Business Types and Constellations Flashcards
Constellations in which the RU holds the customer contract
Business on own account (Siemens conditions or NCM) + Silent Consortium
General Business Types / Constellations
1) Commission Business
2) Business on Own account (incl. Silent Consortium)
3) Open Consortium
4) Contract split
Commission Business - Constellation
Offshore holds the end customer contract, onshore received commission for intermediary services. Commission acts as decrease in functional costs once reception of commission payments
Commission Business - Contract / Risk provisions / new orders / advance payments / revenue
Contract: Offshore holds contract
Risk: Offshore is responsible
New Orders: By BU as 3rd party OI
Advance pay: Only to offshore, not for onshore
Revenue: Offshore only, commission is decrease in functional cost for onshore
BoA Siemens Conditions - New Orders / Advance Payments / Risk
New Order: Onshore shows full volume, offshore its own portion (consolidated)
Advance: No internal advance payments, not divided between off/on. Exception: Offshore volume >25m
Risk: Onshore = external risk, offshore = his scope
BoA Revenue: Method 1
Onshore sets up two separate elements of the WBS. Offshore considered without margin
BoA Revenue: Method 2
Whole project under one WBS.
Differentiation between BoA with Siemens Conditions and NCM
Under BoA end customer conditions: Uniformly selected by off+on. Accounting method based on overall project
BoA Siemens conditions: Independently selected accounting method
BoA with end customer condition (boA-5/6): invoicing of the supplying subsidiary based on local GAAP. Invoicing takes place when all chances and risks have been transferred to the external customer (PAC)
Silent Consortium
Only one partner of the consortium sign a contract to the end customer. Consortium leader fulfills the performance obligation acting on its own behalf and sole responsibility. Within consortium: Contract is divided between partners, internally liable
Silent consortium - advance payments
Need to be divided between consortium partners as agreed in the consortium contract
Silent consortium - revenue recognition
Leader: Shows all external revenue
Subs: Show their portion, gets consolidated
Contract Split - advance payments
Internal advance payments are not permitted, advance payments received from customer are only presented by the contracting partner that issued the payment request
Intercompany (crossing country borders)
A legal entity is dealing with a Biz&Serv unit situated in another country
Intra company / inter SCU
Two Biz&Serv units within a legal entity are dealing together on a contract
Intra company / intra SCU
Two Business Units of a Biz & Serv unit within a legal entity are working together on a project
No internal business
Two legal entities are individually working on two different contracts with a customer
True or False - According to method 1 and method 2, the offshore partner recognizes revenues to third parties in the amount of its offshore part before he invoices the onshore partner.
True, before the offshore partner invoices the onshore partner he recognizes revenues to third parties in the amount of its offshore part
True or False - According to method 1 and method 2, the offshore partner, at the time of invoicing, reverses the recognized internal revenues by the amount invoiced and recognizes revenue to third parties in the same amount.
False, at the time of invoicing the offshore partner reverses the recognized revenues to third parties by the amount invoices and recognizes internal revenue in the same amount
Intracompany Business - who takes risk?
Partners cover risks related to their part
Contract Split - which constellation for the offshore portion
Commission business