National Airspace System Flashcards
What is the Minimum Safe Altitude in regards to anywhere?
Anywhere: an altitude where an engine failure to an emergency landing can be made without undue hazard to persons or property.
What is the Minimum Safe Altitude in regards to Congested areas?
Over Congested areas: 1000ft above the highest obstacle within a radius of 2000ft.
What is the Minimum Safe Altitude in regards to places other than congested areas?
Other than congested areas: 500ft above the surface, except over water or sparsely populated areas, then its just 500ft away from any person, vessel or structure.
How would you break up the National Airspace System?
Two Categories: Regulatory(A,B,C,D,E, restricted and prohibited) and Non-regulatory (MOAs, Warning areas, Alert areas, Controlled firing areas)
Then Break those two categories into Controlled, Uncontrolled, Special Use and Other.
Describe Class A.
Dimensions: airspace above FL180 to FL600 and extending out to 12nm of coast.
Equipment: IFR Equiped and Mode C Transponder
Certificate: Instrument Rating
VFR Cloud Clearances: N/A
VFR Take off: N/A
Describe Class B.
Dimensions: Upside down wedding cake with two or more layers up to 10000ft.
Equipment: two way radio, Mode C Transponder
Certificate: Private Pilot or Student with endorsement
VFR Cloud: Clear of Clouds
Airspeed restrictions: 250kts below 10000ft and if youre operating below B shelf or in VFR corridor 200kts
VFR Take off: 3sm vis
Describe Class C.
Dimensions: two layers, sfc-1200ft agl then up to 4000ft agl, first layer 5nm radius, second layer 10n, radius.
Equipment: two way radio, Mode C Transponder
Certificate: No specific
VFR Cloud: 3152
Airspeed Restrictions: 200kts when at or below 2500ft agl and within 4nm of primary of class C
VFR Take off: 3sm
Describe Class D.
Dimensions: sfc-2500ft Equipment: two way radio Certificate: No specific VFR Cloud: 3152 Airspeed Restrictions: 200kts at or below 2500ft agl within 4nm of primary of class D VFR Take off: 3sm vis
Where would you find Class E airspace?
Surface: Dashed Magenta Starting at 700agl: faded magenta Starting at 1200agl: Faded blue Starting at 14500msl: outside of blue faded as specified: Blue Zipper above FL600
Describe Class E.
Equipment: no specified
Certificate: No specified
VFR Cloud: Below 10000 is 3152, above 10000 is 5111
Airspeed Restrictions: 250kts below 10000
VFR Take off: 3sm
Describe Class G.
Dimensions: everywhere else Equipment: No Specified Certificate: No Specified VFR Cloud: 1200ft agl and below is 1sm and clear of clouds. above 1200ft agl is 1152. At of above 10000ft msl is 5111. At night is 3152.
Airspeed Restrictions: Below 10000ft is 250kts
Transponder: above 10000
VFR Take off: 1sm clear of clouds and 1sm clouds at night while in the pattern and within 1/2 mile of runway.
What Acronym do you use for Special Use airspace?
Prohibited airspace
aircraft flight is prohibited, established for security reasons.
Alert Areas
Depicted on charts to tell pilot that the area may contain a high volume of pilot training or unusual type of flying, pilots should exercise extreme caution.
Controlled Firing Area
Not on charts, because they have spotter aircraft, radar , and lookout points that call out aircraft that come close, and then they immediately cease the firing.
Warning Areas
airspace that extends out 3nm from coast that can contain hazardous activity to non participating aircraft, the purpose is to warn pilots
Restricted Areas
means there is an unusual, often invisible hazard to aircraft like artillery, aerial gunnery or guided missiles. Must receive a clearance for VFR entrance. If IFR either guided around it or if it is not active through it.
Military Operation Areas
purpose is to separate military traffic from IFR traffic. IFR is cleared through MOAs if Separation can be maintained. VFR should contact controlling agency for advisories and exercise extreme caution.
National Security Areas
airspace in an area that requires increased security and safety for ground facilities.
Military Training Routes
IFR and VFR, 3 numbers mean one or more segments are above 1500ft agl, 4 numbers mean no segments are above 1500ft agl, speeds can be in excess of 250kts. and they are black lines
Temporary Flight Restrictions
An FDC notam, placed to protect person or property on surface, safe enviroment for disaster relief or fire fighting, or large congested areas and president and vice president.
Terminal Radar Service Areas
Provide participating aircraft with an additional radar service. Separate VFR and IFR. Its outlined by a black line.
Published VFR routes
they are VFR transition routes through or under class B airspace. VFR corridor or flyway.
What are Notams?
Notices to airmen, that are essential to flight safety.
FDC notams are regulatory ,, changes to charts or approaches, airspace.
D notams are taxiway closures, runway closures, airport lighting out.
What is Special VFR?
an atc clearance that allows us to fly vfr with lower minimums, clear of clouds, 1sm flight visibility, and if at night must be IFR rated and equipped.
Where can Notams be found?
Call a Briefer or on the FAA website.