Myasthenia Gravis Flashcards
Myasthenia gravis
Acquired, autoimmune, progressive disease characterized by muscle weakness. Times of remission and exacerbations. Results from reduction of acetylcholine receptors
What are some stressors that can cause flares
Emotional stress, pregnancy, illness, heat
What is the worst outcome that could occur due to myasthenia gravis
Leads to respiratory failure secondary to muscle weakness
What are the two types of MG
Ocular, which occurs around face and neck. And generalized
Drooping eyelid, occurs 50% of the time
Double vision, occurs in 50%
Garbled speech
Trouble swallowing, concern for aspiration
What are the three bulbar symptoms that can occur
Dysarthria, dysphasia, fatigable chewing
What are two bedside tests that are used in the diagnosis of MG
- Tension test: onset 30-45 seconds, duration of action 5-10 minutes, give IV, watch eyelids, ptosis will improve if it is MG
- Ice pack test: ice on eyelid for two minutes, remove ice, immediately asses ptosis, will improve if MG
What are two serological test of auto antibodies you can use in the diagnosis of MG
Seda: receptor antibodies, muscle specific tyramine kinase antibodies
AChR-Ab and MuSK
A nerve conduction test or EMG can be used to diagnose what
Drug therapy of patient with myasthenia gravis
Acetylcholinestrase inhibitors (first line)
Short term drug therapy for MG patience
Usually ordered Until other Other medication to take affect, prior to surgery, myasthenia crisis
- IV immunoglobulin
- Plasmapheresis
Done for MG because thymus gland seems to enhance AChR antibodies
When would a thymectomy be done?
Early in Mg Dx, within two years
Care of a patient with MG
Focus on care of neurological deficits and their impact on a DL, teach balanced diet that can be easily chewed and swallowed, schedule meds so peak action is during meal time, arrange diversion activities that require minimal exertion,
What kind of meals are easily chewed and swallowed, a.k.a. the best texture for a patient with MG
Semi solid
Teach Causes flares, medication and its potential side effects, complications of disease, complications of therapy such as crisis conditions, support group availability, important to know the difference between cholinergic crisis and my aesthetic crisis
Myasthenia crisis
Caused by not enough anticholinesterase drugs
Cholinergic crisis
Caused by too many anticholineresterase drugs
What are common features of both myasthenia crisis and cholinergic crisis
Apprehension, restlessness, dyspnea, dysphasia, generalized weakness, respiratory failure
Unique features of myasthenia crisis
Increase in vital signs, incontinence, absence of cough or swallow reflux, improvement of symptoms with Tensilon test
Unique features of a cholinergic crisis
Are flaccid paralysis, hypersecretion such a saliva sweat and tears, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, worsening symptoms with the tensilon test