NCM - Project Sales Flashcards
What is NCM?
NCM (New Collaboration Model) provides a set of rules, processes and standard contracts to ease cooperation between BU and RU for international projects
What are the aims of NCM?
Compliance with international tax requirements by adhering to the arm’s length principle and reduces internal negotiation
What is the arm’s length principle?
Main principle: The price for any intercompany transaction has to correspond with the price independent third parties would have agreed upon under similar circumstances
NCM must be applied when following criteria are fulfilled (5)
1) Project A, B, C
2) Project has offshore portion provided by BU
3) Project has onshore portion provided by RU
4) Project is in a country with a RU
5) BU provides substantial contribution
NCM Scope Split - Steps
Step 1: On/Off Split
Step 2: Evaluation of Capabilities
Important for arm’s length
NCM Profile 1 & 2
1: Supervision, Erection, Commissioning
2: Any function of 1 and/or construction
RU negotiates the end customer contract but the respective conditions have been agreed with BU in advance. Subcontract with BU (in compliance of nearly all end customer conditions)
BoA-6 Conditions
1)Transfer of title
2) Financial guarantees
3) Payment securities, no internal letters of credit
4) Currency
5) Applicable Law
6) Dispute resolution between BU/RU
NCM Open Consortium
- Split of price, scope, responsibilities BU/RU
- Separate invoicing
- BU Assumes full liability for cost resulting from any default of its own
NCM Contract Split
Separate customer contracts BU/RU, can also be done afterwards in the form of novation
Cross Border Staffing
1) Delegation concept requested and included in bid
When does MoU has to be signed?
No later than PM040
NCM - Profit Calculation on/off
On: Based on arm’s length and project profile. Basis: functional and risk analysis - needs to be comparable to 3rd party
Off: Residual Profit
Collaboration Assessment Question
1) Project specific capabilities assessed?
2) Evaluation of local country information?
3) MoU been concluded?
4) Calculation sheet jointly signed?
Carried out in LoA Tool
NCM Standard Documentation
Subcontract BoA-6, Consortium Coordination Agreement, Contract Split Coordination Agreement
People to be nominated before PM080 (3)
Project Managers
WPC (checks RU profit within margin or not)
Steering Committee Member
NCM Consortium Agreement - Which Business Models?
Open and Silent consortium
When can NCM Standard Contracts be modified?
Only for country specific clauses or contracts