Muscles of the Trunk and Lower Limb Flashcards
muscle that elevates the scapula
levator scapulae
muscles that retracts the scapula
rhomboid minor and major
extends the neck and also acts to retract, elevate, and depress the scapula
extends and adducts the glenohumeral joint
latissimus dorsi
elevates the upper ribs during inspiration
serratus posterior superior
depresses the lower ribs, aiding in expiration
serratus posterior inferior
pair of muscles that extend the neck
splenius muscles (captitus and cervicis)
part of the erector spinae group of muscles (true back muscles); set of 3 muscles runs from lumbar/sacral levels to the neck and is important to extension and lateral flexion of the vertebral column
iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis
muscle functions to control the position of the hyoid bone; they are found anterior to the larnyx and trachea
infrahyoid muscles
in a prevertebral position; flex the head and neck
longus muscles
lateral to the vertebra, laterally flex the neck
scalene muscles
the primary muscle for relaxed breathing
elevates the ribs, increase the volume of the thoracic cavity for inspiration
external intercostal muscles
muscles that compress the abdomen and rotates the spine
external oblique
a flexor of the thoracic and lumbar vertebral column; the tendinous intersections separating muscle bellies are responsible for the appearance of the six pack
rectus abdominis
lateral flexor of the lumbar spina
quadratus lumborum
functions as a hip flexor and in flexion of the lumbar spine
psoas major
these muscles fill a plane between the interior rami of the pubic bones; they are important in urinary and sexual function as well as supporting the floor of the pelvis
urogenital triangle
responsible for the voluntary control of defecation
external anal sphincter
primary extensor of the hip
gluteus maximus
powerful hip flexor; formed by the iliacus and psoas major as they pass under the inguinal ligament
tendon that stretches from the ilium to the tibia, and its shared by the tensor fascia lata and the gluteus maximus
iliotibial tract
five small muscles that provide rotation to the hip joint; inferior to the gluteus minimus
deep hip rotators
gluteal muscle beneath the gluteus maximus
gluteus medius
smallest gluteal muscle under the gluteus medius
gluteus minimus
muscle embedded within the iliotibial band; flexes the hip and helps with internal rotation
tensor fascia lata
Muscles on the anterior surface of the knee that are responsible for extension of the knee
vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris
flexes knee and externally rotates the hip
posterior thigh muscles that flex the knee
biceps femoris (long and short head), semimembranosus, and semitendinosus
medial thigh muscles that adduct the hip
pectineus, gracilis, adductor brevis and longus, adductor magnus
extends the digits 2-5 in the foot
extensor digitorum longus
extends digit 1 in the foot
extensor hallucis longus
inverts and dorsiflexes the foot
tibialis anterior
muscles that plantarflex the ankle
gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris
formed by the gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris muscles
calcaneal tendon
provides rotation to the knee to unlock it when standing with knees fully extended
flexes digits 2-5 of the foot
flexor digitorum longus
inverts and plantarflexes the ankle
tibialis posterior
flexes digit 1 of the foot
flexor hallucis longus