Cardiac Definitions Flashcards
Also known as Point of Maximal Impulse (PMI) located about the 5th intercostal space at the left mid-clavicular
Apical Impulse
The pressure of the blood against the walls of the blood vessels. Normal blood pressure is less than 120mm Hg
systolic and less than 80 mm Hg diastolic.
Blood Pressure
the ability or inability of blood to flow easily.
Blood Viscosity
Slowness of the heart beat, as evidence by slowing of the pulse rate to less than 60 beats per minute
Swooshing sounds heard over major blood vessels; Indicates a partially blacked or over extended artery causing blood to
swirl rather than flow.
Volume of blood pumped from the left ventricle per minute. Average 3.5 liters to 8 liters in a healthy adult.
Cardiac output:
The phase of the cardiac cycle in which the heart relaxes between contractions, specifically the relaxation
The least amount of pressure exerted on arterial walls which occurs when the heart is at rest between ventricle
contractions. It is the denominator or lower number of the blood pressure fraction.
Diastolic Pressure
Persistently high blood pressure with systolic readings of greater than 140mmHg and diastolic readings over
90mmHg. Pre-hypertension is blood pressure readings with a systolic pressure between 120mm Hg and 139 mm Hg and diastolic
pressure between 80 and 90mm Hg.
a consistently low blood pressure below the normal limits, usually readings below 100mm Hg systolic
Sounds heard during auscultation of blood pressure. Series of sounds that correspond to changes in blood flow
through an artery as pressure is released.
Korotkoff Sounds
Low blood pressure associated with weakness or fainting when one rises to an erect position.
Orthostatic Hypotension
Restraint to blood flow created by arteriole walls in partial state of contraction.
Peripheral Resistance
The region over the heart and lower thorax.
The beat of the heart as felt through the walls of the arteries such as the carotid artery, brachial artery, radial artery, ulnar
artery, femoral artery, popliteal artery, posterior tibial and dorsalis artery, or auscultated at the apex of the heart
The number of pulsations felt over a peripheral artery or over the apex of the heart in one minute.
Pulse Rate
The pattern of pulsations and pauses. Normal sinus rhythm is regular.
Pulse Rhythm
The quantity of blood volume forced out of the left ventricle with each contraction
Stroke Volume
The contraction or period of contraction of the heart especially of the ventricles during which blood is forced into the aorta
and pulmonary artery.
The highest pressure exerted on the arterial walls during the contraction phase of the ventricles. It is numerator
or upper number in the blood pressure fraction.
Systolic Pressure
Abnormally rapid heart rate, usually over 100 beats per minute