Nervous Flashcards
Main functions
- Gather information (sensation)
- Integrate & analyse information
- Respond (behave)
Central nervous system
- Brain
* Spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system
• Peripheral nerves - rest of body (communication)
Sensory pathways
Afferent and efferent
Signal towards CNS, away from muscle
Signals towards muscle, away from CNS
Communicate messages from one part of the body to another
Support and protect neurons
Neurons comprised of
- Cell body/soma
- Dendrites
- Axon
Dendrites in neuron function
Receive incoming messages
CNS group of cells and bundles called
Nuclei and tracts
PNS group of cells and bundles called
Ganglia and nerves
Cell body in neuron contain
- Ribosomes
- Rough endoplasmic reticulum
- Golgi apparatus
- Mitochondria
Processes of axon in neuron
- Generates and conducts nerve impulses away from the cell body
- Begins at the Axon Hillock which is Trigger Zone for the nerve impulse
- Any long axon is also known as a Nerve Fibre
- Axon terminals end in synaptic knobs containing neurotransmitters
- Chemicals which transmit the message from one neuron to the next cell
- Molecules in axon terminals released in response to a nerve impulse (action potential)
Resting membrane
Negative 70mV inside, positive outside
Neuron communicates through
Action potential traveling through the neuron. They use changes in membrane potential to send signals
Membranes have which pumps
Sodium and potassium
2 potassium in, 3 sodium out
Resting Membrane Potential
Movement of electrical current depends on having a difference in voltage across the neuron membrane
Stages of action potential (mV)
1) Resting state (-70)
2) Depolarisation (up to 30)
3) Repolarisation (down to -90)
4) Hyperpolarization (up to -70)
Action potential
Electrical impulse conducted along axon until reaching axon terminal
The functional junction between two neurons, a neuron and muscle or gland
Steps of message sent through action potential
1) Action potential arrives at axon
2) Voltage gated calcium channels opens and calcium enters the axon terminal
3) Calcium entry causes synaptic vesicles to release neurotransmitter by exocytosis
4) Neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to specific receptors on the postsynaptic membrane
Removal of neurotransmitters
• Diffusion
• Enzymatic degradation
• Reuptake
Important to stop sending messages/contracting
Neuroglia types
Four in the CNS - Ependymal cells
Two in the PNS - Schwann cells
Neuroglia functions
- To surround and support neurons
- To insulate one neuron from another
- To supply nutrients in order to promote neuron health & growth
- To produce chemicals that guide young neurons to make connections
Regions of the brain
- Cerebral Hemispheres
- Diencephalon (thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary)
- Brain Stem (midbrain, pons & medulla)
- Cerebellum
Elevated ridges
Grooves between gyri
Deeper grooves; separate larger regions