Nazis- Dictatorship Flashcards
When was the Reichstag Fire?
27th February 1933
Who was blamed for the Reichstag fire?
Van de Lubb
What was the Reichstag Fire Decree?
Allowed the Nazis to arrest 4,000 communists and communism is now illegal
When was the Enabling Act
24th March 1933
What was the Enabling Act?
Allowed Hitler to pas any laws he wanted without consulting the Reichstag for 4 years
Civil Servants Act- Any Jewish Civil Servant was fired
Boycotts- German people boycotted Jewish stores and the SA intimidated Germans people from entering
Book Burning 1933- un-Germans books were burnt
The SA- 100,000 opponents were arrested (e.g. Jews, Communists)
Removal of Employment Opponents
Replaced Trade Unions with the German Labour Front
Peoples Court
Judges picked by the Nazis to deal with political opponents
Night of the Long Knives
Leader of the SA was killed (Rohm) as well as other Nazi officials that were not loyal to Hitler
What act made Hitler Fuher?
Act Concerning the Head of State