Mycology Flashcards
Fungal cell wall is made up of?
Glucan :act as endotoxin that may stimulate the immune system
Fungal pigments : protect aginst UV
What make fungal cell wall unique from cellullose based palnts
3-cell membrane
Polysaccharides(glucan B1.3 B1,6) + chitin which is found in cell wall do what
The glucan act like endotoxin
chitin(beta-1,4-linked chan of acetylgucosamine ) cotribute to cell wall integrity to withstand osmotic pressures
function of glycoprotiens
Transport and cell to cell atachment
important target of innate immune recognition
What is the primary sterol of cell mebrane
what makes the cell wall speical for lap result
chitin + ergosterol
Difference in cell wall of yeast vs moulds
Filamentous fungus molds
Lacks mannan
lacks b-1,6-glucan and replaced with oligosacrride
Function of fungal cell wall
Morphogenesis and sensing enviromental stimuli
wall integrity
adhesion to host
Pamps : chitin and b glucan act as pamps or mamps which help the host PRRs to detect the invading fungus
names of divsion
Bainary fissin mostly bacteria
budding mostly in yeast : SPOC stops it
what is a spores
Asexual and sexual way of sexing
Enodgenous vs exogenous spores
endogenous : have a close membrance call sporongium
exogenous :have a free spore called conidispores
What is the mean diffrence between bacteria and fungi
Fungi have thermal dimorphism
classification of fungal diseases
Superficial mycosis : cutaneous and subcutaneous
Systemic or deep mycosis
opportunistic infection
Superficial mycosis is caused by a group of fungi called ?
name what they require to grow
and way of transmation
Name 3 superficial skin infection caused by dermatophytes
where dose subcuatneous mycosis present in nature
Presnt of plant and soil so farmer are affected commonly
give me one example of subcuatnous mycosis and what fungi
Sporotrichiosis cause my the fungi sporothrix schenkii
progression of subcutanous mycosis and how it start and what is the immune respone
start is paionless nodule then ulcerate dishchargin serous or purelnt fluid. spred thro lymptics forming nodular lesion
look at page 30 for pitcure of spoorothrix schenkii
Systemic mycosis caused by what and what is the mode of entery and what is the immune defese like
affect internal organ + enter by skin of para nasal sinuses or lungs .
fungi causing this is : Histoplasma capulatum
Blastomyces dermatiditis
coccidiodes immitus
morphologicly dimorphic which mean both yeast and mold
cell mediatied immunity
Clinical picture pf systemic mycosis
fungi have certin geographical distribution. associated with bat and bird dropping
wet areas and forest with decying wood .
more prevleant aroud lakes and rivers
and the clinical picture is chronic pneumonia . present with dry cough then progress to productue cough, hemopytsis and pleurtic chest pain . + pnemonic infiltrates in xray
Name 4 opportunistic fungi
Yeast :
Candida albican
watch page 35 for candida albicans picture
Mucor morphology
Aseptate branching at 90 degree
Mucor generally occur in what type of patient
immunocompromised host like those who have diabates
They infect which part of body ?
para-nasal and the lower repiratory tract , even involving bone and can spread to brain
Host risk factor of mucor 5
sustined immunesuppressive therapy
chronic prednisone use
iron overload
Rhinocerebral (sinus and brain )mucor in IC present with5
One sided facial pain!!
nasal or sinus congestion !!
black lesion on upper side of mouth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pulmonary mucormycosis present with?4
cheast pain
shortness of breath
The main line of innate host reponse to Mucor is 3
Mononuclear cells MNCs
Morphology of Cryptococcus ?
yeast resmbling candidia but has capsule
capsule of cryptococcus can be staind by what
india ink prepartion
Cryptococcus causes? and asscoicated with what kind of animal
peumonia in IC
bird droping
pneumocystis jiovecii causes what and clinical presention
Fever dry cough dyspnea cheast pain bilateral infltratin of lung
associated with cancer patient who went throw chemo
pneumocystis jiovecii special feature
can exists in two form cyst and trophozoite so antibiotic is used