Immunosuppressants (MC) - Block 4 Flashcards
Indications for immunosuppressants?
For solid organ and bone marrow transplantation and autoimmune disorders
ADR of immunosuppressants?
- Increase risk of infection and malignanciess
- Nephrotoxicity
- Diabetes
MOA of glucocorticoids?
Reduce size and lymphoid content of lymph nodes and spleen -> interferes with cell cycle of activated lymphoid cells
Corticosteroids Examples?
- Hydrocortisone
- Prednisone
- Prednisolone
- Methylprednisolone
- Dexamethasone
- Betamethasone
- Triamcinolone
MOA of cyclosporine?
Blocks activation of T cells by binding to cyclophilin
Metabolism of cyclosporine?
CYP3A family -> requiring individual patient dosage adjustments
ADR of cyclosporine (calcineurin inhibitors)?
Nephrotoxicity (additive with NSAIDs)
How does tacrolimus binding differ from cyclosporine?
Binds to FK-BP instead of cyclophilin
What is a natural mTOR inhibitor?
MOA of rapamycin?
Bind to FKBP12 -> complex blocks mTOR
What is mTOR?
Mammalian target of rapamycin: serine/threonin kinase
* Phosphorylated kinases result in de novo synthesis of proteins -> inhibition of T cell proliferation
PK properties of rapamycin?
Lot of hydrophobic interactions (carbon rich)
* Only 3 atoms aren’t buried in the protein - one of which is O -> can modify
Metabolism of sirolimus?
Substrate for both CYP3A family and P-gp many DDIs are possible
ADR of sirolimus?
- Hyperglycemia
- DLD (elevated cholesterol and TG)
- Myelosuppression
Not as nephrotoxic -> good for kindey transplants
Describe the structural modifications of Temsirolimus/Everolimus?
Increased solubility - O is not in protein and ester/ether are polor -> exposed to surrounding environment (aqueous)