Fundamentals of Environmental Health Flashcards
total of the natural conditions under which animals live, including climatic, geographic, other conditions
all that
which is ( external)to the individual human host.
Public health definition of the Environment
All that which is (External) to the individual host. It can be divided into;
1/ Physical
2/ Biological,
4/ Cultural
1. Physical 2/ Biological, 3/Social, 4/ Cultural factors Any or all of which can influence health status in populations.
Environmental health comprises those aspects of human health, including quality of life, that are determined by;
………..,………..,…………,……….. . factors in the environment.
WHO definition of the Environment
Physical, Biological, Social, Psychosocial
WHO definition of the Environmental health
It also refers to the practice of
Assessing, Correcting, Controlling, Preventing
factors in the environment that can potentially affect adversely the health of present and future generations.
Air, water, soil, housing, climate, geography, heat, light, noise, etc.
Air pollutants, toxic wastes, pesticides etc.
ما سبق يعتبر من اي نوع من المؤثرات على الصحة؟
? (the previous what type of (contributors to the environment
المؤثرات على البيئة
Contributors to the environment:
- Air, water, soil, housing, climate, geography, heat, light, noise, etc.
-Air pollutants, toxic wastes, pesticides etc.
◦ Virus, bacteria and other microbes, insects, rodents, animals and plants
◦ Disease producing agents, reservoir of infection, intermediate host and reservoirs of infection.
◦ Culture, values, customs, habits, morals, religions, education, lifestyle, community life, health services, social and other organizations.
Clean air
Safe and sufficient water
Safe and adequate food
Safe and peaceful settlements
Stable global environment
basic requirements for a healthy environment
Water supplies
Waste water treatment
Waste management
Vector control
Prevention and control of land pollution
Food hygiene and safety
Air quality management
Environmental radiation hazards
Occupational health and safety
Environmental noise management
Accommodation establishments
Scope of environmental health
Environmental impact assessments
Port health
Accident prevention
Environmental health measures associated with
epidemics, emergencies, disasters and migrations of
Establishment of an effective environmental health
surveillance and information system.
Research on environmental health issues.
Scope of environmental health
Free from pathogenic agents
Free from harmful chemical substances
Pleasant to taste, i.e. free from color and order,
Useable for domestic propose
Safe and wholesome water
Water requirement person/day
For drinking purpose: 2 liter/person/day
Domestic purpose : 150-200 liter /person/day
Water purificayion
1-Purification in small scale
2-Purification in large scale
Purification in small scale:
انواع التعقيم وتنقية المياه في نطاق صغير:
-Household level: boiling, chemical
disinfection & filtration.
-Disinfection of well
تعقيم البئر