Nervous System HISTOLOGY & Anatomy Flashcards
Describe the layers of the Brain starting with Bone (9)

A: Name the Cells of Neuroectodermal origin (2)
B: Name the Cells of Mesenchymal origin (3)
A: Neuroectodermal: Neurons and [Glial Cells: AOE (Astrocytes / Oligodendrocytes / Ependymocytes]
B: Mesenchymal:
- [Microglial Macrophages]
- Choroid Plexus
- Meninges
A: What stain is this? What does it stain?
B: Which organ component is this?

A: Nissel Stain which stains Nissel bodies located in neuronal rough ER
B: Cerebral Cortex
“White People In your Brain” = White mater is on the INSIDE in the BRAIN

Describe the following stains
A: H & E
B: Cresyl Violet
C: [Bielschowsky Silver Stain]
A: Does NOT stain neuronal processes but will stain [cytoplasm pink] and [nuclei blue]
B: Stains [Nissel Bodies] of the neuronal body Rough ER
C: Stains Axons and Dendrites (image shown below)

What structure is stained by these Immunohistochemical stains?
A: Vimentin
B: Neurofilament
C: [GFAP - Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein] (2)
D: [Synptophysin vs. Chromogranin]
E: NeuN
F: [NSE - Neuron specific enolase]
G: S100
A: [Intermediate filaments of Astrocytes]
B: [Intermediate filaments of DAN (Dendrites/Axons/neurons)]
C: Astrocytes & Ependymal cells
D: Neuronal Cytoplasm
E: Neuronal Nuclei
F: Neurons
G: Astrocytes
A: What type of cell?
B:Histology Description (3)
C: Function

A: [Principal Motor Neuron]
1) Long Axon
2) Prominent Nissel substance within cytoplasm
3) [Large cell body with single large centrally placed nucleolus]
C: Transmit info over long distances of the cerebral cortex

A: This cell is AKA Granular Cell Neuron. What is it?
B: Histologic description (3)

A: [Local Circuit Interneuron]
1) small compact cell body
3) [short dendrites & small axons]

A: What Neuronal Cellular Response is delineated?
B: Describe the pathophysiology

A: Central Chromatolysis
B: When axon destruction occurs, [Nissel body containing Rough ER] disaggregates and disperses –> [smooth cytoplasm] + [peripherally displaced nuclei] + [ballooned neuronal body]. It disperses as an attempt to regenerate new proteins for new axon.

A: What Neuronal Cellular Response is delineated?
B: Describe the pathophysiology
C: What Dz is this most commonly associated with

A: Neuronophagia
B: [Neuronal Cell Body] disappears 2° to anoxia. Afterwards, it becomes surrounded by [purple elongated microglia macrophages]
C: Viral CNS Infection

A: What Neuronal Cellular Response is delineated?
B: Describe the pathophysiology
C: What 3 areas of the brain are most Vulnerable to this condition?

A: [Acute Neuronal Injury]
B: [Acute Neuronal Injury] –> [More Eosinophilic Pink Cytoplasm] and [Pyknotic Nucleus]
1) [Pyramidal neurons: Hippocampus CA1 field]
2) [Pyramidal neurons: Neocortex Areas 3 & 5]
3) Purkinje Cells

A: What Neuronal Cellular Response is delineated?
B: Describe the pathophysiology
C: What are the main causes of this? (4)

A: [BAN - Ballooned Achromatic Neuron]
B: Degenerative Dz–> Enlargement of neuron bodies and cytoplasmic homogenization but with [centrally placed nucleus]
C: “BAN the PACT”
- [Corticobasal degeneration]
- [Pick’s Dz]
- [ANT Horn cell aging: physiological]
- Prion Dz

A: What is shown in the image?
B: Where does it come from?

A: Negri Body neuronal inclusion
B: Rabies Infection

A: What is shown in the image?
B: Where does it come from?

A: Lewy Body neuronal inclusion
B: Parkinson’s Dz (found at synpases of Substantia Nigra and contains neuromelanin)

A: What is shown in the image?
B: Where does it come from? (2)

A: Hirano Body neuronal inclusion
B: Alzheimer’s vs. normal aging
(intracellular aggregates of alpha actin)

A: In MACROglia, only the ___ will stain
B: What are the 2 types of MACROglia
C: Describe each
A: Nucleus
Oligodendrocytes (top arrow) = [DARKLY staining nuclei with Fried Egg Appearance from fixation]
Astrocytes (bottom arrow) = Oval vesicular nuclei that looks star shaped on [Golgi and GFAP stains]