Patient is ambulating with assistance. Patient start falling. What do you do?
You slowly lower client using your body
Who is the pavlik harness used for?
Infant less than6 months of age with developmental dysplasia of the hip
In the event of a fracture what do you do?
Elevate, assess, stabilize, ice
To help prevent flexion deformities, the client should be placed in which position?
Prone for 30 min several times a day
Describe the open fracture grades.
Three grades:
Grade I has only minimal superficial skin damage
Grade II has damage to skin and muscle but no extensive tissue damage
Grade III has extensive tissue damage along with everything in previous grades
After lumbar puncture, how long does the patient lie flat?
40 min to an hour
Infant has a newly placed drying cast, how often do you turn and check the affected extremity?
Change position every 2hours in order to facilitate drying of all parts of cast. Check circulation every hour for 24 hours
What are your diagnostic tests for rheumatoid arthritis?
RF positive, C reactive protein positive,
ESR elevated, ANA positive elevated, and HGB and HCT decreased
What are hand rolls for?
Prevent contracture for imobile hands
When a patient has SCD what is the appropriate nurse action when ambulating?
When ambulating, discontinue SCD
For scoliosis, how long is brace worn?
Until stop grow
Osteoarthritis, what mattress sleep on?
Firm mattress
Who are gallows traction used for
Children younger than 2 years old who weigh less than 12 kg