muscles of the head and neck Flashcards
What are the two superficial cervical muscles?
- Sternocleidomastoid muscle
- Trapezius muscle
What are the suprahyoid muscles?
- Mylohyoid (important)
- Geniohyoid
- Digastric
- Stylohyoid
What are the infrahyoid muscles?
- Sternothyroid
- Sternohyoid
- Omohyoid
- Thyrohyoid
What muscles converge at the modiolus?
- Orbicularis oris
- Buccinator
- Zygomaticus major
- Risorius
- Levator anguli oris
- Depressor anguli oris
What is the origin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle?
- The sternum (superior and lateral part)
- The clavicle (medial portion)
What is the insertion of the sternocleidomastoid muscle?
The mastoid process of the temporal bone
What is the innervation of the sternocleidomastoid muscle?
Accessory nerve, XIth CN
What is the action of the sternocleidomastoid muscle?
One- head to ipsilateral side
both- head down (prayer muscle)
What is the origin of the trapezius muscle?
superior nuchal line of occipital bone
posterior midline of cervical and thoracic regions (1-12)
What is the insertion of the trapezius muscle?
lateral 1/3 of clavicle and parts of the scapula
What is the innervation of the trapezius muscle?
Accessory nerve (XIth CN)
What is the action of the trapezius muscle?
Shrugs shoulders, elevating scapula and clavicle
Downwards rotation of the scapula