Measuring Environmental Quality, Human exposure, and Health Impact Flashcards
A system, or a group of interconnected elements, is formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their environment.
Is a set of (properties and characteristics) of the environment, either generalized or local, as they influence on human beings and other organisms
Environmental quality
Example.(Properties &characteristics) ?
• Toxins
• Allergens
• Pathogens
• Noise
• Radiation
–Other organisms
Content of Measuring environmental quality
عددهم (8)
-Population growth
-Acid rain
-Ozone depletion
-oil spill
-Global Warming
Population Growth Leads To
-Acid Rain
-oil spill
-Global Warming
زيادة المصانع وانتشارها
يصاحبها ماذا
– Burning fuels
– Non-renewable resources
– Pollution
– Increased CO2 levels
(Acid Rain)
Burning of fuels releases sulphates and nitrates into air
صح ولا خطا
(Acid Rain)
Sulphates and nitrates mix with water vapor in air and form sulphuric acid and nitric acid
صح ولا خطا
ايش معناها
نقص الغطاء الشجري
Population growth leads to the:
- loss of natural habitats; Cut down trees to build new homes.
2.Loss of biodiversity
3.Loss of oxygen producers and CO2 eliminators
Oil spill and global warming are types of Pollution
True or false?
– Oil Spills
– Gasoline spills
Gets into drinking water
ما سبق امثله على ماذا؟
Water Pollution
Global Warming
يصاحب ماذا؟
increase in CO2
Increase in greenhouse المحميات الزراعية
Increase in global temperatures
is a glass or plastic structure that traps in the Sun’s heat and is used in agriculture, especially for growing flowers vegetables in cold climates.)
A greenhouse (بيت محمي)
تقدر تقول سموه بيت الخضار لانه يكوّن بيئة دافئة مناسبة للنبات انه ينمو فيها خصوصا في المناطق الباردة لانه الزرع الي يعيش في مناطق دافية ما ينجو في المناطق الباردة
Global Warming
الاحترار العالمي
Is the diversity, or variety, of plants and animals and other living things in a particular area or region
Biodiversity? And Why is it important?
because everything that lives in an ecosystem is part of the web of life, including humans.
How are humans affecting global Biodiversity?
1.Climate change: brought about by emissions of greenhouse gases when fuels are burnt
2.Pollution: is currently poisoning all forms of life, both on land and in the water, and contributing to climate change.
3.Habitat loss and destruction: as a direct result of human activity and population growth
greenhouse gases
نفس فكرة البيت المحمي بس انه تصير بالطبيعة في الغلاف الجوي بسبب كثرة انواع معينة من الغازات يصير حبس للحراره في مناخ الارض فتزيد الحرارة في مناطق وفي مناطق تزيد البرودة، وفي البيت المحمي يستعملوا نوع معين من البلاستيك او الزجاج ويصير حبس للحرارة داخل المحمية
is a major force in the loss of species, populations, and ecosystems.
Habitat loss and destruction, usually as a direct result of human activity and population growth,
(The protection, preservation, management, or restoration of wildlife and of natural resources such as forests, soil, and water.)
How we can preserve biodiversity
-Do not waste paper, use only as much as you require.
-Use recycle paper as far as possible.
– Climate Change effects
• Health effects
– Carbon monoxide
– Carbon monoxide
• Impaired respiration
– Climate Change effects
• Health effects
– Nitrogen and sulfur oxides
– Nitrogen and sulfur oxides
• Lung tissue damage
• Respiratory effects
– Climate Change effects
• Health effects
– aromatic hydrocarbons
– aromatic hydrocarbons
• Cancer
• Fetal effects
– Climate Change effects
• Health effects
– Ozone damage.
– Ozone damage.
• Lung damage
• Reduced lung capacity
• Respiratory distress
– Climate Change effects
• Health effects
– Air toxics
– Air toxics
• Cancer
• Reduced fertility, birth defects
– Climate Change effects
• Health effects
– Biological pollutants
– Biological pollutants
• diarrhea, hepatitis, cholera, and other diseases
– Climate Change effects
• Health effects
– Toxic chemicals
– Toxic chemicals
•cancer, organ damage, infertility, and birth defects
(Depletion ozone ) leads to:
– Skin cancer, cataracts, weakened immunity, reduced crop yields.
– Loss of genetic diversity and possible drug treatments
– Degradation of overall environment and its ability to support life
– Lessened psychological, and spiritual well-being
يشير إلى تراكم مواد مثل المبيدات الحشرية أو مواد ومركبات عضوية أخرى في الكائنات الحية