Natural Law Flashcards
Everything within the universe has telos (purpose or aim), he arrives at this from the theory of the four causes (with telos being the final). According to him, humans and actions have telos.
Aristotle sees the telos of humans as eudaimonia (Flourishing and living well, the ultimate end that all actions should lead towards) which requires a full human life where we not only experience pleasure but we also participate in society & develop academically
The stoics
Stoicism viewed the world as an ordered place arranged by nature or the gods in the best way possible. The stoic believed that we had a divine spark within us that helped us reason and understand the universe. The path to human happiness and leading a good life was to accept the natural order of things & live according to natures rules.
Stoicism favours the rational over the emotional
Law as known in the mind of God, aka his knowledge of what is right and wrong. These are moral truths that humans cannot fathom, however the God given ability to reason allows us to imperfectly work out some of its application to human life
The law revealed by God through the command & teachings through revelation (eg scripture). This includes the 10 commandments and the moral teachings of Jesus in the sermon on the mount
Moral thinking we all have to do whether or not we have had the divine revelation of scripture. All humans have the capacity to consider & work out the moral rules necessary for achieving our telos. This involves a rational reflection on our human nature and considering how we might ‘do good and avoid evil’
Customs & practices of societies devised by the government/society. Aquinas argues that a law is only just if it is based on divine & nature law. To break a law not based on either would be illegal but not immoral.
The primary precepts
Aquinas believes that, when reflecting on our telos & understanding the synderesis rule there are 5 primary precepts which emerge;
Preservation of life
Live in an ordered society
Worship God
In fulfilling these precepts, we fulfil our telos
Secondary precepts
More specific precepts that can be deduced from the primary precepts eg preserve life -> do not kill. While primary precepts are fixed, secondary offer more flexibility.
Catholic interpretations of secondary precepts can be quite fixed (reproduction -> no contraception), Aquinas treats secondary precepts as possible applications
John Finnis
A modern legal philosopher whose approach to natural law is more in line with Aristotles belief than Aquinas. Finnis believed that things such as life, knowledge & religion/spirituality are ‘basic forms of human flourishing’. If we assume that these are goods to be pursued then these aims enable us to suggest certain requirements that humans need. These include the pursuit of basic goods for all, a sense of purpose to life and acting according to conscience. It is from these requirements that moral principles can be drawn, allowing for a more modern approach