Nazi Germany - Changing Lives Flashcards
What is Übermenschen
Nazis took inspiration from 19th century German philosophers and scientists, believing the most dominant race was the Aryan race.
Saw Aryans as super humans from North Western Europe
What is Untermenschen
Beloved that non-aryans were inferior and called them Untermenschen (sub humans)
Hw would you be defined as Jewish
Have 3 or 4 grandparents who were Jewish even if you didn’t have Jewish beliefs.
Beloved Jews and Gypsies had large noses and so measured them precisely
Give an example of Jews being put in a bad light to children
‘The Toadstool’. It describes Jews as poisonous mushrooms and told children that just a single ‘poisonous mushroom’ can kill a whole family.
What was the most extreme case of violence against the Jews
Kristallnacht - November, 1938 (two days)
What happened in Kristallnacht
A 17 year old German Jew assassinated a German embassy official in Paris.
When the news hit Germany there was widespread anger at the Jewish population.
The Nazi leaders met to decide how to respond, Goebbles announced that no action would be taken by the Nazis but any spontaneous events by the public will not be stopped.
267 Synagogues were destroyed
7,500 Jewish owned commercials had their windows smashed and their contents looted.
At least 91 Jews were murdered
The SS and the Gestapo arrested up to 30,000 Jewish men and sent them to concentration camps
What were the top 4 anti-semitic legislations
March 1933 - Jewish lawyers banned from conducting legal affairs in Berlin
April 1933 - Aryan and non-Aryan children were forbidden for playing together
July 1933 - Jews were excluded form the German chess federation.
September 1933 - Race studies became part of the school examination syllabus.
What happened in September 1935
Jews no longer ‘citizens’ they were just subjects with no rights
What happened on August 1938
Jewish men had to add ‘Israel’ to their name and female Jews ‘Sara’ to their fist names
How did the Nazis infiltrate schools
Political unreliable teachers were forced to resign
Jewish teachers were banned from teaching in non-Jewish schools
Nazi teachers league was set up to make teachers learn the latest nazi ideology and do military exercises
Pupils acted as spies in the classroom and reported the name of any teacher who still dared to tell a anti-Nazi joke or teach anon-Nazi material to the gestapo
When did you have to join the Hitler youth group
When did you have to attend weekly meetings within the Hitler youth group
By 1939, unemployment had officially been reduced to…….men of a total of 25 million men
How many were unemployed in 1932
6 million
How did the Nazis improve the lives of small craftsmen
In 1933, the law to Protect Retail Trade was introduced which put increased taxes on large stores to protect small businesses. However they still could not compete.
How did the Nazis try to help peasants
May 1933 - Reich Entailed Farm Law was passed. This was done to strengthen Germany’s farms by forcing owners to pass the land on to the eldest son rather than divide it up or sell to large scale landowners. Unfortunately this tied peasants to the land and stifled innovation.
How dis the Nazis try and help industrial workers
46% population
The Nazi’s obsession for re-arment for war meant made industrial jobs plentiful and employment rates soared.
By 1936, the average wage was 36 marks per week, ten times more than the dole money received by the 6 million unemployed.
However wages were frozen a 1933 levels so rising prices meant that they were still not enough to easily feed a family
What is the DAF
German Labour Front
Set up to replace the abolished trade unions
1939 - 29 million members
What is Strength Through Joy
Created to organise workers leisure time.
This included cheap holidays, cheap theatre tickets, touring orchestras and gym evenings.
Each of these activities included delivered ideological content - cruise ship received political lectures
75% discount on trains and 50% discount on hotels
Give 3 other branches the DAF created
- Beauty of Labour = Aimed to improve workplaces. New toilets, changing rooms and showered built at factories nationally
- The Reich labour Service = set up to tackle unemployment by providing cheap labour for bug projects like motorways. From 1935, all men aged between 18 - 26 had to serve for at least 6 months.
- Volkswagen Scheme = 1938 - workers could pay 5 marks a week and eventually earn a car. Many paid into the scheme but none ever received because WWII stopped all production.
Give some Nazi views on how Women should live by
Not smoke, as lead to higher chance of miscarriage
Appear natural and not wear make-up
Dress in traditional German clothes and not show sexuality overtly
Women should not be thin but physically robust
Give 3 ways in which the Nazis tried to encourage motherhood
Loans to encourage women to marry and have children -
Loans offered to Aryan couples who wanted to get married. Takes 8 years to pay of loan, so increased time women can stay at time having children Loan was reduced by a quarter for every child they had.
Making divorces and marriages more easy
Reducing opportunities for women in higher education
How much did marriages increase by
516,000 in 1932 - 772,000 in 1939