Neck 1 Flashcards
what are these different sections of the neck?
- posterior triangle
- anterior triangle
- root
what can you find in the anterior triangle of the neck?
carotid pulse, jugular vein, ansa cervicalis, many hyoid muscles
what are some structures you can find in posterior triangle?
lymphatics, trapezius, jugular
what structures can you find in the root section of the neck?
jugular notch
Supraclavicular notch
______ lymph nodes are lymph nodes in front of ear
what are the 3 different neck zones?
Zone 1: most inferior (clavicle → cricoid cartilage)
Zone 2: cricoid cartilage → angle of mandible
Zone 3: angle of mandible → base of skull
________ is fibrous connective tissue enveloping muscles, neurovascular bundles, viscera
_______ are potential spaces between fascia/viscera that exist pathologically
Fascial spaces
________ are deep to/attached to skin and don’t enclose muscles
Superficial layers
_______ surround muscle, bones, nerves vessels
Deep layers
the ______ is the only bone does not articulate with any other bone! But articulates with CT
______ are muscles located above the hyoid
what are the suprahyoid muscles?
Stylohyoid, digastric (ant, post belly), mylohyoid
_______ are the muscles below hyoid
what are the infrahyoid muscles?
omohyoid, thyrohyoid, sternohyoid, sternothyroid