Nationality sociologists. Flashcards
Nationality is socially constructed e.g. flags, language, rituals, ETC…
we are socialised into an ‘imaginary community’
Phillips et al?
The National curriculum supports nationality e.g. literature (Shakespeare) and history (perspectives)
British identity is taught through many ways - again symbolism - education, rituals, symbols etc…
Changing identity:
Global identity crisis, England lost traditions that made up identity, Britain lost its empire too.
Changing identity:
3 reactions to globalisation:
1. cultural resistance
2. cultural homogenisation
3. cultural hybridity.
Changing identity:
‘global village’ the world has become more interconnected.
Changing identity:
Britain has seen a ‘white backlash’ from the white working class, as the are perceived to get preferential treatment. - encouraged a new form of British nationalism
Les Back?
Black, Asian, and White youths on council estates exercise cultural borrowing - sharing cultures - slang, clothing, music. Therefore no one national identity - relative.