Mycobacterium (MC) - Block 3 Flashcards
What are the sx of TB?
Productive cough, fatigue, night sweats
How do you diagnose TB?
Identification of organism
Chest x-ray
Tubercilin test
Sx of leprosy?
Anesthetic or paresthetic patches
Mucle atrophy
Bone resorption
Diagnosis for leprosy?
Skin smear
ANtibody detection
What are the pools of mycobacterium?
- Extracellular
- Intracellular
- Necrotic pool with macrophages
Does prior exposure to TB protect someone from getting it a second time?
What is latency?
Capable of reactivating later and much harder to kill
What are drugs used for TB?
- Rifampin
- Isoniazid
- Pyrazinamide
- Ethambutol
Why is mycobacterium cell wall complex?
High lipid content and very complicated
How does FA synthesis occurs?
inhA (enoyl reductase) reduces acyl carrier protein (alkene) with the help of cofactor (NADH)
MOA of isoniazid?
Prodrug inhibitor of mycolic acid biosynthesis:
* acylated NADH not able to reduce alkene in fatty acid synthesis -> blocking mycolic acid synthesis
What is the endogenous substate mimiced by isoniazid?
Nicotinic acid
How is INH metabolized?
NAT (phase 2 conjugation) -> CYP450 metabolism can form an acyl radical responsible for liver necrosis
PK of isoniazid?
- Absorption is decreased in the presence of AI ion
- Well distributed (granuloma and CSH)
- Used alone for prophylaxis
- Combo for infectious condition
- Combined with B6 (pyridoxine) to reduce peripehral neuritis
What is the ansamycin ABX?
MOA of ansamycin?
Targets bacterial DNA-directed RNA polymerase in G+
MOA of rifampin?
- Inhibits DNA-dependent RNA polymerase in bacterial cells by binding to b-subunit preventing transcription to RNA and translation to proteins
- Interacts with b-subunit of RNA polymerase when its a a2b trimer -> halting mRNA transcription -> preventing translation of polypeptides
Doesn’t stop elongation of mRNA once bindign to template strand of DNA has been intiated