MXT 2 FINAL Flashcards
a disease that can be sopread from one person to another is known as
an infectious disease
a low hemoglobin reading may occur with all of the following except
a mixed culture is a culture that
contains two or more kinds of microorganisms
a provider specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of disease using radiation and other imaging techniques is known as a
a small sample taken from the body to respresent the nature of the whole is known as a
a throat specimen should be collected from the
tonsillar area and posterior pharynx
all of the following are advantages of the fecal immunochemical test (FIT) as compared with the guaiac slide test except
FIT is less expensive
all of the following are advantages of the laboratory component of an EHR program except
the type of tests required by the patient can be determined by the program
all of the following are characteristics of computed tomography (CT) exept
uses sound waves to produce an image
all of the following are characteristics of influenza antiviral medication except
serves as a substitute for the influenza vaccine
all of the following are correct technoques for applying a tourniquet except
leaving the tourniquet on for at leat 3 minutes before drawing the specimen
all of the following are found in a laboratory directory except
names and CPT codes of the test performed by the laboritory
all of the following are guidlines for the collection of a first-catch urine specimen except
the patient should cleanse the genital area before collection of the specimen
all of the following are handling and storage requirments for blood glucose reagent test strips except
remove the desiccant after opening a new test strip container
all of the following are included in a lipid profile except
all of the following are natural defense mechanism of the body except
all of the following are symptoms of prostate cancer except
thick, yellow discharge from the penis
all of the following are symptoms of strep throat except
nausea and vommiting
all of the following are used to identify a pathogen except
sensitivity testing
all of the following may need to be flushed out of the eyes using an emergency eyewash station except
eye discharge
all of the following may result in elevated blood triglyceride levels ecepts
all of the following medications must be discontinued before and during guaiac slide testing except
calcium suppliment
as evacuated tube with a lavander stopper contains
an individual who collects blood speimens is known as a
an instrument used to view internal organs directly is known as a
an IVP used to assist in the diagnosis of all of the following except
urinary tract infections
antibiotics taken by the patient before the collection of a throat specimen…
false negative
before meals. it is recommended that the blood glucose level for diabetic patients….
80 to 120
blood may normals be present in the urine because of
cholestrol is transported in the blood as a complex molecule known as
conditions caused by staphylococcus aureus include
all are correct
during the venipuncture prodecure, a sudden swelling occurs in the area
immadiatly remove the tourniquate and then the needle
hematocrite is used as a screening measure for the early detection of
how are laboratory reports delivered to the medical office
all are correct
how is serum obtained?
from clotted blood that has been centrifuged
how many blood smears are required for a differential white blood cell count
how often should a patient on warfarin therapy have a PT/INR test performed
every 2 to 4 weeks
how should urine reagent strips be stored
all are correct
if a POL is performing moderate compleity tests, CLIA requires
all are correct
if a pathogen were sensitive to an antibiotic, what would be obverved when…
clear zone
mammography is used to detect
all are correct
most of the cholestoral found in the blood comes from
most of the urine is composed of what substance
mr. nelson has a white blood cell count of 14.500. this is considered
on standing, a blood specimen which an anticoagulant has been added
plasma, buffy coat, red blood cells
on standing, a blood specimen to which an antiquagulant has NOT been added
blood clot and serum
plebotomy includes which of the following
not allowed to do venipuncture
polyuria is caused by
all are correct
the function of glucose
prolonged high blood glucose levels can cause all of the following conditions except
staphlycoccucal infections usually result in which of the following
all are correct
testicula cancer occurs most commonly
15 to 32
the buffy coat consists of
white blood cells and platlets
the function of hemoglobin is to
provide oxygen
the function of the prostate gland is to
produces white milky fluid
the function of x-rays includes all of the following except
cannot prevent anything
the hemoglobin A1c test measures the
average amount of glucose in 3 months
the high power objective has a magnification of
the most common sign of testicular cancer is
firm and hard mass
the pH of most urine specimen is
the purpose of an obstectric ultrasound is to
all are correct
the purpose of quality control is to
have accurte and valid test results
the purpose of sensitivity testing is to
choose the best anitbiotic
the purpose of sigmoidoscopy is to detect the presence of
any tumors
the red blood cells indices assisnt in the diagnosis of the different types of
the size of the evacuated tube you choose to ontain a venous blood specimen
it depends on the required amount
the upper gastrointestinal (GI) radiographic examination is helpful in diagnosing all of the following except
tumors of the large intestine
the use of a standard to detect errors caused by laboratory equiment that is…
to be most effective, when should influenza antiviral medication be started?
within the first 48 hours
what does it mean if a urine specimen is light yellow in color?
the urine specimen does not contain many dissolved substances
what is strep throat
a bacterial infection of the throat and tonsiles
what is the incubation period range for influenza
1 to 4 days
what is the name of the hormone present only in the urine and blood of a pregnant woman
human chorionic gonadotropin
what is name of the microorganism that causes infectious mononucleosis?
epstein bar
what is the normal range for the specific gravity of urine?
1.003 to 1.030
what is the PT/INR result of a healthy individual with a normal clotting ability?
0.8 to 1.2
what is the purpose of a laboratory report?
to relay the results of a laboratory test to the provider
what is the purpose of the DRE before a sigmoidoscopy?
all are correct
what is the porpose of the patient accession number found on the laboratory report?
to provide identification of each specimen in the laboratoy
what is the term for a substance thayt is being identified or measured in a laboratory test?
what is the term for a substance that is capable for combining with an antigen?
what is the term for a test result that indicates whater a substance is…
what is the term for presance of ketone bodies in the urine?
what is the term for the recorded image obtained with ultrasonography?
what may occur if a finger punctured is made that is deeper than 3.1 mm?
hit the bone causes ostero
what may occur if an angle of less than 15 degrees is used to perform the….
it will be above the vein, not puncture the vein
what position should be used for a venipuncture if a patient appers nervous
what should be done if a control does not perfrom as expoected?
do not perform the test
what type of results are produced by a high level control?
above the reference range
what type of specimen should be used to test for the presence of nitrite
first voided morning specimen
when a patient has a urninary tract infection all of the followings tests…
ketone bodies
when collecting a clean-catch midstream urine specimen, a front to back…
when should a testicual self exmanination be peformed
after taking a warm shower
when using a microhermatocrit centerfigue, the hematocrite test results should be read at the
top of the red blood cells
where are urinary casts fromed?
in the lumen of the nephron tubules
which of the following are characteristics of the brachial artery
all are correct
which of the following assists the prodiver in maing a diagnosis?
all are correct
which of the following can cause faliur of the expected control results to
all are correct
which of the following gauge needles is used most often to perform a routine venipuncutre using the vacuum tube method
21 G
which of the following helps to prevent the transmission of influenza?
all are correct
which of the following increases an individuals risks of develpoing a serious complication from influenza?
all are correct
which of the following increases the PSA level?
vigorous excercise
which of the following instructions should be relayed to the patient regarding a bone density scan?
do not take calcium supplement of the morning of scan
which of the folloiwing instructions should be relayed to the patient regarding an upper GI radiographic examination?
do not eat or drink after midnight on the day before the examination
which of the following is a characteristic of magnetic imaging?
all are correct
which of the following is poststreptococcal infection to streptococcal aore throat?
rheumatic fever
which of the following is a quality control method?
all are correct
which of the following is a screening test for syphlisis?
which of the following is an advangtage of using RADT to diagnose step throat?
rapid result to the physican
which of the following is an example of a quantitative test result?
500 mg/dl
which of the following is included ina product insterted of a testing kit?
all are correct
which of the following is not a characteristic of a nuclear medicine diagnostic imaging procedure?
the examination takes only a short time
which of the following is usually found in the urine sediment of a patient with candidiasis?
which of the following laboratory tests requires fasting?
all are correct
which of the following may occur if a tourniquate is applied too tightly?
all are correct
whioch of the following mayresult in false-positive test results on a guaiac slide test?
all are correct
which of the following positions is used for fleible fibroptic sigmoidoscopy
which of the following respresents a violation of technique when collecting a throat specimen?
toucning the inside of the mouth witha swab
which of the following respesents an error in technique when performing a urine pregancy test?
the specific gravity of the specimen is 1.003
which of the following represnts an error in technique when slecting a vein for venipuncture?
using the thumb to palpatate the vein
which of the following represesnt an error in technique when testing a urine specimen witha reagent strip?
touching the reagent areas with the fingures
which of the following represents an error in technique when working with evacuated tubes?
shaking the tube containg an anticoagulant after drawing it
which of the following results in leukopenia?
which of the following is usually present in the urine?
which of the following tests is perfomed on the first catch urine specimen?
NAA test for chlamydia and gonnorrhea
which of the following tests requires a clean-catch midstream specimen?
urine culture
which of the following urine specimens contains the greatest concentration of dissovled substances?
first-voided morning specimen
which of the following urine tests may be positive when a patient has undiagnosed diabetes mellitus?
which of the following tests may be positivd when a patient has hepetitis?
which of the following veins is most likely to collape when performing venipouncture?
small veins
why is a first-voided moirning specimen preferred for performing a microscopic examination of urine?
it contains more dissolved substances
why is it important to handle and store a specimen properly?
to maintain the in vivo qualities of the specimen