Nazi Germany - Controll and Opposition Flashcards
What is the machinery of terror
A complex system of intimidation, intelligence gathering and policing.
Point of it was to remove any element of direct opposition to the Nazi rule and leave the rest of the population in state of fear so that they will blindly follow Nazi rules.
Give 5 ways which made it impossible to oppose Nazi rule
Himler's SS Secret Service Gestapo Concentration Camps Justice System
How many members did the SS have by 1933
When did Himler become in charge of the SS
1929 - transformed it into a parliamentary force
What is the secret service
Way for the Nazis to monitor the German people
Several thousand volunteers
Main official intelligence force
It’s role was to identify enemies of the Nazis
Any killings done by the Gestapo
What did the gestapo do
Spied on public to remove any opposition
Who was the leader of the Gestapo
How many members did the Gestapo have
15,000 alive officers to police a population of 66 million
Although small, they were deeply feared
Received lots of tip offs from population
Which groups did the Gestapo focus on
What was the role of concentration camps
To concentrate those who were a threat and to separate from society
How many sent to concentration camps
1933 - 7,000 set up for 45,000 communists
Many were run by the SA, but some shut down because of poor organisation and conditions
How did the Nazis take over the justice system
Judges had to swear an oath to Hitler
Nazis inherited a justice system that had independent policies and judges, this meant that they could enforce any new law
40,000 sent to their deaths
Give 5 ways in which the Nazis used propaganda
Newspapers Films Radios Rallies Berlin Olympics
How did the Nazis use newspapers as propaganda
They took control of existing papers and closed any opposition papers down
By 1939, they owned 2/3 of all German newspapers and magazines
Controlled contents of newspapers (The Editors Law) meant that editors were personally responsible for content and not allowed to print anything which could weaken the German reich home or abroad
How did the Nazis use radio as propaganda
By 1934, all national and local radio stations were incorporated into the reich radio company
The Nazis produced cheap radio sets called the people’s receivers. These were sold at a weeks wage for the average manual worker.
How many people receivers did the Nazis sell by 1933
1.5 million and by 1939, 70% of Germans ad a radio, highest percentage in the world.
How did the Nazis control the people s receiver
Very limited range, which meant that they were not powerful enough to pick up foreign stations
When was the Berlin olympics
What happened in the Berlin olympics
New 100,000 seat stadium at Berlin, one of biggest in world at time
Anti semantic signs were taken down and German newspapers toned down their stories to give the impression of a Germany that was acceptable internationally
Games promoted Aryan superiority and the nearly all German-Aryan team emerged victorious.
How many catholics and protestants were there in the church
22 million Catholics
40 million Protestants
Way did Hitler see the church as a threat
Big number, all teaching love and forgiveness which didn’t bode well with the nazi’s beliefs
What two measures did Hitler put in lace to control the church
July 1933 - Concordat, pope promised that german catholics would stay out of politics if the Nazis wold leave them alone
New reich church was set up for the protestants, pastors had to swear an oath to Hitler.
How did Hitler ini fire with both churches
1936, all church youth groups were stopped
1939, nearly all church schools had been closed and arrests of priests that spoke out against the Nazi’s started to increase, leading to more resistance.
Give one priest that opposed to the Nazi policies
Martin Niemöller
Became on elf the most prominent critics of the Nazi’s
Preached against nazi racial policy
Founded an alternative church to the reich church
By 1934, 6000 pastors had joined with only 2000 in the reich church
Over 800 were arrested and sent to concentration camps including him
What youth groups opposed the Nazis
Young Communists
Swing kids
Edelweiss Pirates
What did the communists do to go against the Nazis
Aimed to provide visible resistance with meetings, propaganda and messages
One of these newspapers was the Red flag which sold over 10,000 copies a month, however this meant that they were easily identified and quickly arrested by the Gestapo
What did the Edelweiss pirates do to provide resistance
All members wore an Edelweiss flower on them. Some listened to foreign radio stations and spread news. They produced flyers and painted slogans on walls. Some actively picked fights with the Hitler youth group