Face Flashcards
List the 6 taught face points and describe their location
Face points
- GV24.5
On the midline of the face, between the medial ends of the eyebrows (glabella)
- GV26
On the midline of the philtrum on the upper lip at the junction between the upper one third and the lower two thirds.
- CV24
On the anterior midline at the midpoint of the mentolabial groove (fossa).
- LI20
In the nasolabial groove at the level of the midpoint of the nasal ala. This is the last point of the LI meridian and is on the opposite side of the body from the rest of the meridian.
- ST7
In the depression below the middle of the zygomatic arch, posterior to the masseter and between the coronoid process and the condyloid process of the mandible. The point is located with the mouth closed. If a finger is placed on the point and the mouth is opened, the condyloid process will be felt as it moves forward.
- Taiyang
In the temporal fossa, 1 cun posterior to the midpoint of the line joining the lateral end of the eyebrow (superior lateral corner of the orbit) and the lateral canthus of the eye
GV24.5 location and needling technique
- Location
- Insertion
- Depth
GV24.5 location and needling technique
On the midline of the face, between the medial ends of the eyebrows (glabella)
Obliquely downward, pinch the skin to insert. Use 15 mm or 30 mm needle
0.3 – 0.5 cun

List relevant GV24.5 anatomy
- Muscles (3)
- Nerves (3)
- Vessels (2)
GV24.5 anatomy
- frontalis procerus
- orbicularis oculi
- corrugator supercilli
- ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve V1
- anastomoses of supraorbital, supratrochlear and frontal nerves
- facial nerve VII: anastomosis of zygomatic branches
- angular artery (branch of facial artery)
- dorsal nasal artery supratrochlear anastomosis
List 5 neuroanatomical indications for GV24.5
GV24.5 indications
- Frontal muscle tension headache
- Bell’s palsy affecting the eye region
- Trigeminal neuralgia involving V1
- Influence on hypothalamus
- Motor function orbicularis oculi either side
GV26 location and needling technique
- Location
- Insertion
- Depth
GV26 location and needling technique
On the midline of the philtrum on the upper lip at the junction between the upper one third and the lower two thirds.
slightly oblique in a cranial direction
0.3 – 0.5 cun

List relevant GV26 anatomy
- Muscles (1)
- Nerves (3)
- Vessels (1)
GV26 anatomy
- orbicularis oris
- maxillary division of trigeminal nerve V2
- superior labial nerve, a branch of the infraorbital nerve V2
- facial nerve VII: buccal branch
- superior labial artery and vein
List 7 neuroanatomical indications for GV26
GV26 indications
Nb. Sympathetic Switch & Life Saving Point
- panic/emergency switch for autonomic crisis, shock, vasovagal syncope, stroke, heart attack
- indirect stimulation of the medulla Anatomical:
- trigeminal neuralgia involving V2
- severe pain anywhere in the body
- acute whiplash
- acute back pain
- migraine headache
CV24 location and needling technique
- Location
- Insertion
- Depth
CV24 location and needling technique
On the anterior midline at the midpoint of the mentolabial groove (fossa).
perpendicular or obliquely upward towards the inferior lip
0.3-0.5 cun

List relevant CV24 anatomy
- Muscles (4)
- Nerves (3)
- Vessels (4)
CV24 anatomy
- orbicularis oris
- mentalis
- depressor anguli oris
- depressor inferioris
- mandibular nerve of trigeminal nerve V3:
- mental nerve anastomosis
- facial nerve VII: marginal mandibular branch
- & 2. mental branch of the inferior alveolar artery and vein
- & 4. inferior labial artery and vein
List 6 neuroanatomical indications for CV24
CV24 indications
Nb Parasympathetic switch
- Normalizes parasympathetic function, anti-anxiety
- Increases saliva in the mouth
- Trigeminal V3 neuralgia
- Pain lower teeth, gums and jaw
- Bell’s palsy marginal mandibular branch of Facial nerve
LI20 location and needling technique
- Location
- Insertion
- Depth
LI20 location and needling technique
In the nasolabial groove at the level of the midpoint of the nasal ala. This is the last point of the LI meridian and is on the opposite side of the body from the rest of the meridian.
obliquely, subcutaneously, superiorly and medially towards the bridge of the nose, following the nasolabial groove. Use 15mm or 30mm needle.
0.25-0.5 cun

List relevant LI20 anatomy
- Muscles (1)
- Nerves (2; deep - 1)
- Vessels (1)
LI20 anatomy
- levator superioris labii alaque nasi
- anastomosis between trigeminal V2 and facial VII nerves
- infraorbital nerve (branch of maxillary division of trigeminal nerve V2
* Deep* - olfactory nerve I
- lateral nasal branch of the facial artery
List 3 neuroanatomical LI20 indications
LI20 indications
- Bell’s palsy affecting the side of the nose and mouth,
- Anosmia and perosmia, stimulation may help recover function
- Trigeminal neuralgia involving V2.
ST7 location and needling technique
- Location
- Insertion
- Depth
ST7 location and needling technique
In the depression below the middle of the zygomatic arch, posterior to the masseter and between the coronoid process and the condyloid process of the mandible. The point is located with the mouth closed. If a finger is placed on the point and the mouth is opened, the condyloid process will be felt as it moves forward.
lateral to medial, perpendicular to the skin.
0.5-1 cun

List relevant ST7 anatomy
- Muscles (4)
- Nerves (3)
- Vessels (3)
ST7 anatomy
- mastication muscles*
1. masseter
2. temporalis
3. medial pterygoids
4. lateral pterygoids
- inferior alveolar nerve (mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve V3)
- motor branches to muscles of mastication
- facial nerve VII: zygomatic branch
- maxillary artery
- & 3. retromandibular artery and vein
List 5 neuroanatomical ST7 indications
ST7 indications
- pain and inflammation of the temporomandibular joint
- pain in the lower gum, teeth and jaw
- facial paralysis
- trigeminal neuralgia involving V3
- myofascial dysfunction muscles of mastication
Taiyang location and needling technique
- Location
- Insertion
- Depth
Taiyang location and needling technique
In the temporal fossa, 1 cun posterior to the midpoint of the line joining the lateral end of the eyebrow (superior lateral corner of the orbit) and the lateral canthus of the eye
Oblique anterior to posterior or perpendicular to the skin. Avoid hitting the temporal artery.
0.3 - 0.4 cun

List relevant Taiyang anatomy
- Muscles (1)
- Nerves (2)
- Vessels (2)
Taiyang anatomy
- temporalis
- trigeminal nerve V2 - maxillary division - zygomaticotemporal nerve
- trigeminal nerve V3 - mandibular division - auriculotemporal nerve
- & 2. branches of the superficial temporal artery and vein
List 3 neuroanatomical Taiyang indications
Taiyang indications
- Muscle tension headache
- Temporal arteritis
- Trigeminal V2 and V3 neuralgia