few people who speak this language.)

Similar Words: vergleichsweise (comparatively), eher (rather)

Usage Tips: The word “relativ” is used to describe something in relation to something else, indicating that it is dependent on a specific context or comparison. It is often used to express a degree of approximation, comparison, or qualification. “Relativ” is commonly used in everyday German to add nuance and provide a frame of reference to statements or descriptions.




beziehungsweise, (or rather, respectively)

  • Ich habe zwei Optionen, entweder gehe ich ins Kino oder beziehungsweise ich bleibe zu Hause.
  • Das Buch wurde von Anna beziehungsweise Peter geschrieben.
  • Die Farben des Regenbogens sind rot, orange, gelb, grün, blau und beziehungsweise lila.
  • Er hat einen Bruder beziehungsweise einen Halbbruder.
  • Die Party findet im Restaurant beziehungsweise im Garten statt.(I have two options, either I go to the cinema or rather I stay at home.)
    (The book was written by Anna or rather Peter.)
    (The colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and respectively purple.)
    (He has a brother or rather a half-brother.)
    (The party will take place in the restaurant or rather in the garden.)

Similar Words: bzw. (abbreviation for beziehungsweise), oder (or)

Usage Tips: “beziehungsweise” is used to introduce an alternative or to indicate that something is more precisely explained or described by another option or aspect. It is often used in formal and written contexts, but can also be used in spoken language. “bzw.” is the abbreviated form of “beziehungsweise” and is commonly used in written texts or lists to save space. Another word with a similar meaning is “oder” (or).




schwach (das Schwach, die Schwachen, des Schwachen), (weak)

  • Er ist physisch schwach und kann nicht viel Gewicht heben.
  • Ihre Stimme klang schwach und leise.
  • Die Leistung des Teams war schwach.
  • Sie fühlte sich nach der Krankheit noch schwach.
  • Sein Argument war schwach und nicht überzeugend.(He is physically weak and cannot lift much weight.)
    (Her voice sounded weak and quiet.)
    (The performance of the team was weak.)
    (She still felt weak after the illness.)
    (His argument was weak and not convincing.)

Similar Words: kraftlos (weak), unkräftig (weak), schwächlich (weakly)

Usage Tips: “schwach” is used to describe a lack of strength or power. It can refer to physical weakness, as well as weak performance, arguments, or emotions. This word is commonly used in various contexts, such as describing a person’s physical condition, the quality of someone’s work, or the performance of a team or organization.




theoretisch (theoretical)

  • In der theoretischen Physik werden abstrakte Konzepte untersucht.
  • Die Idee klingt gut, aber theoretisch ist es schwierig umsetzbar.
  • Er hat theoretisch das Wissen, aber ihm fehlt die praktische Erfahrung.
  • Theoretisch können wir die Aufgabe in einer Stunde erledigen, aber es hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab.
  • Das Buch behandelt hauptsächlich theoretische Aspekte der Mathematik.(In theoretical physics, abstract concepts are investigated.)
    (The idea sounds good, but theoretically it is difficult to implement.)
    (He theoretically has the knowledge, but he lacks practical experience.)
    (In theory, we can complete the task in an hour, but it depends on various factors.)
    (The book mainly covers theoretical aspects of mathematics.)

Similar Words: abstrakt (abstract), hypothetisch (hypothetical), spekulativ (speculative)

Usage Tips: “theoretisch” is used to describe something that is based on theory or abstract concepts, rather than practical experience or concrete evidence. It is often used to discuss possibilities, potential outcomes, or hypothetical scenarios. It can be used in various contexts, such as in science, philosophy, or everyday conversations.




innerhalb (preposition: within)

  • Das Paket wird innerhalb von drei Tagen geliefert.
  • Bitte erledigen Sie die Aufgabe innerhalb einer Stunde.
  • Wir haben innerhalb des Teams über das Projekt diskutiert.
  • Der Artikel muss innerhalb von 14 Tagen zurückgegeben werden.
  • Die Veranstaltung findet innerhalb der Stadtgrenzen statt.(The package will be delivered within three days.)
    (Please complete the task within one hour.)
    (We discussed the project within the team.)
    (The item must be returned within 14 days.)
    (The event takes place within the city limits.)

Similar Words: in, drinnen (inside, within)

Usage Tips: “innerhalb” is used to indicate a specific period of time or a specific area within which something happens or is located. It is commonly used when referring to deadlines, time frames, and physical boundaries.




außerhalb (preposition),

  • Sie wohnen außerhalb der Stadt.
  • Das Hotel liegt außerhalb des Zentrums.
  • Der Parkplatz befindet sich außerhalb des Geländes.
  • Er arbeitet außerhalb der regulären Arbeitszeiten.
  • Das Geschäft hat außerhalb der Feiertage geöffnet.(They live outside the city.)
    (The hotel is located outside the center.)
    (The parking lot is located outside the premises.)
    (He works outside of regular working hours.)
    (The store is open during holidays.)

Similar Words: außer, außerhalb von

Usage Tips: “außerhalb” is a preposition used to indicate something is located or happening outside of a certain area or time frame. It is often used to describe locations, distances, or working hours. Additionally, it can be used in combination with other prepositions, such as “außerhalb von” (outside of).




Weshalb, (why)

  • Weshalb hast du das gemacht?
  • Weshalb bist du so traurig?
  • Ich frage mich weshalb er nicht geantwortet hat.
  • Kannst du mir bitte erklären, weshalb das passiert ist?
  • Weshalb hast du mich angelogen?(Why did you do that?)
    (Why are you so sad?)
    (I wonder why he didn’t respond.)
    (Can you please explain to me why this happened?)
    (Why did you lie to me?)

Similar Words: warum (why), aus welchem Grund (for what reason)

Usage Tips: “Weshalb” is a slightly formal word used to ask for the reason or cause behind something. It is similar in meaning to “warum” but is less commonly used in everyday speech. “Weshalb” is often used in more serious or inquisitive contexts.




ausschlafen, schläft aus, hat ausgeschlafen, (to sleep in)

  • Ich möchte am Wochenende gerne ausschlafen.
  • Nach einer langen Woche bin ich total erschöpft und möchte nur ausschlafen.
  • Heute habe ich frei, deshalb kann ich endlich mal ausschlafen.
  • Gestern war ich auf einer Party und bin erst spät nach Hause gekommen, deshalb konnte ich heute ausschlafen.
  • Wenn ich die Möglichkeit habe, gehe ich gerne am Sonntagmorgen ausschlafen.(I would like to sleep in on the weekend.)
    (After a long week, I’m totally exhausted and just want to sleep in.)
    (I have the day off today, so I can finally sleep in.)
    (I was at a party yesterday and came home late, so I was able to sleep in today.)
    (If I have the opportunity, I like to sleep in on Sunday mornings.)

Similar Words: schlafen (to sleep), ausruhen (to rest)

Usage Tips: “ausschlafen” is a compound verb that combines the prefix “aus-“ (meaning “out”) and the verb “schlafen” (meaning “to sleep”). It specifically refers to the act of sleeping in or getting extra sleep, usually when one has the opportunity to do so, such as on weekends or days off. It is commonly used in casual conversations or when discussing one’s sleep habits or plans.




eigentlich (actually, essentially, basically)

  • Ich wollte eigentlich schon längst anfangen, aber dann kam etwas dazwischen.
  • Eigentlich wollte ich ins Kino gehen, aber ich bin zu müde.
  • Das ist eigentlich nicht meine Aufgabe, aber ich helfe dir trotzdem.
  • Es ist eigentlich ganz einfach, du musst nur die Anleitung befolgen.
  • Eigentlich hast du Recht, aber ich habe trotzdem eine andere Meinung.(I actually wanted to start a long time ago, but then something came up.)
    (Actually, I wanted to go to the cinema, but I’m too tired.)
    (That’s not actually my job, but I’ll still help you.)
    (It’s actually quite simple, you just have to follow the instructions.)
    (Actually, you’re right, but I still have a different opinion.)

Similar Words: tatsächlich (actually, indeed), im Grunde genommen (basically)

Usage Tips: “eigentlich” is a versatile adverb that can be used to express the true or fundamental nature of something. It is often used to indicate a contrast or contradiction between what is expected and what is reality. It can also be used to introduce a clarification or correction to a previous statement. Additionally, “eigentlich” can be used to express that something is inherently or fundamentally true.




aufhören, hörte auf, hat aufgehört, (to stop)

  • Kannst du bitte damit aufhören, so laut zu sprechen?
  • Ich werde nie aufhören, Klavier zu spielen.
  • Er hat endlich aufgehört, zu rauchen.
  • Das Regen hörte plötzlich auf.
  • Wir sollten aufhören, uns Sorgen zu machen.(Can you please stop speaking so loudly?)
    (I will never stop playing the piano.)
    (He finally stopped smoking.)
    (The rain suddenly stopped.)
    (We should stop worrying.)

Similar Words: beenden (to finish), abbrechen (to cancel)

Usage Tips: “aufhören” is used when someone ceases an activity or stops doing something. It can be used in various contexts, such as stopping a behavior, quitting a habit, or ending an action. It is a useful verb to express the act of discontinuing or halting something.




bestimmt (certain, definite)

  • Bist du bestimmt, dass das die richtige Antwort ist?
  • Ich bin mir bestimmt sicher, dass er heute kommt.
  • Das ist bestimmt das beste Buch, das ich je gelesen habe.
  • Kannst du mir den bestimmten Weg zum Bahnhof zeigen?
  • Er hat eine bestimmte Vorstellung davon, wie der Garten aussehen soll.(Are you certain that’s the right answer?)
    (I’m definitely sure that he will come today.)
    (That’s definitely the best book I’ve ever read.)
    (Can you show me the specific way to the train station?)
    (He has a specific idea of how the garden should look.)

Similar Words: sicher (sure, certain), eindeutig (clear, unambiguous)

Usage Tips: “bestimmt” is used to express certainty or definiteness about something. It can be used to indicate confidence in an opinion or belief, emphasize a particular choice or option, or specify something in a clear and specific manner. “bestimmt” is often used in everyday conversation and is a versatile word that can be applied to various contexts.




kaum, (hardly, barely)

  • Ich habe kaum Zeit für ein Mittagessen.
  • Es ist kaum zu glauben, dass sie schon verheiratet ist.
  • Sie hat kaum Erfahrung in diesem Bereich.
  • Das Auto hat kaum Benzin im Tank.
  • Der Zug fährt kaum noch pünktlich.(I hardly have time for lunch.)
    (It’s hard to believe that she’s already married.)
    (She has little experience in this field.)
    (The car has barely any gasoline in the tank.)
    (The train hardly runs on time anymore.)

Similar Words: fast (almost), gering (low, small), wenig (little, few)

Usage Tips: “kaum” is used to express situations where something is barely or hardly the case. It is used to indicate a lack or scarcity of something, or to express surprise or disbelief. It can be used in various contexts, such as time constraints, quantities, abilities, or reliability. “kaum” is often used with negative or uncertain statements.




Beratung (die Beratung, die Beratungen, der Beratung), (advice, consultation)

  • Ich brauche Beratung bei der Auswahl eines neuen Laptops.
  • Sie hat eine professionelle Beratung zum Thema Finanzplanung erhalten.
  • Die Firma bietet kostenlose Beratungen für Kunden an.
  • Er hat den Beratungstermin beim Anwalt vergessen.
  • Die Beratung des Arztes war sehr hilfreich.(I need advice on choosing a new laptop.)
    (She received professional consultation on financial planning.)
    (The company offers free consultations for customers.)
    (He forgot the consultation appointment with the lawyer.)
    (The doctor’s advice was very helpful.)

Similar Words: Ratschlag (advice), Empfehlung (recommendation)

Usage Tips: “Beratung” is a noun that refers to the act of giving or receiving advice or consultation. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as seeking professional advice, receiving guidance, or providing assistance to others. “Beratung” can be used in both formal and informal situations and is an essential part of problem-solving and decision-making processes.




weiterleiten, leitete weiter, hat weitergeleitet, (to forward)

  • Kannst du mir die E-Mail bitte weiterleiten?
  • Er hat die Nachricht an den Chef weitergeleitet.
  • Wir sollten diese Informationen an alle Mitarbeiter weiterleiten.
  • Bitte leite die Nachricht an die entsprechende Abteilung weiter.
  • Sie hat den Link an ihre Freunde weitergeleitet.(Can you please forward the email to me?)
    (He forwarded the message to the boss.)
    (We should forward this information to all employees.)
    (Please forward the message to the appropriate department.)
    (She forwarded the link to her friends.)

Similar Words: weitergeben (to pass on), weiterreichen (to hand over)

Usage Tips: “weiterleiten” is used when you want to send or pass something on to someone else, typically in the context of messages, emails, or information. It can also be used when physically passing something to another person. It is important to note that “weiterleiten” implies that the item being forwarded is being sent to someone else, while “weitergeben” and “weiterreichen” can refer to the act of passing on something without the explicit notion of sending it to someone else.




verschwenden, verschwendete, hat verschwendet, (to waste)

  • Sie verschwenden ihr Geld für unnötige Dinge.
  • Er verschwendete seine Zeit mit Computerspielen.
  • Wir sollten keine Zeit verschwenden und sofort anfangen.
  • Sie hat viel Energie verschwendet, um etwas zu erreichen.
  • Es ist schade, dass so viele Lebensmittel verschwendet werden.(They waste their money on unnecessary things.)
    (He wasted his time playing video games.)
    (We shouldn’t waste any time and start right away.)
    (She wasted a lot of energy to achieve something.)
    (It’s a shame that so much food is being wasted.)

Similar Words: vergeuden (to squander), verplempern (to fritter away)

Usage Tips: “verschwenden” is used to describe the action of wasting something, whether it’s time, money, resources, or opportunities. It emphasizes the idea of using something in an excessive or careless way, without considering the consequences. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as personal habits, environmental issues, or productivity.




plötzlich, (suddenly)

  • Plötzlich wurde es dunkel.
  • Er tauchte plötzlich vor mir auf.
  • Das plötzliche Geräusch erschreckte mich.
  • Plötzlich fing es an zu regnen.
  • Plötzlich konnte ich mich an nichts mehr erinnern.(Suddenly it became dark.)
    (He suddenly appeared in front of me.)
    (The sudden noise scared me.)
    (Suddenly it started to rain.)
    (Suddenly I couldn’t remember anything anymore.)

Similar Words: unvermittelt (suddenly), auf einmal (all of a sudden)

Usage Tips: “Plötzlich” is used to describe unexpected or abrupt changes or occurrences. It is often used to indicate a sudden shift in a situation, environment, or behavior. This adverb is commonly used in storytelling or recounting events.