Nav 33 - LLRN Mission Overview Flashcards
LLIN Mission Profile
What will be the primary navigation equipment?
LLIN Mission Profile
Students are required to do what hourly?
Hourly checks and routine HF comms
LLIN Mission Profile
Who will carry out all WOps calls on departure and arrival?
Departure: Lead on first leg
Arrival: Lead on last leg
LLIN Mission Profile
What is the preferred altitude?
1000 - 6000 AGL
LLIN Mission Profile
What is the G/S target and minimum airspeed?
180 kts
150 KIAS
LLIN Mission Profile
Time on target: ? Target accuracy (when calling "on top"): ? Track integrity (at all times during transmit): ?
Time on target: +/- 18 seconds Target accuracy (when calling "on top"): +/- 0.5 nm Track integrity (at all times during transmit): 2 nm
Pre-Show Time Duties
What personal equipment should you bring?
Flying clothing, hangar pass, dog tags, flashlight, survival knife, blank logs, prog books
Charts and pubs
Pre-Show Time Duties
From home, what should you review?
NOTAMs (watch out for blasting activities, new obstacles, parachute activities, forest fires etc … )
Weather (GFA, icing and turbulence, TAF, METARs and wind charts
Pre-Show Time Duties
When and what do you check at the 16 Hangar?
Show time - 20 minutes Servicing: A/C tail number, ops restrictions and fuel load Wing Ops: Possible transient aircraft ATIS Review NOTAMs package (provided by TMC)
Showtime and Flight Planning
What will students be given, what will they prepare?
Given their route and will prepare their charts. Once chart is prepared, students will receive a CFPS flight plan for ETAs and fuel monitoring.
Showtime and Flight Planning
Who else will students prepare a chart for? What will this chart exclude?
Pilots, chart ill exclude time/distance marks and dog houses
Showtime and Flight Planning
What will the student brief’s include?
Description of radar legs to include any advisory/ danger/ restricted areas, aerodromes/ towers adjacent to route
Pre-Take-Off Duties
What would a thorough route study include?
Hack description - Lead in features
TP description - How do I know its my TP?
Target description - How do I know its my target?
Enroute obstacles - Towers, aerodromes, fur farms, etc …
In Flight Duties
All students will log what?
ATIS All ATC clearances E/ON & E/OFF Hack times Target times Significant events
In Flight Duties
Lead is responsible for what comms?
Start crew Taxiing in call Airborne call VFR Px report 10 minutes back call Taxiing in call