Nervous System Flashcards
What are the two main devisions of the nervous system?
Central (brain and spine) Peripheral (neurones)
What are the 2 divisions of the peripheral nervous system?
Sensory division (afferent) & Motor division (efferent)
Sensory division
Sends information to the CNS through sensory neurones
Motor division
Taken information from the CNS to the target cells through efferent neurones
Autonomic nervous system can be divided into
Sympathetic and parasympathetic
The motor division can be further divided into
Somatic and autonomic
Controls voluntary movement
Controls involuntary responses
Sympathetic “fight or flight” responses are?
Increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, increased blood flow to muscle, inhibits GI peristalsis, bronchial dilation, pupil dilation
In the SNS pre ganglionic neurones are
Parasympathetic “rest and digest” responses are
Decreased heart rate, increased gut motility, bronchial construction, pupil constriction, gastric acid secretion
In the PSN the pre ganglionic neurones are?
Sympathetic neurotransmitters are?
Noradrenaline and adrenaline
Parasympathetic neurotransmitters are
Released by pre ganglionic neurones of both symp and parasymp NS
Released by symp post ganglionic neurones
Adrenal gland is
Derived from neural tissue, secretes mainly Ad but also some Nor (ratio 4:1) stimulated by symp NS
The presynaptic neurone releases
Contain/release transmitter
Bind transmitter
What is a nerve?
A bundle of axons carrying info from the CNS to the rest of the body or from the rest of the body to the CNS
Cranial nerves
12 pairs arise from the brain
Spinal nerves
31 pairs arise from the spinal cord
How many lobes does the brain have?
Frontal lobe
Motor cortex-intellect, planning, mood, social judgement
Parietal lobe
Somatosensory cortex- general sensation & taste
Temporal lobe
Auditory cortex
Occipital lobe
Visual cortex
Precentral gurus
Primary motor cortex
Post central gurus
Primary sensory cortex
What are the 3 membranes protecting the brain (meninges)
Dura mater (outer) Arachnoid mater (middle) and Pia mater (inner)
Subarachnoid space
Between Pia and arachnoid mater contains cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
How many cervical nerves are there?
How many thoracic?
How many lumbar?
How many sacral?
Area of the brain-forms the walls and floor of third ventricle, regulating function, closely related to the pituitary gland produces releasing hormones
Choroid plexus
Part of the arachnoid layer produces CSF
Balance and posture
Are sensitive to the chemical substances releases by damaged cells or tissues
What is the pathway for the transfer of sensory information from the Nociceptor to the brain?
Nociceptor-dorsal horn of spinal cord-spinothalamic tract-ventral posterior lateral nucleus in the thalamus-sensory cortex
In the sensory pathway 1o neurones have a
Receptor in the periphery, cell body in the dorsal root ganglion or sensory ganglion in the head