Naval Aviation Maintenance Program Flashcards
What does NAMP stand for?
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program
What is the COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 (SERIES) known as?
The Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP)
What are the 5 volumes of the NAMP?
I- concepts, policies, organizations, maintenance support, procedures and organizational/intermediate maintenance II- Depot Level Maintenance III- Maintenance Data System IV- Data Processing Requirements V- Standard Operating Procedures
Who ensures the pubs are kept current & complete?
The QA
What does CTPL stand for?
Central Technical Publications Library
What does QA stand for?
Quality Assurance
What does QAR stand for?
Quality Assurance Representative
What does DTPL stand for?
Dispersed Technical Publication Library
What does CDQAR stand for?
Collateral Duty Quality Assurance Representative
What does CDI stand for?
Collateral Duty Inspector
What does EI stand for?
Engineering Investigation
What does QDR stand for?
Quality Deficiency Reports
What does TPDR stand for?
Technical Publications Deficiency Report
What does MMP stand for?
Monthly Maintenance Plan
What is the purpose of the NAMP?
It issues maintenance policies, procedures, & responsibilities for the conduct at all levels of maintenance throughout naval aviation.
The NAMP is an instruction outlining what?
- Command Responsibilities
- Administrative & management relationships
- Policies & procedures for assigning maintenance responsibilities & tasks
It’s the basis for management of all naval aviation maintenance & it’s the rule book that says who’s responsible for what
What are the 2 different levels of maintenance in Volume 1?
Organizational & Intermediate
What are the responsibilities of the QA?
-Maintains the CTPL & ensures the DTPL is maintained & in its applicable work center
-Establishes qualification requirements for:
-Reviews all EI, QDR, & TPDRs
-Performs inspections of all maintenance equipment and facilities to ensure compliance with fire & safety
What is the concept of quality assurance?
It’s necessary for preventing the occurrence of defects
What is the purpose of maintenance & production control?
It tracks all scheduled & un-scheduled maintenance for all work centers.
What does the MMP do?
Provides items such as scheduled maintenance listing, key personnel, licensing, & PME schedules.
What are the responsibilities of maintenance/production control?
- VIDS/MAF documentation
- Tool control (calibration, accountability, etc.)