Neck Flashcards
List 3 taught points in the neck and describe their location
Neck points
1. GV14
On the midline of the neck, between C7 and T1 spinous processes
2. GB20
In the depression below the occipital bone at the level of GV 16, between the origin of trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles, midway between the midline and the mastoid process
3. SI15
2 cun lateral to the midline at the level of the lower border of spinous process of C7 (GV 14).
GV14 location and needling technique
GV14 location and needling technique
On the midline of the neck, between C7 and T1 spinous processes
slightly superiorly, generally the needle will follow the space between the spinous processes.
1 cun

List relevant GV14 anatomy
- Muscles (3)
- Ligaments (3)
- Nerves (1)
- Vessels (1)
GV14 anatomy
- transversospinales: multifidus, rotatores, spinalis
- supraspinous ligament
- interspinous ligament
- posterior longitudinal ligament
- medial branch of the posterior primary ramus anastomosis C7-T1
- branch of transverse cervical artery
List 7 neuroanatomical indications for GV14
GV14 indications
- Influence on C7, C8 and T1
- Generalized effect on muscles of head, neck, back
- Myofascial pain and inflammation of paraspinal muscles in the C6-T1 area
- Ligamentous strain of C7 level
- Osteoarthritis
- Whiplash
- Facilitates extension of the neck.
Nb Sympathetic switch
GB20 location and needling technique
- Location
- Insertion
- Depth
GB20 location and needling technique
In the depression below the occipital bone at the level of GV 16, between the origin of trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles, midway between the midline and the mastoid process
Towards the tip of the nose or opposite eye on a horizontal plane
0.5-1 cun, no deeper to avoid puncturing the vertebral artery
Caution: avoid deep needling (vertebral artery at ~ 40mm from skin), and avoid directing the needle towards the foramen magnum.

List relevant GB20 anatomy
- Muscles (2)
- Nerves (3)
- Vessels (4)
GB20 anatomy
- sternocleidomastoid
- trapezius
- greater auricular nerve C2, 3
- lesser occipital nerve C2
- accessory nerve (XI)
- & 2. occipital artery and vein
- & 4. vertebral artery and vein
List 5 neuroanatomical indications for GB20
GB20 indications
- Occipital neuralgia
- Pain and inflammation of sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
- Vascular headache and dizziness
- Fibromyalgia
- Spastic and spasmodic torticollis
Nb Sympathetic switch
SI15 location and needling technique
- Location
- Insertion
- Depth
SI15 location and needling technique
2 cun lateral to the midline at the level of the lower border of spinous process of C7 (GV 14).
Oblique, inferior to superior, towards the midline
Deep perpendicular insertion may cause pneumothorax. Pick up muscle while inserting.
0.5 – 1.0 cun

List relevant SI15 anatomy
- Muscles (3)
- Nerves (2)
- Vessels (2)
SI15 anatomy
- trapezius
- levator scapulae
- rhomboids
- lateral cutaneous branch of the posterior ramus of C8 and T1
- dorsal scapular nerve
- & 2. dorsal scapular artery and vein
List 3 neuroanatomical indications for SI15
SI15 indications
- rhomboid strain
- levator scapulae myofascial pain and dysfunction
- pain and inflammation in the neck/shoulder region