Muscles of the Leg and Foot Flashcards
Tibialis Anterior Origin
Upper half of lateral and anterior surface of tibia (including lateral condyle of tibia).
Tibialis Anterior Insertion
Medial edge of front of foot (medial cuneiform bone and base of first metatarsal).
Tibialis Anterior Action
Dorsiflexes (lifts up) the foot. Inverts the foot.
Tibialis Anterior Nerve
Deep perineal nerve, L 4, 5, S1.
Tibialis Anterior Basic Functional Movement
Ex: Walking and running (helps prevent the foot from slapping onto the ground after the heel strikes. Lifts the foot clear of the ground as the leg swings forward).
Tibialis Anterior Sports that heavily utilize this muscle
Ex: Hill walking. Mountaineering. Running. Breast stroke swimming. Cycling (the pedal up phase).
Tibialis Anterior Movements or injuries that may damage this muscle
Excessive jumping onto hard surfaces.
Tibialis Anterior Strengthening Exercises
- Toe raise
2. Quads knee extension
Tibialis Anterior Self Stretches
- Kneel with toes pointed
Fibularis (peroneus) Longus and Brevis Origin
Longus: Upper two-thirds of lateral surface of fibula
Brevis: Lower two-thirds of lateral surface of fibula
Fibularis (peroneus) Longus and Brevis Insertion
Longus: Base of first metatarsal.
Brevis: Base of fifth metatarsal.
Fibularis (peroneus) Longus and Brevis Action
Everts the foot. Assist plantar flexion of ankle joint (i.e. points the foot)
Fibularis (peroneus) Longus and Brevis Nerve
Superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve, L4, 5, S1.
Fibularis (peroneus) Longus and Brevis Basic Functional Movement
Ex: Walking on uneven surfaces.
Fibularis (peroneus) Longus and Brevis Sports that heavily utilize these muscles
Ex: Running. Soccer. Jumping.
Fibularis (peroneus) Longus and Brevis Movements or injuries that may damage these muscles
Forced inversion of the ankle (ie over stretching the lateral aspect of the ankle) may create chronic problems with ankle joint stability.
Fibularis (peroneus) Longus and Brevis Strengthening exercises
- Standing calf raise
2. Seated calf raise
Fibularis (peroneus) Longus and Brevis Self Stretch
- Sit; extend legs; pull toes toward shin
2. Stand on step and lower heel.
Gastrocnemius Origin
Medial head: Lower posterior surface of femur above medial condyle.
Lateral head: Lateral condyle and lower posterior surface of femur.
Gastrocnemius Insertion
Posterior surface of calcaneus (heel bone) via the calcaneal tendon (Achilles tendon); which is a fusion of the tendons of gastrocnemius and soleus.
Gastrocnemius Action
Plantar flexes (points) foot at ankle joint. Assists in flexion of knee joint. It is a main propelling force in walking and running.
Gastrocnemius Nerve
Tibial nerve, S1, 2.
Gastrocnemius Basic Functional Movement
Standing on ‘tip-toes’.
Gastrocnemius Sports that heavily utilize this muscle
Ex: Most sports requiring running and jumping, esp. sprinting, high jump, long jump, volleyball, basketball. Ballet. Push off in the swim start. Trampoline.
Gastrocnemius Movements or injuries that may damage this muscle
Explosive jumping, or landing badly when jumping down, may rupture the tendocalcaneous (Achilles tendon) at its junction with the muscle belly.
Gastrocnemius Common problems when muscle is chronically tight / shortened
Constant wearing of high-heeled shoes tends to cause this muscle to shorten, which can effect postural integrity.
Gastrocnemius Strengthening Exercises
- Standing calf raises
2. Leg curl
Gastrocnemius Self Stretches
Runner’s calf stretch
Soleus Origin
Upper posterior surfaces of tibia and fibula.
Soleus Insertion
With gastrocnemius via calcaneal tendon into posterior surface of calcaneus (heel bone).
Soleus Action
Plantar flexes ankle joint. The soleus is frequently in contraction during standing to prevent the body falling forwards at ankle joint; i.e. to offset the line of pull through the body’s center of gravity. Thus, it helps to maintain the upright posture.
Soleus Nerve
Tibial nerve, L5, S1, 2.
Soleus Basic Functional Movement
Standing on ‘tip-toes’
Soleus Sports that heavily utilizes this muscle
Ex: Most sports requiring running and jumping, esp. sprinting, high jump, long jump, volleyball, basketball. Ballet. Push off in the swim start. Trampoline.
Soleus Movements or injuries that may damage this muscle
Explosive jumping, or landing badly when jumping down, may rupture the tendocalcaneous (Achilles tendon) at its junction with the muscle belly.
Soleus Common problems whe muscle is chronically tight / shortened
Tight and painful calves or tendocalcaneous (which is usually more a problem of soleus than gastrocnemius). Constant wearing of high-heeled shoes tends to cause this muscle to shorten, which can affect postural integrity.
Soleus Strengthening Exercise
- Standing calf raise
2. Seated calf raise
Soleus Self Stretch
Runner’s calf stretch - bent knee.
Popliteus Origin
Lateral surface of lateral condyle of femur. Oblique popliteal ligament of knee joint.
Popliteus Insertion
Upper part of posterior surface of tibia, superior to soleal line.
Popliteus Action
Laterally rotates femur on tibia when foot is fixed on the ground. Medially rotates tibia on femur when the leg is non-weight bearing. Assist flexion of knee joint, (popliteus ‘unlocks’ the extended knee joint to initiate flexion of the leg). Helps reinforce posterior ligaments of knee joint.
Popliteus Nerve
Tibial nerve, L4, 5, S1.
Popliteus Basic Functional Movement
Ex: Walking.
Popliteus Sports that heavily utilize this muscle
All activities involving running and walking.
Popliteus Movements or injuries that may damage this muscle
High kicks without sufficient warm-up.
Popliteus Common problems when muscle is chronically tight / shortened
Inability to fully extend knee joint, possibly resulting in knee pain or injury.
Popliteus Strengthening Exercise
Leg curl
Tibialis Posterior Origin
Posterior surface tibia and fibula, and most of the interosseous membrane.
Tibialis Posterior Insertion
Tarsal bones (navicular, cuneiforms, cuboid, sustentaculum tali of calcaneus), and the second, third and fourth metatarsals.
Tibialis Posterior Action
Inverts the foot. Assists in plantar flexion of the ankle joint.
Tibialis Posterior Nerve
Tibial nerve, L(4), 5, S1.
Tibialis Posterior Basic Functional Movement
Standing on ‘tip-toes’. Pushing down car pedals.
Tibialis Posterior Sports that heavily utilize this muscle
Ex: Sprinting. Long jump. Triple jump.
Tibialis Posterior Movements or injuries that may damage this muscle
Poor alignment of the lower limb, especially walking or standing with feet turned out, will cause collapse of the medial longitudinal arch of the foot.
Tibialis Strengthening Exercise
- Standing calf raise
2. Seated calf raise.
Tibialis Self Stretches
Runner’s stretch
Flexor Digitorum Longus Origin
Medial part of posterior surface of tibia.
Flexor Digitorum Longus Insertion
Distal phalanges of second through fifth toes.
Flexor Digitorum Longus Action
Flexes all the joints of the lateral four toes (enabling the foot to firmly grip the ground when walking). Helps to plantar flex the amkle joint and invert the foot.
Flexor Digitorum Longus Nerve
Tibial nerve, L5, S1, (2).
Flexor Digitorum Longus Basic Functional Movement
Walking (especially bare foot on uneven ground). Standing on tip-toes.
Flexor Digitorum Longus Sports that heavily utilize this muscle
Ex: Ballet. Gemnastics (beam work). Karate (side kick).
Flexor Digitorum Longus Common problems when muscle in chronically tight / shortened
Hammer toe deformity of lateral four toes.
Flexor Digitorum Longus Strengthening Exercises
- Standing calf raise
2. Seated calf raise
Flexor Digitorum Longus Self Stretches
- Kneel with toes curled under to extend toe joints
2. Stand on stairs and lower heals keeping toes extended
Flexor Hallucis Longus Origin
Lower two-thirds of posterior surface of fibula. Interosseous membrane.
Flexor Hallucis Longus Insertion
Distal phalanx of great toe.
Flexor Hallucis Longus Action
Flexes the great toe. Helps to plantar flex and invert the foot. Helps stabilize the inside of the ankle.
Flexor Hallucis Longus Nerve
Tibial nerve, L5, S1, 2.
Flexor Hallucis Longus Basic Functional Movement
Pushing off the surface in walking (esp. bare foot on uneven ground). Standing on ‘tip-toes’
Flexor Hallucis Longus Common problems when muscle is chronically tight / shortened
Hammer toe deformity of great toe.
Flexor Hallucis Longus Strengthening Exercises
- Standing calf raise
2. Seated calf raise
Flexor Hallucis Longus Self Stretches
- Kneel with toes curled under to extend toe joints
2. Stand on step and lower heel; keep toes extended
Lumbricales Origin
Tendons of flexor digitorum longus
Lumbricales Insertion
Medial side of base of proximal phalanges of second through to fifth toes and corresponding extensor expansion.
Lumbricales Action
Flex the metatarsophalangeal joints and extend the interphalangial joints of the lateral four toes.
Lumbricales Nerve
Lateral three lumbricales: Lateral plantar nerve, L(4), (5), S1, 2.
First lumbricalis: Medial plantar nerve, L4, 5, S1.
Lumbricales Basic Functional Movement
Ex: Gathering up material under the foot using the toes only.
Dorsal Interossei and Plantar Interossei Origin
Dorsal interossei: Adjacent sides of metatarsal bones.
Plantar interossei: Bases and medial sides of third, fourth and fifth metatarsals.
Dorsal Interossei and Plantar Interossei Insertion
Dorsal interossei: Bases of proximal phalanges:
First: Medial side of proximal phalanx of second
Second to fourth: Lateral sides of proximal
phalanges of second to fourth toes.
Plantar interossei: Medial sides of bases of
proximal phalanges of same toes.
Dorsal Interossei and Plantar Interossei Action
Dorsal interossei: Abduct (spread) toes. Flex metatarsalphalangeal joints.
Plantar interossei: Adduct (close together) toes. Flex metatarsophalangeal joints.
Dorsal Interossei and Plantar Interossei Nerve
Lateral plantar nerve, S1, 2.
Dorsal Interossei and Plantar Interossei Basic Functional Movement
Ex: Facilitates walking.
Dorsal Interossei and Plantar Interossei Sports that heavily utilize these muscles
Running, especially with bare feet.