How does the nasal cavity open anteriorly and posteriorly?
ANT-via the nostrils and nares
POST-through the choanae
Define a vestibule?
It is the dilation inside aperture of each nostril, lined with skin with hairs,sebaceous and sweat glands.
What does a vestibule consist of?
Skin with hairs, sebaceous and sweat glands.
What is a conchae?
A structure shaped like a shell, could be parts of the ethmoid bone or could be a separate bone.
What bones make up the roof of the nasal cavity?
It is formed by the nasal,frontal,the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone and the sphenoid bone.
What makes the floor of the nasal cavity?
The palatine processes of the maxillary bones and the horizontal plate of the palatine bone.
What is contained in the floor of the nasal cavity and what passes through it?
Incisive foramen
Nasopalatine and sphenopalatine artery.
What makes the medial wall of the nasal septum?
1.Septal Cartilage
2.Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone
4.Processes of the maxilla,palatine,frontal sphenoid and the nasal bones.
What makes up the lateral wall of the basal cavity?
1.Frontal process and nasal surface of the maxilla
2.lacrimal bone
3.Perpendicular plate of the palatine bone
4.Medial pterygoid plates of the sphenoid
5.Nasal bone
6.Superior and inferior nasal conchae
What structures and openings are found in the lateral wall of the nasal cavity?
1.Sphenoethmoidal recess-opening of the sphenoid sinus
2.The superior meatus-opening of the posterior ethmoidal sinus
3.The middle meatus-Hiatus semilunaris -opening of the maxillary sinus and the anterior ethmoidal sinus.The ethmoidal bulla-opening of the middle ethmoidal sinus and the infundibulum-opening of thefrontonal sinuses
4.The inferior meatus-opening of the nasolacrimal duct.
5. Sphenopalatine foramen-opening of the pterygopalatine fossa
What is transmitted through the sphenopalatine foramen?
Nasopalatine nerve
Sphenopalatine artery
What are the subdivisions of the nasal cavities?
2.Respiratory region
3.Olfactory region
What bounds the vestibule?
Alar plate
What part of the nasal cavity does the respiratory region consist of ?
Lower third
Function of the respiratory region?
Warms,moistens and filters air with mucous membrane
What does the olfactory region consist of ?
The superior nasal concha and the upper third of the nasal septum.