what does the dorsal root ganglion contain
cell bodies of sensory neurons
what does the dorsal root contain
axons of sensory neurons taking information from the body to the spinal cord
what does the central root contain
contains the axons of motor neuron’s taking information from the brain to the body
what 3 structures protect the central nervous system
cerebrospinal fluid
list the 3 meninges in order from outer to inner
DURA MATER - tough and fibrous
ARACHNOID MATER - loose mesh fibres
PIA MATER - delicate
list the 3 functions of Cerebrospinal fluid
protection - acting as a shock absorber and cushions the CNS
support - keeps brain suspended in cranium
nutrients - circulates through the central nervous system carrying nutrients to the brain and spinal cord
what does grey matter contain (3)
nerve cell bodies
myelinated fibres
central canal
what does white matter contain (2)
myelinated fibres
bundles of fibres arranged in ascending and descending tracts
what is the function of the spinal cord
carrying impulses to and from the body via the ascending (sensory info to brain) and descending (motor info to body) tracts of white matter
what is the function of the hypothalamus
maintaining homeostasis
controlling hormone secretion
what is the function of the medulla oblongata
automatically adjusts body functions
cardiac centre - regulating heart beat
respiratory centre - regulating breathing rate
vasomotor centre - regulating the diameter of blood vessels
what is the function of the cerebellum
conscious level
coordinates fine / controlled motor movement
muscle tone control (balance)
storing memory
what is the function of the corpus callosum
nerve fibres connecting both hemispheres, allowing both sides to communicate with eachother
what is the function of the cerebrum (3x tracts)
tracts connecting areas within same hemisphere
tracts carrying impulses between hemispheres
tracts connecting cortex to other parts of brain and spinal cord
what does the left hemisphere control
right side of body
verbal function
speaking, reading, writing, analysis, logic
what does the right hemisphere control
left side of body
non-verbal functions
emotion, intuition, music, art, belief, picture
what is the role of the frontal lobe
movement and intelligence
thinking, problem solving, emotion, personality
what is the role of the parietal lobe
processing sensory information such as temperature, touch, taste and pain
what is the role of the temporal lobe
receives auditory information
processes memories through linking sense
what is the role of the occipital lobe
receiving visual information from eyes
what is the function of a neuron
generating electrochemical signals/impulses carried from one body part to another
what is the function of the neurolemma
outer of shwann cells, repairing injury
what is the function of shwann cells
firing myelin sheathe by wrapping around the axon depositing layers of myelin around each coil as they wrap
what are the 3 functions of myelin sheathe
insulator - preventing electrical current from leaving cell
protection - protection of axon
Speed - speeds up electrical conduction along axon
what is the electrical conduction called along a myelinated axon
saltatory conduction
what are unipolar neurons usually?
sensory neurons
what are multipolar neurons usually?
motor neurons
what are 2 characteristics of unipolar neurons
1x extension
connecting to a continuous axon
what are 3 characteristics of bipolar neurons
2x extensions
1x axon
1x dendrite
what are 3 characteristics of multipolar neurons
multiple extensions
1x axon
lots of dendrites
what are 4 distinct differences between motor and sensory neurons
MOTOR - impulses from CNS -> body
SENSORY - impulses from body -> CNS
MOTOR - multipolar
SENSORY - Unipolar
MOTOR - cell body in grey matter of spinal cord
SENSORY - cell body is dorsal root ganglion
MOTOR - pass through ventral root
SENSORY - pass through dorsal root
define synapse
junction between branches of adjacent neurons
how is a nerve impulse transferred rapidly across a nerve fibre (2)
- change in electrical voltage
- change in concentration of positive and negative ions inside/outside of cell membrane of a neuron
what is the resting membrane potential of unstimulated nerve cells ?