Musculoskeletal Assessment Flashcards
When assessing the Musculoskeletal system, we look for deformities of the spine, such as…
Scoliosis, Kyphosis, Lordosis.
When Inspecting and Palpating the muscles we are testing for…
for muscle tone, strength, bilateral symmetry and tenderness.
Normally, musculoskeletal system is ________ + shows no signs of _________.
Symmetrical, tenderness.
How do we assess muscle tone?
- Putting each joint through passive range of motion
* Palpate muscle for tone
How do we assess joints?
• Each joint is put through its full ROM to assess the full degree of movement
Range of Motion Positions…
• Flexion, extension, hyperextension, abduction, adduction, supination, and pronation
Normal joints have a…
Full range of motions, show no tenderness, and move smoothly
Palpate joints for abnormal findings of…
pain, swelling, nodules, and crepitation (grating sound heard or felt on movement)
How do we assess muscle strength?
- Ask patient to move against resistance
- Bilateral equal resistance should be present with a slight increase in the dominant side
- Observe muscle contraction and determine muscle strength exerted.
Musculoskeletal Assessment Findings
- Activity Intolerance
- Impaired Physical Mobility
- Impaired Walking
- Ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion
- Pain- Acute or chronic
- Risk for injury
- Risk for peripheral neurovascular dysfunction
- Risk for trauma
- Self-care deficit unable with ADLs bathing, hygiene, dressing, grooming, feeding, toileting
Benefits of Exercise…
- Increase muscle mass
- Good joint mobility
- Tone
Women have more ________ body strength.
Men have more _________ body strength.
As we age, it is normal for our height to decrease by…
1-3 inches
As we age, demineralization occurs and our bones become…
brittle and porous.
Long bones are used for…
height and length ex: humerus, femur
Short bones are used for…
movement ex:ankle, wrist
Flat bones contribute to…
shape ex: ribs, skull
Irregular bones are…
bones not classified as short, long, or flat. ex: spinal column and jaw
Flex/extend; abd/adduction; rotation
Ball + Socket Joints
ex: Should; hip
Flex/extend; abd/adduction
Condyloid (wrist); Gliding (carpals/tarsals)
Hinge Joint
ex: Elbow; knee
Pivot Joint
Ex: Neck
Flex/extend; abd/adduction;
circumduction; opposition
Saddle Joint
Ex: Thumb Metacarpal
Freely movable joint
Slightly Movable Joint
Immovable Joint
Slightly movable joints are also called…
Immovable joints are also called…
Freely movable joints are also called…
Examples of Diarthrosis
Gliding Hinge Pivot Condyloid Saddle Ball + Socket
Examples of Synarthrosis
Sutures between skull bones
Examples of amphiarthrosis
Pubic symphysis, joints between bodies of vertebrae
Lateral curvature w/ increased convexity on affeced side
Increased thoracic spinal curve
Exaggerated lumbar curve
________ is common in the elderly.