Nazi persecution Flashcards
Aryan Race
3 things
- Nazis though people who were none aryan did not belong and that they were weakening pure German people.
- Hitler wanted to cleanse the German people by removing anybody who spoiled the purity of the Aryan race- included Jews and Gypsies.
- in 1933 the SS started the Race and Settlement Office to decide which individuals were pure enough for them to marry.
Different people affected
4 things
- Gypsies were seen as a racial threat- there were about 30000 in Germany and many were sent to concentration camps.
- People with mental and physical disabilities were targeted and many of them were sterilised or murdered.
- under the Nazis over 400000 people were forcibly sterilised to stop them having children. including many people of mixed race
- Homosexuals were sent to concentration camps and in 1936 Himmler set up the Central Office for the Combating of Homosexuality and Abortion.
Nazis hated Jews
6 things
- 1933 the Nazis killed 36 Jews and over 35000 Jews fled Germany
- 1935 Nuremberg law past- Jews couldn’t marry Germans or vote
- concentration camps were established
- 1938 November- Kristallnacht
- 1939- increased control- a curfew was introduced, Jews could not own radios
- 1941 Jews had to wear a yellow star, they were banned from public transport and had rations reduced.
little German opposition
4 things
- Everyone was scared of Gestapo and SS
- People were better off after years of hardship and chose to ignore what they didn’t like
- Goebbel’s propaganda was so effective that people didn’t know the whole story about what was happening, but believed the Nazi government knew best.
- opponents like communists had been eliminated
The war made Nazi persecution worse
3 things
- After invasions of Poland and Russia more Jews came under Nazi control, Eichmann was put in charge of dealing with these Jews.
- Jews were moved into Ghettos- unsanitary and overcrowded, people died of disease and hunger.
- When Russia was invaded in 1941 Special Action Corps followed the army with orders to kill every Jew they came across in the occupied towns and villages.
The final Solution 1942
3 things
- Destroy the Jewish people and homosexuals, disabled people, Gypsies, Black people, communists
- include Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, Chelmno, Belzec
- By the end of the war around 6 million Jews had been killed.