Nature-Nurture: family and genetic influences Flashcards
Across how old is there genetic contribution to LADs?
2-16 and presumably into
True or False?
Genetic influences are not static: heritability of LADs increases during the development
True or False?
FOXP2 gene has been discovered (KE family) and is the only gene causing language development
False - many other genes play the role in language development
Name the three types of interplay
Epigenetics = E -> G (environment influence genome)
Gene-Environment Correlation = G -> E (gene modifies environment)
Gene-Environment Interaction = G x E (genetic + environmental to put people at risk to developmental-specific traits)
They do not act independently from each other
Describe what is genetics
Genetic material (DNA) is passed on from parents to offspring (vertical genetic transfer)
Human genome = It’s a molecule of DNA. 3 billion nucleotide base pairs.
There are 20-25,000 genes in the human genome
More than 99% of the DNA sequence = same ~ 1% of the DNA sequence is variable (the source of individual differences)
What is gene expression?
When DNA sequence of a gene is converted
into functional protein structures.
Gene expression changes to produce different proteins.
How much + duration of proteins are made = can vary
What is the difference between genetics and epigenetics?
Genetics (i.e., DNA sequence) = what specific proteins are synthesised.
Epigenetics = how much of the proteins is made, and where + when it is synthesised
What is DNA methylation?
Methyl groups attach to DNA compacting it + preventing its code from being read/ made into proteins
This is a well studied example of epigenetics.
What is epigenetic modulation?
Kanherkar et al. (2014) = identified many environmental effects on genetics
Psychological state
Social interaction
Disease exposure
Financial Status
Drug abuse
Alternative meds
therapeutic drugs
Seasonal correlations
Toxic/ chemicals
What happened in Weaver et al. (2004) study?
High-nurturing mothers = low anxious offspring vs Low-nurturing mothers raise = high anxious offspring Nurturing bhvr of a mother rat = pups’ epigenomes.
In low-nurturing offspring = glucocorticoid receptor gene (Nr3c1) = off + leads to higher level of stress and anxiety.
Epigenetic pattern that mum causes = lasts even after the pups become adults.
Describe the gene-environment correlation.
The environment is not independent of the person: humans select, modify and create environments in line with their genetic propensities.
When individuals with a genetic propensity for a trait are in environments, choose or create the environments, that support expression of the trait
What are the three types of GE correlation?
What is Passive GE correlation?
Parental genes influence parental behaviours = a role in determining the kind of parenting style they give.
Source = parents and siblings.
Children with genetic vulnerability to antisocial behaviour is exposed to family maltreatment
What is Evocative GE correlation?
Child genes influence child behaviours = a role in eliciting different types of responses in other people
Source = anybody
Children with positive personality (high extraversion) evoke more
positive responses from parents/peers
O’connor et al. (1998) = studied adoptive families, children were measured @ 7,9,10,11 and 12. They identified non-risk + at risk for anti-social bhvr in children and measured against mean level of neg. control. Children at risk = had higher level of neg. despite the environment. Their bhvr elicited neg. response from their carers.
What is Active GE correlation?
Child genes influence child behaviours= a role in determining how children shape + select their environments. A “rich get richer’ effect.
Athletic individual seeks out athletic endeavours
Antisocial person seeks out antisocial peers
Describe GE across development
important for changes in development
Influence of passive GE = declines from infancy to adolescence, but importance of the active GE increases throughout period
Identified = the extent of how an experience is influenced by individual’s genetic factors increases with development
2 possible mechanisms:
New genes = important (genetic innovation)
individuals select their own experiences (genetic amplification)
Describe gene-environment interaction
Genetically influenced sensitivity to specific environment
In this case, genetic influences on a trait depend on the
Specific environments and genetic susceptibilities to these
environments predict a trait
Jaffee et al. (2005) = A twin study. Twin 1 = genetic marker, Twin 2 = included in study. Child conduct problems as a function of genetic risk and physical maltreatment. Children with the highest genetic risk, were the most abused.
Pleuss and Belsky (2011) = proposed two models = Diathesis-stress and differential susceptibility model. Suggested both environment + genetic factors were important
Diathesis-stress = high risk for neg. environment. Resilient indvdls = genetically won’t experience neg. outcome.
What is a limitation of studies looking at the gene-environment interaction?
Studies focus on neg. environments + development of neg. traits e.g conduct problems
We don’t understand the outcomes of pos. environments