Musculoskeletal System Flashcards
Name the two main divisions of the skeleton system
The Axial Skeleton, The Appendicular Skeleton
What is the function of the skeletal system?
The main function of the Axial Skeleton (composed by the skull, spine and ribcage)is to protect the internal organs and support the Appendicular Skeleton(composed by the limbs, arms and legs plus the clavicle and pelvis, its main function is movement and support
Where would you find bone marrow and what is its function?
It is found in the bones. There are two types of bone marrow. Red bone marrow (found at the the end of long bones), in flat bones in the cancellous (“spongy”) part of the bone).
What is the difference in yellow and red bone marrow?
Yellow bone marrow is found in the shaft and stores fats, Red bone marrow makes new blood cells.
Name the 5 different types of freely moveable or synovial joints?
Ball & Socket(hip & shoulder), Hinge(elbow & knee) Gliding joints(tarsals & carpal bones) Saddle joints(wrist & the joint between the phalange of the thumb and its metacarpal).
Name two disorders of the skeletal system
Arthritis, Osteoporosis
How many bones are in the foot?
How many types of bones are there in the body?, name them.
5, Long bones, short bones, flat bones, irregular bones, sesamoid bones
How many bones in the human spinal column? name them
33 bones - 7 vertebrae in the cervical region, 12 in the thoracic region, 5 in the lumbar region, 5 in the sacral region, and 4 in the coccygeal region
How many pairs of ribs are in the rib cage?
12 pairs of ribs
What is a tendon?
A tendon is a fibrous connective tissue that connects bone to muscle
What is a ligament?
A ligament is a fibrous connective tissue that connects bone to bone.
What type of joints are there?
fixed, slightly moveable, freely moveable joints
What is the sacroiliac joint?
The Sacroiliac joints are formed by the connection of the sacrum and the right and left iliac bones
How many vertebrae are in the spine.
33 vertabrae. 7 cervical (bones in the neck), 12 thoracic vertebrae (they carry the ribs in the centre of the body), 5 Lumbar vertebrae (Lower back), 5 Sacral vertebrae (fused to form the sacrum), 4 Coccygeal vertebrae ( fused to form the coccyx).
Name the 5 regions of the vertebral column
Name the bones of the hand
8 carpals
5 metacarpals
14 phalanges
Name 3 bones of the pelvic girdle
Name the categories of joints
Types of muscle
List 4 bones
Name the 4 basic types of tissue.
Nerve, Epithelial, Connective, Muscle
Name 4 functions of muscles.
Provide strength, Balance, Posture, Movement, Heat for the
body to keep warm, Cardiac contractility
What is the difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles?
Involuntary muscles are
muscles controlled only by the autonomic nervous system (digesting food, peristalsis) .
These cannot be controlled consciously. While Voluntary muscles we can control them
(walking, smiling)
Where does the muscle take the energy from when it needs it?
The process of muscle
contraction requires chemical reactions at cellular level + electrical messages from the
nervous system. When a cell needs energy for chemical reactions, ATP (adenosine
triphosphate) is broken down to find this energy.
Name three diseases and disorders of the muscular system
Fibromyalgia, Atony Atrophy. cramps , Ms
What are the functions of - a) a muscle? - b) a tendon? - c) a ligament?
Tendons and ligaments are connective tissues that transmit mechanical forces between muscles and bones. Tendons attach muscle to skeleton, whereas ligaments attach bone to bone and stabilize skeletal joints. Muscles function is movement and to produce force and motion
38) Where are the sacro-iliac joints located in the body?
The sacroiliac joint is the joint between the sacrum and the ilium bones of the pelvis
The main three functions of the skeletal system
Support of the body, Locomotion, provide protection for internal organs, produces of blood cells + the storage of minerals, particularly calcium, + development
Name the 4 components of the Skeletal System
The skeletal system is composed of four main fibrous and mineralized connective tissues: bones, ligaments, tendons, and joints.
42) What does the Appendicular skeleton consist of?
The Appendicular Skeleton consists of 126 bones that include both the upper and lower limbs and bones shoulders girdle and pelvic girdle
How many bones are in the foot?
And in the hand? 26 bones in the foot, 27 bones in the hand
What is bone marrow? Name one function and where in the body would you find it?
Bone marrow is soft, flexible connective tissue within bone cavities, bone marrow functions primarily to produce blood cells and to store fat. Red V Yellow Marrow. In adults, red marrow is mostly in the skull, pelvis, spine, ribs, sternum, shoulder blades, and near the point of attachment of the long bones of the arms and legs. The red marrow produces blood cells. Yellow marrow consists primarily of fat cells. Yellow marrow is found in spongy bones and in the shaft of long bones. When blood supply is extremely low, yellow marrow can be converted to red marrow in order to produce more blood cells.
How many different types of bones are in the human skeleton?
There are five types of bones in the human skeletal system: Long, Short, Flat, Irregular, Sesamoid.
Name the 3 different types of joints.
Fixed or Fibrous joint, cartilaginous or slightly movable joint, freely movable or synovial joint.