Muscles of the Face, Head, and Neck Flashcards
Epicranius (occipitofrontalis) Greek: above skull Origin
Occipitalis: Occiptial bone. Mastoid process of temporal bone.
Frontalis: galea aponeurotica.
Epicranius (occipitofrontalis) Greek: above skull Insertion
Occipitalis: Galea aponeurotica ( a sheet-like tendon leading to frontal belly)
Frontalis: Fascia and skin above eyes and nose
Epicranius action (skull)
Occipitalis: pulls scalp backward
Frontalis: pulls scalp forward
Epicranius nerve (skull)
Facial V11 nerve
Epicranius basic functional movement(skull)
Raises eyebrows & wrinkles skin of forehead horizontally.
Orbicularis oculi (face) Origin
Orbital part: Frontal bone. Medial wall of orbit Palpebral part (in eyelids): Medial palpebral ligament Lacrimal part (behind medial palpebral ligament and lacrimal sac): Lacrimal bone
Orbicularis oculi (face) Insertion
Orbital part: Circular path around orbit, returning to origin
Palpebral Part: Lateral pealpebral ligament into zygomatic bone
Lacrimal part: Lateral palpebral raphe
Orbicularis oculi (face) action
Orbital part: Strongly closes eyelids
Palpebral part: Gently closes eyelids (and comes into action involuntarily, as in blinking)
Lacrimal part: Dilates lacrimal sac and brings lacrimal canals onto surface of eye.
Orbicularis oculi (face) Nerve
Orbital part: Facial V11 nerve (temporal and zygomatic branches)
Palpebral part: Facial V11 nerve (temporal and zygomatic branches)
Lacrimal part: Facial V11 nerve (temporal and zygomatic branches)
Corrugator Supercilii (face) Origin
Medial end of supercilliary arch of frontal bone
Corrugator Supercillii (face) Insertion
Deep surface of skin under medial half of the eyebrows
Corrugator Supercillii (face) Action
Draws eyebrows medially and downward, so producing vertical wrinkles, as in frowning
Corrugator Supercillii (face) Nerve
Facial V11 nerve (temporal branch
Corrugator Supercillii (face) Basic Functional Movement
Facilitates facial expression
Procerus (face) origin
Fascia over nasal bone. Lateral nasal cartilage
Procerus (face) insertion
Skin between eyebrows
Procerus (face) Action
Wrinkles nose. Pulls medial portion of eyebrows downwards
Procerus (face) Nerve
Facial V11 nerve
Procerus (face) Basic Functional Movement
Enables strong “sniffing” & sneezing
Nasalis (face) Origin
Middle of maxilla (above incisor and canine teeth). Greater alar cartilage. Skin on nose.
Nasalis (face) Insertion
Joins muscle of opposite side across bridge of nose. Skin at tip of nose.
Nasalis (face) Action
Maintains opening of external nares during forceful inhalation (flares nostrils)
Nasalis (face) Nerve
Facial V11 nerve (buccal branches)
Nasalis (face) Basic functional movement
Strongly breathing through the nose
Orbicularis Oris (face) Origin
Muscle fibers surrounding the opeining of the mouth, attached to the skin, muscle and fascia of the lips and surrounding area.
Orbicularis Oris (face) Insertion
Skin and fascia at corner of mouth
Orbicularis Oris (face) Action
Closes lips, compresses lips against teeth, protrudes (purses) lips, and shapes lips during speech.
Orbicularis Oris (face) Nerve
Facial V11 nerve (buccal and mandibular branches)
Orbicularis Oris (face) Basic functional movement
Facial expressions involving the lips
Levator Labii Superioris (face) Origin
Angular head: Zygomatic bone and frontal process of maxilla
Infraorbital head: Lower border of orbit
Levator Lavii Superioris (face) Insertion
Angular head: Greater alar cartilage, upper lip and skin of nose.
Infraorvital head: Muscles of upper lip
Levator Lavii Superioris (face) Action
Raises upper lip. Dilates nares. Forms nasolabial furrow
Levator Lavii Superioris (face) Nerve
Facial V11 nerve (buccal branches)
Lavator Lavii Superioris (face) Basic functional movement
Faciltates facial expression and kissing
Levator Anguli Oris (face) Origin
Canine fossa of maxilla
Levator Anguli Oris (face) Insertion
Corner of mouth
Levator Anguli Oris (face) Action
Elevates angle (corner)_ of mouth
Levator Anguli Oris (face) Nerve
Facial V11 nerve (buccal branches)
Levator Anguli Oris (face) Basic functional movement
Helps produce a smiling expression
Zygomaticus Major & Minor (face) Origin
Zygomaticus Major: Upper lateral surface of Zygomatic bone
Zygomaticus Minor: Lower surface of zygomatic bone.
Zygomaticus Major & Minor (face) Insertion
Zygomaticus Major: Skin at corner of mouth. Orbicularis Oris
Zyginatucys Minor: Lateral part of upper lip lateral to levator labii
Zygomaticus Major & Minor (face) Action
Zygomaticus Major: Pulls corner of mouth up and back, as in smiling
Zygomaticus Minor: Elevates the upper lip. Forms nasolabial furrow
Zygomaticus Major & Minor (face) Nerve
Facial V11 nerve (zygomatic and buccal branches)
Zygomaticus Major & Minor (face) Basic Functional Movement
Smiling. Facilitates facial expression.
Depressor Labii Inferioris (face) Origin
Anterior surface of mandible, between mental foramen and symphysis
Depressor Labii Inferioris (face) Insertion
Skin of lower lip
Depressor Labii Inferioris (face) Action
Pulls lower lip downward and slightly laterally
Depressor Labii Inferioiris (face) Nerve
Facial V11 nerve (marginal mandibular branch)
Depressor Labii Inferioris (face) Basic functional movement
Facilitates facial expression
Depressor Anguli Oris (face) Origin
Oblique line of the mandible
Depressor Anguli Oris (face) Insertion
Corner of mouth
Depressor Anguli Oris (face) Action
Pulls corner of mouth downwards, as in sadness or frowning
Depressor Anguli Oris (face) Nerve
Facial V11 nerve (marginal mandibular and buccal branches)
Mentalis (face) Origin
Incisive fossa of anterior surface of mandible
Mentalis (face) Insertion
Skin of chin
Mentalis (face) Action
Protrudes lower lip and pulls up (wrinkles) skin of chin, as in pouting
Mentalis (face) Nerve
Facial V11 nerve (marginal mandibular branch)
Platysma (neck/face) Origin
Subcutaneous fascia of upper quarter of chest (i.e. fascia overlying the pectoralis major and deltoideus muscles)
Platysma (neck/face) Insertion
Subcutaneous fascia and muscles of chin and jaw. Inferior border of mandible
Platysma (neck/face) Action
Pulls lower lip from corner of mouth downwards and laterally. Drawn skin of chest upwards.
Platysma (neck/face) Nerve
Facial V11 nerve (cervical branch)
Platysma (neck/face) Basic functional movement
Gives expression of being startled or of sudden fright
Buccinator (face) Origin
Alveolar processes of maxilla and mandible over molars and along pterygomandibular rap he (fibrous band extending from the pterygoid hamulus to the mandible)
Buccinator (face) Insertion
Orbicularis oris (muscles of the lips)
Buccinator (face) Action
Compresses cheek as in blowing air out of mouth, and caves cheeks in, producing the action of sucking
Buccinator (face) Nerve
Facial V11 nerve (buccal branches)
Masseter (face) Origin
Zygomatic arch (cheek bone)
Masseter (face) Insertion
Lateral surface of mandible (lower jaw)
Masseter (face) Action
Closes jaw. Clenches teeth. Assists in side to side movement of mandible
Masseter (face) Nerve
Trigeminal V nerve (mandibular division)
Masseter (face) Basic functional movement
Chewing food
Temporalis (face) Origin
Temporal fossa including frontal, parietal, and temporal bones
Temporalis (face) Insertion
Coronoid process and ramus of mandible (area on lower jaw, just below the lateral edge of the zygomatic arch)
Temporalis (face) Action
Closes jaw. Clenches teeth. Assists in side to side movement of mandible
Temporalis (face) Nerve
Anterior and posterior deep temporal nerves from the tirgeminal V nerve (mandibular division)
Temporalis (face) Basic functional movement
Chewing food.
Pterygoideus Lateralis (face) Origin
Superior head: Lateral surface of greater wing of sphenoid.
Inferior head: Lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid
Pterygoideus Lateralis (face) Insertion
Superior head: Capsule and articular disc of the temporomandibular joint.
Inferior head: Neck of mandible.
Pterygoideus Lateralis (face) Action
Protudes mandible. Opens mouth. Moves mandible from side to side (as in chewing)
Pterygoideus Lateralis (face) Nerve
Trigeminal V nerve (mandibular division
Pterygoideus Lateralis (face) Basic functional movement
Chewing food
Pterygoideus Medialis (face) Origin
Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone. Pyramidal process of the palatine bone. Tuberosity of maxilla.
Pterygoideus Medialis (face) Insertion
Medial surface of the ramus and the angle of the mandible
Pterygoideus Medialis (face) Action
Elevates and protrudes the mandible. Therefore, it closes the jaw and assists in side to side movement of the mandible, as in chewing
Pterygoideus Medialis (face) Nerve
Trigeminal V nerve (mandibular division)
Pterygoideus Medialis (face) Basic Functional Movement
Chewing food
Scalenus Anterior, Medius, Posterior (neck) Origin
Transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
Scalenus Anterior, Medius, Posterior (neck) Insertion
Anterior and medius: First rib
Posterior: second rib
Scalenus Anterior, Medius, Posterior (neck) Action
Acting together: Flex neck. Raise first rib during a strong inhalation.
Individually: Laterally flex and rotate neck
Scalenus Anterior, Medius, Posterior (neck) Nerve
Ventral rami of cervical nerves, C3-C8
Scalenus Anterior, Medius, Posterior (neck) Basic Functional Movement
The scalene are primarily muscles of inhalation
Scalenus Anterior, Medius, Posterior (neck) Sports that heavily utilize these muscles
All active sports that require strong respiration
Scalenus Anterior, Medius, Posterior (neck) Common Problems when muscles are chronically tight / shortened
Painful conditions of the neck, shoulder and arm because hypertonic muscle puts pressure on a bundle of nerves called the brachial plexus, and the subclavian artery
Scalenus Anterior, Medius, Posterior (neck) Strengthening Exercise
Twisting sit ups
Scalenus Anterior, Medius, Posterior (neck) Self Stretches
Pull left shoulder away from left ear. Do not rotate head. Draw right ear towards right shoulder
Sternocleidomastoideus (neck) Origin
Sternal head: Anterior surface of upper sternum
Clavicular head: Medial third of clavicle
Sternocleidomastoideus (neck) Insertion
Mastoid process of temporal bone (bony prominence just behind the ear)
Sternocleidomastoideus (neck) Action
Contraction of both sides together: Flexes neck (draws head forward). Raises sternum, and consequently the ribs, during deep inhalation.
Contraction of one side: Tilts head towards the same side. Rotates head to face the opposite side (and also upward as it does so).
Sternocleidomastoideus (neck) Nerve
Accessory X1 nerve; with sensory supply for proprioception from cervical nerves C2 and C3
Sternocleidomastoideus (neck) Basic Functional Movement
Turning head to look over your shoulder. Raising head from pillow
Sternocleidomastoideus (neck) Sports that heavily utilize this muscle
EX: Swimming . Rugby scrummage. American football
Sternocleidomastoideus (neck) Movements or injuries that may damage this muscle
Extreme whiplash movements
Sternocleidomastoideus (neck) Common problems when muscle is chronically tight / shortened
headache and neck pain
Sternocleidomastoideus (neck) Strengthening exercises
Sit ups
Sternocleidomastoideus (neck) Self Stretch
Turn head to right. Repeat on opposite side.