My Notes for Unit 1 Flashcards
the present is the key to the past. Identify a rock for what it is because what it is is how it formed. Everything has its own way of forming: the way it formed today is the way it formed in the past.
What is fracking?
- something oil companies do
- crack rock that contains oil or gas that is too tightly pack in get rock
- break up rock by pumping water at a high pressure to widen cracks and pump out of cracks
___orbit the nucleus
an atoms is___% or more open space
What is the atomic weight and atomic number of Hydrogen?
1 for both
What does the nucleus contain
protons and electrons
What controls the number of electrons
what adds mast the atom system
What is atomic weight?
number of protons and protons
What is the atomic number
number of protons
What are the three types of hydrogen isotopes?
H1, H2, H3 (normal hydrogen-no neutrons, deuterium-1 neutron, tritium-2 neutrons)
What are the three most common oxygen isotopes?
16O8, 18O8, 17O8
How many oxygen isotopes are there?
What does the ratio of oxygen isotopes vary with? What are the 4 variations for paleoclimatic study (to figure out what the climate was like)?
The temp of water
1) fossil shells made of CaCO3
2) fossil shells made of SiO2
3) ice in glaciers made of H2O
4) other rock processes
How can we figure out what the climate was like ?
by the ratio of oxygen isotopes depending on the temperature of the water when they formed. By using oxygen, we can build up a picture of how the climate has changed.
How can we figure out the age of fossils?
By the temp of sea water while an organism was living
What isotope is used for paleoclimatic study?
Using plankton as an example, how can we apply paleoclimatic study?
Shells of CaCO3 for most/many
How many common Uranium isotopes are there?
What are the 2 common uranium isotopes
235 U 92 (143 neutrons)
238 U 92 (146 neutrons) –> most common
How many protons are in the nuclear of all uranium isotopes
Some uranium isotopes are___or ___
radioactive or unstable
What is a radioactive or an unstable isotope?
Will break down (the nuclei will break down) by themselves
What does U turn to?
Pb (lead)
235 U 92 =
238 U 92 =
208 Pb 82
207 Pb 82
Is the lead isotope that forms from the decay of 235 U stable or unstable
What can we use the two lead isotopes to determine?
the time 2 different crystals formed and to determine the age of ancient rocks by the amount of lead from the uranium that is left
What are the two types of radioactivity?
1) Nuclear fusion
2) Nuclear fission
What is atomic/nuclear fission?
splitting of atom to produce new isotope–an atomic nucleus into a daughter and energy
What is nuclear fusion?
when things fuse to form 1 (produces more excess energy than fission)