naming bones Flashcards
knuckle-like, smooth, rounded articular surface - carpals (condyloid), elbow (hinge)
two flat surfaces, smooth nearly flat articulated surface - vertebrae (amphiarthroses), tarsals (gliding)
rounded, enlarged rounded end of bone - only on humerus and femur (ball and socket)
narrow ridge of bone - iliac crest, articular crests
above and outside condyles, bony bulge above a condyle - distal end of humerus
any projection on bone, oft pointed and sharp - mastoid process, styloid process of ulna
sharp, slender projection - spinous process of vertebrae, spine of scapula
large, blunt irregular projections - only on femur, greater and lesser
small, rounded, knob-like projection -greater and lesser on humerus
larger, rounded knob-like projection - on tibia
long, narrow cleft or slit - superior orbital fissure
rounded, opening thru a bone, foramen magnum
frontal bone
open cavity in bone - in nasal passage way
tunnel - external to internal acoustic meatus
smooth, shallow depression - supraspinous fossa of scapula, pituitary fossa
parietal bones
behind coronal suture, on either side of sagittal suture
point where coronal and sagittal sutures meet
point where sagittal and lambdoidal sutures meet
occipital bone
beneath lambdoidal suture
temporal bone
weakest bones in skull, behind frontal bone on either side
zygomatic arch
on outside of temporal bone
external occipital protuberance
bump on the bottom of the skull
parietal eminences
bumps on either parietal bone
parietal foramen
holes on either side of the sagittal suture
lacrimal foramen
tear duct
ethmoid bone
rectangular bone just behind lacrimal foramen
superior orbital fissure
angled down hole in eye socket
inferior orbital fissure
angled up hole in eye socket
optic foramen
hole just above lowest point of sup op fiss
greater wing sphenoid bone
top bone of the eye socket
upper jaw bone
infraorbital foramen
hole just below eye socket
just above and in between eyebrows
nasal bone
bridge of nose, between eyes
inferior central nasal bone
nasal septum
superior central nasal bone
nasal concha
swirlies on either side of vomer/septum
mastoid process
bone that sticks out right behind ears
zygomatic bone
cheek bone
zygomaticomaxillary suture
where the zygomatic and maxillary bones meet
coronal suture
where frontal bone and parietal bones meet
sagittal suture
where parietal bones meet
lambdoidal suture
where parietal bones and occipital bone meet
external acoustic meatus
outer ear hole
foramen lacerum
foramens directly above foramen magnum
foramen magnum
hole for spinal cord
foramen ovale
larger holes above and outwards of the foramen magnum
foramen spinosum
small holes right next to foramen ovale
jugular foramen
fissure like holes next to occipital condyles
occipital condyle
where head sits on vertebrae
palatine process of maxilla
roof of mouth
styloid process of the skull
pointy protrusions next to jugular foramen
superior nuchal line
lines on each side of external occipital protuberance
cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone
divot at front of skull
crista galli
rooster’s cowl
foramen rotundum
hidden foramen under the greater wing of the sphenoid bone
internal acoustic meatus
tiny hole above the jugular foramen
lesser wing of sphenoid bone
ridge above greater wing sphenoid bone
pituitary fossa
depression where sphenoid bones meet
lower jaw, detchable
mandibular condyle
posterior part of the mandibular ramus
mandibular coronoid process
anterior part of the mandibular ramus
mandibular notch
pit between mandib condyle and mandib coronoid process
mandibular ramus
weird part behind the teeth
mandibular foramen
hole on the inside of the ramus
angle of mandible
jaw line, point between ramus and body
body of mandible
below the teeth
mental protuberance
mental foramen
hole on either side of chin
body of vertebrae
anterior to the vertebral forameni
inferior articular facet
space on the bottom that the lower vertebrae fit into
posterior bone bridges
anterior bone ridges
spinous process of the vertebrae
the long bit that you can hold
superior articular facet
ridge on the top the the above vertebrae fits into
transverse process
the wings, giraffe ears