Certificates & Documents Flashcards
What is Common Carriage?
1) holding out of a willingness
2) carry persons or property
3) from place to place
4) for compensation or hire
What is Holding Out?
Advertising yourself as willing to take anyone or anything flying. Holding out can also be done through and agent or salesman who gathers passengers from the public to be flown by the operator. Signs and advertisements are the most direct form, but even having a reputation of of being willing can be a form of holding out.
Would James asking Rich for money to board his airplane be considered common carriage?
Yes, because James is both providing the plane and negotiating a price.
Can we exhibit private carriage if our plane is over 6000lbs and over 20 seats?
No, cannot exhibit private carriage in an aircraft with a maximum payload capacity greater than 6,000lbs or greater than 20 seats.
How many private contracts are we limited to?
Less than 18 to 24 contracts, because anything more is considered common carriage or showing a willingness.
What are the exceptions to private carriage while holding out?
A commercial pilot may legally hold out following exceptions-
1) flight instruction
2) crop dusting
3) banner towing
4) parachute flight
5) aerial photography
6) Non stop scenic tours- they need a LOA and can only be done within 25sm
Define “Night” for logging flight time:
End of civil evening twilight to beginning of civil morning twilight as published in the American Air Almanac FAR 1.1
Define “Night” for meeting recency requirements:
One hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise. FAR 61.57b
Define “Night” for Navigation lights required:
Sunset to sunrise. FAR 91.209
What FAR is Durations and Privileges for Medical Certificates?
FAR 61.23
First Class:
Allows holder to exercise privileges of ATP PIC, as well as subsequent medical privileges.
40 years old or younger, Valid for 60 calendar months, but can only exercise First Class privileges for first 12 months, then Third Class privileges for remaining 48.
Older than 40 years, Valid for 24 calendar months, exercise for 6 months then Second Class privileges for 6 months, then Third Class for the remaining year.
Second Class:
Allows the holder to exercise ATP SIC and commercial privileges, as well as subsequent medical privileges.
40 years old or younger, Valid for 60 calendar months, but can only exercise Second Class for first 12 months, then Third Class.
Older than 40 years, Valid 24 calendar months, exercise privileges for first 12 months, then Third Class for the remaining year.
Third Class:
Allows holder to exercise private pilot privileges, recreational pilot, sports pilot, flight instructor.
40 years old and younger, Valid for 60 calendar months, exercise for 60 calendar months
Older than 40 years, Valid and exercise for 24 calendar months.
What is an IPC?
Instrument Proficiency Check, it is done to check that a pilot can perform instrument tasks and operations safely and proficiently. They test at least everything in the ACS appendix 5. An examiner, a check pilot, a CFII or any other FAA approved individual can perform one.
What documents are required to act as PIC?
Government photo ID, Pilots license and Medical.
What are the NTSB reporting requirements?
There are immediate Notification items that require immediate notification, A report is required within 10 business days of an Accident.
What is an accident?
an occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight and when all such passengers have disembarked,
in which any person suffers death or serious injury,
in which the aircraft receives substantial damage.
What is an incident?
as an occurrence other than an accident, associated with the operation of an aircraft, which affects or could affect the safety of operations.
What is considered substantial damage?
any damage or failure that affect structural strength, performance, or flight characteristics, and which need major repair.
What is considered a serious injury?
hospitalization for more than 48 hours with 7 days, fracture of a bone, severe hemorrhages, nerve muscle or tendon damage, any internal organs, second or third degree burns or burns over 5 percent of body.