Impact of Environmental Factors on Health Flashcards
[All] that which is External to individual human host.
[It] can be divided into…….,……..,……….,……….. any or all of which can influence health status in populations.’ (WHO, 1995)
physical, biological, social cultural
.The theory and practice of assessing, correcting, controlling, and preventing those factors in the environment that can potentially affect adversely the health of present and future generations
تعريف ايش هذا ؟
Environmental Health
عمل ممارس الصحة العامة
(تعريف التخصص)
quality of life, determined by:
physical, chemical, biological, social, and psychosocial factors in the environment.
Is the specific damage to health that an environmental hazard can cause to an individual person.
‘Health Effect caused by Environment
الاثر الصحي او المشكلة الصحية الناتجة عن البيئة الخطرة
Often the same hazard can cause a range of
different effects of different severity.’
صح ولا خطأ
يقلك نفس الخطر ممكن ينتج عنه اثر صحي كبير او صغير عادي
adverse states of health
ايش يعني
حالة صحية سلبية ( ضرر صحي )
ليش نستعمل Systematic Approach
In order to identify and investigate adverse states of health
عشان نعرف نحدد الضرر الصحي
A fundamental systematic approach of health problem………………..and…………….. applied.
identification and characterization
Systematic Approach steps:?
كم عددهم؟
1.Determine the source and nature of hazards
• 2.Determine the exposure pathway
• 3.Measure the effects
• 4.Apply controls however possible
What are the two types of emergencies that affect health?
1- man-made emergencies: that affect the environment,
which in turn affects health such as climate change,
2- natural emergencies: natural reasons
(Integrated approach in E.H in an emergency)
It is necessary for different sectors to work together In environmental health management, this often means combining the efforts of the public sector with the private sector.
True or false
Environmental health planning must be viewed as part of overall health planning.
True or false
Environmental hazards may be:
biological, chemical physical, psychosocial, psychological or site and location Hazards
امثلة على التلوث البيئي ؟
Air Pollution.
Water Pollution.
Noise Pollution.
Littering (spilling of oils in oceans)
Soil contamination (by lead, heavy metals)
Radioactive contamination.
Thermal pollution.