Nature and Types of Environmental Hazards Flashcards
Is a substance, state, or event which has the potential to threaten the surrounding natural environment and/or adversely affect people’s health.
environmental hazard
Environmental hazards may be:
1.Biological 2.Chemical 3. Physical 4.Psychological 5. sociological or site and location hazards.
These are living organisms or their products that are harmful to humans.
Biological hazards
-are diseases that are transmitted in drinking water
Water-borne diseases
-Our municipal water treatment facilities are usually able to purify water by removing these agents or killing them by disinfecting the water.
-these disease organisms are shed into the water in feces, and can produce illness in those who consume untreated, contaminated water.
Water-borne diseases
Hepatitis A Virus
Polio Virus
Salmonella Bacteria
Shigella Bacteria
Cholera Bacteria
Amoebic Dysentery
Examples of waterborne diseases
-Are diseases transmitted in or by food
Food-borne diseases
to protect against food-borne diseases, sanitarians from local health departments routinely inspect food service establishments (restaurants) and retail food outlets (supermarkets) to verify that food is being stored and handled properly.
ترجم المكتوب
للحماية من الأمراض التي تنتقل عن طريق الأغذية ، يقوم عمال النظافة من إدارات الصحة المحلية بشكل روتيني بفحص مؤسسات الخدمات الغذائية (المطاعم) ومنافذ البيع بالتجزئة للأغذية (محلات السوبر ماركت) للتحقق من تخزين الطعام والتعامل معه بشكل صحيح.
Examples of food-borne agents
-Escherichia coli
Are those transmitted by insects or other arthropods
Vector-borne diseases
improper environmental management can cause vector- borne disease outbreaks.
Example of victor born disease
Dengue Fever
They are transmitted by mosquitoes
It is a result from mismanagement or misuse of chemicals resulting in an unacceptable risk to human health.
Chemical Hazards
that have been manufactured for the purpose of reducing (pests)
التي تم تصنيعها لغرض الحد من (الافات)
most pesticides kill non-target organisms as well as the target, or pest species.
the wise use of pesticides can protect human health and agricultural crops.
الاستخدام الحكيم للمبيدات الحشرية يمكن أن يحمي صحة الإنسان والمحاصيل الزراعية.
Examples of categories of pesticides
للحشائش Herbicides
Insecticides للحشرات
is an environmental hazard produced by millions that smoke
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)
diseases associated with ETS include lung cancer and perhaps heart disease
Regulation of smoking seems to be the best approach to controlling this pollutant
-Smoking has been increasingly restricted from public buildings and from many private work sites
- تم تقييد التدخين بشكل متزايد من المباني العامة ومن العديد من مواقع العمل الخاصة
ايش يعني
عنصر الرصاص
Health problems associated with the over exposure to lead are:
anemia, birth defects, bone damage, kidney damage, and others.
فقر الدم، والعيوب الخلقية، وتلف العظام، وتلف الكلى، وغيرها.
is a naturally occurring element that is used in the manufacturing of many industrial and domestic products
هو عنصر يحدث بشكل طبيعي ويستخدم في تصنيع العديد من المنتجات الصناعية والمحلية
-Exposure to lead is by ingestion and inhalation.
“A factor within the environment that can harm the body without necessarily touching it.”.
physical hazard
Vibraion and noise are examples of:
physical hazards
Are environmental factors that produce psychological changes expressed as stress, depression, anxiety.
Psychological Hazards
Are that resulted from living in a society where one experiences noise, lack of privacy and overcrowding.
Sociological Hazards
Natural disasters are geographical and meteorological events of such magnitude and proximity to communities that they produce signiicant damage and injuries.
Site and Location Hazards
الكوارث الطبيعية هي أحداث جغرافية وأرصاد جوية بهذا الحجم والقرب من المجتمعات المحلية التي تسبب أضرارا وإصابات كبيرة.
Examples to Site and Location Hazards
cyclones, earthquakes, loods, and volcanic eruptions.
الأعاصير والزلازل والانفجارات البركانية.
Site and Location Hazards
The magnitude of devastation of these events can sometimes be great.
Biological, psychological and sociological hazards may increase following a natural disaster.
قد تزداد المخاطر البيولوجية والنفسية والاجتماعية بعد وقوع كارثة طبيعية.