Musculoskeletal Conditions Flashcards
a disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue. this leads to increased bone fragility and risk of fracture (broken bones), particularly of the hip, spine, wrist and shoulder
risk factors for osteoporosis
- female
- post menopausal
- low calcium/vitamin d intake
- sedentary
- maternal history
- high caffeine
- smoker
- certain medications
how does exercise improve bone density?
our bodies respond to loads placed on it, impact is good
recommendations for older adults with osteroporosis
engage in multicomponent exercise program that includes residentance training in combination with balance training - DO NOT engage in aerobic training
what therapeutic goals should be targeted in individuals with osteoporosis?
1) fall prevention
2) safe movement or spine sparing strategies
3) prevention of further bone loss
fab 5 exercises for first timers
1) squats or sit to stand exercises or lunges for legs and butt muscles
2) heel raises for lower legs
3) wall pushups for chest and tricep
4) bow and arrow pulls with an exercise band for upper back and biceps
5) lateral raises with an exercise band for shoulders, back and arms
spine sparing
modifying activities that apply rapid, repetitive, weighted or end-range flexion or twisting torque to the spine, to instead do slow, controlled twist in spine or supported trunk flexion
what is more important: learning how to lift weight or how much to lift
learning how
symptoms of osteoarthritis
pain, redness, swelling, heat
in ___ of cases of osteoarthritis, the person had severe limitation of daily activity
what percent of canadians over 65 are diagnosed with osteoarthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis
autoimmune disorder possibly triggered by infection (ethology unknown)
how many canadians are diagnosed with RA?
1 in 100
are women or men more likely to get RA
twice the number of women over men have RA
how can RA be treated
with meds, exercise, heat/cold therapy, relaxation and surgery
5 functional consequences of osteoarthritis
1) joint stiffness and pain
2) immobility
3) loss of stability
4) reduced joint range of motion
5) increase in sprains, strains, and tendon rupture
4 reasons why exercise is essential for those with osteoarthritis
a) lubricates joints
b) strengthens soft tissue surrounding joints
c) increases flexibility/reduces stiffness
d) maintains body weight - easier on joints
4 considerations for exercise prescription for osteoarthritis
1) amount of exercise
2) type of exercise/equipment
3) body positions
4) bracing/splinting
rules for working with person who has had a hip replacement
- dont cross legs over midline
- dont bend hip past 90 degrees
- no internal rotation of the hip
rules for working with person who has had knee replacement
- no kneeling initially
- rehab exercises daily
- dont allow the patient to fall