Adolescence 2: Self-concept, self-esteem and identity formation Flashcards
How is identity linked to adolescence?
Puberty = provoking identity development during adolescence (physical, social and cognitive changes).
Advances in cognitive development allow adolescents the opportunity for self-reflection.
What are the three research traditions in adolescence identity research?
identity formation
What evidence supports the self-esteem theoretical approach?
James (1892) = high self-esteem results from good performance in important domains.
Empirical work demonstrates this for individuals and groups (Harter, 1990; 1999).
Cooley (1902) = looking-glass self – opinions of others = large determinant of self-esteem.
What is the self-concept theoretical approach?
Shift from concrete to abstract self-portraits. Higher cognitive growth,
social comparisons & normative standards during childhood/early adolescence = internalised standards in later adolescence.
Causes differentiation of self into multiple domains + final task = integration of multiple selves into a unified self-concept.
What is idea formation?
Identity formation = Task to describe self in terms of attributes (self-concept) and considering roles general society
True versus false selves = Presentation dependent on the audience (Harter & Lee, 1989).
What is ‘imagined’ selves’ and how are they a problem?
Adolescents = distinguish between actual/real & ideal selves (Rogers, 1950). A conflict.
Greatest discrepancy in middle adolescence (Strachen & Jones, 1982)
Who is Erik Erikson?
Departed from Freud’s teachings by emphasising societal factors in development.
Contributed to the theory of psychosocial development across the life-span (Erikson, 1982).
How does Erikson say about men and women’s identity?
Men must achieve = stable identity before intimacy
Vs women’s identity is defined by intimate roles of the wife and mother
Describe Erikson’s psychosocial stages
Proposed 8 stages, each with a specific “crisis” to resolve. ‘Crisis’ = necessary points of development. Springboard into further work of identity.
Basic trust vs Mistrust = Birth – 1 year
Autonomy vs Shame + doubt = 1 – 3 years
Initiative vs Guilt = 3 – 6 years
Industry vs Inferiority = 6 – 11 years
Identity vs Identity diffusion = Adolescence
Intimacy vs. Isolation = Young adulthood
Generativity vs Stagnation = Middle adulthood
Ego integrity vs. Despair = Late adulthood
What is Marcia’s 4 Identity Statuses?
looked in-depth on what is happening during adolescence + ideas of crisis
1. achievement
2. moratorium
3. foreclosure
4. diffusion
What does achievement mean in Marcia’s statuses?
individuals who after a period of exploration emerge with firm identity commitments.
What does moratorium mean in Marcia’s statuses?
the active period of exploration when individuals examine alternatives in an attempt to arrive at a choice.
What does foreclosure mean in Marcia’s statuses?
adopted the identities prescribed by parents or other authority figures without ever exploring options or experiencing an identity crisis.
What does diffusion mean in Marcia’s statuses?
individuals who have little sense of commitment and are not actively seeking to make decisions.
How are identity status’ formed?
Development continues well into adulthood = Waterman, 1992
Parental influences (Grotevant & Cooper, 1985
Cultural/historical influences – secular trend towards later identity development; current historical events can alter course (Waterman, 1985).
Describe evidence supporting pos. effects of self-concept and life outcomes
Self-concept is a strong predictor of life outcomes:
* General well-being (Diehl & Hay, 2011)
* Quality of life (Swann, 2007)
* Confidence in actions and abilities (Stinson et al., 2008)
Describe evidence supporting neg. effects of self-concept and life outcomes
Adjustment problems (Campbell et al., 2003)
Externalising problems (Garaigordobil et al. 2009)
Internalising probles (Hsieh & Stright, 2012)
How is self-concept and emotional disorders linked?
Problems w/ self-perceptions diagnostic criteria for anxiety and depression (APA, 2013)
* Worthlessness and guilt (depression)
Strong relationship between emotional disorders and negative self-concept. VS Positive self-concepts = protective factor emotional disorders development = individuals are more resilient to life’s stressors (Masselink et al., 2018).
What does Delgado et al.’s study (2013) show about social anxiety and self-perception?
2022 Spanish adolescents (12-16 years)
Adolescents w/ social anxiety = more likely to
perceive relationship w/ peers as more neg.
Consider selves to be unattractive, less athletic
and more emotionally unstable
What is self-evaluation in adolescence like in depression?
Consistent evidence = adolescents view themselves more neg. + less pos. when they are depressed, vs unrepressed adolescents (Orchard et al., 2021).
Orchard and Reynolds (2018) = ratings of self-perceptions good at identifying presence of depression diagnosis
Some evidence = poor self-image in adolescence predicts depression later in life (Fine et al., 1993)
How is self-evaluation in early onset of psychosis?
Theorised = development of dysfunctional self-
concept could play role in development of psychosis symptoms, emerges during adolescence.
A no. of studies = adolescents at high risk of psychosis endorse negative self-beliefs more than healthy controls (Saleem et al., 2014).
Negative beliefs about self consistently linked with chronic psychosis (Fowler et al., 2006).
How does self-concept differ in gender and adolescence?
A gender difference emerges during adolescence
and remains prevalent through the lifespan…
Females = significantly more negative self-
concepts than males (Frost, & McKelvie, 2004)
*The gender difference has been suggested as
one possible explanation for mental health
problems being significantly more prevalent in
women (Kuehner, 2017).