Muscles of Back Flashcards
attach to cervical and thoracic spinous processes and ribs that elevate ribs
serratus posterior superior
attaches lumbar spinous process, ribs, and cervical transverse processes
attaches at vertebral border of scapula and upper thoracic vertebral spinous process
evelates scapula
levator scapulae
attaches from transverse process to spinous processes in thoracic region; 1 or 2 superior
extends head and neck and moves scapula
muscles that move the vertebral column and are responsible for maintaining erect posture of the spine
intrinsic back muscle
attaches at nuchal ridge at occipital protuberance of cranium, nuchal ligament in neck, vertebral segments, spine of scapula, and clavicle
most superficial layer of extrinsic layer include which muscles
trapezius and latissimus dorsi
attach at thoracic spinous processes to cervical transverse processes
splenius cervicis
attaches at lower thoracic vertebral segments down to lumbar down to thoracolumbar fascia and attaches at humerus (intertubular sulcus)
latissimus dorsi
group containing spinalis, longissimus, and ilicostalis
erector spinae
more deep intrinsic muscles
transversospinalis muscles
attach from spinous process to transverse process in thoracic, lumbar, and cervical region; 2+ superior
intermediate layer of extrinsic layer include which muscles
levator scapulae and rhomboid
erector spinae muscle group _______ the trunk when active unilaterally
laterally flex/bend
deepest layer of extrinsic layer include which muscles
serratus posterior inferior and superior
more intermediate intrinsic muscles
erector spinae
attaches at spinal processes of lumbar, thoracic, and cervical regions and at nuchal ligament
muscles that move the shoulder and arm
extrinsic back muscles
more superficial intrinsic muscles
motor and sensory innervation for latissimus dorsi comes from _______
thoracodorsal n (Brachial Plexus)
attach to thoracic and lumbar spinous processes and ribs that depress ribs
serratus posterior inferior
retracts scapula
motor and sensory innervation for rhomboid minor and major comes from _______
Brachial Plexus (Dorsal Scapular n.)
motor and sensory innervation for serratus posterior comes from _______
Intercostal nerve branches
motor innervation for trapezius comes from ______
Spinal accessory n (CNXI)
moves arm/ humerus
lattisimus dorsi
attach between spinal processes from lumbar to cervical
sensory innervation for trapezius comes from ______
Cervical plexus (C3 & C4)
less tissue, easier to hear breathing sounds; made of deltoid, trapezius, and latissimus dorsi endings
triangle of auscultation
erector spinae muscle group _______ the trunk when active bilaterally
attach at lower cervical and thoracic spinous processes to mastoid process of cranium
splenius capitus
attach between transverse processes from lumbar to cervical
motor and sensory innervation for levator scapulae comes from _______
Cervical Plexus (C3 &C4) and Brachial Plexus (Dorsal Scapular n)
attach superior angle of scapula, transverse processes of first 4 vertebrae
levator scapulae
attach from transverse process to ribs; 1 inferior only in thoracic region
levator costarum
attach from thoracic transverse processes to the mastoid process of cranium
group containing semispinalis, rotatores, and multifudus
transversospinalis group
attaches at sacrum/ilium, mastoid process of cranium, cervical transverse processes
transversospinalis muscle group ______ the trunk when they are active bilaterally
nerves for intrinsic back muscles come from ______
dorsal ramus
slight weakening in lateral abdominal wall, prone to herniation; formed by latissimus dorsi (posterior), external oblique, and ilium
lumbar triangle
when transversospinalis muscle group are active unilaterally, they ________ the trunk to the opposite side of the muscle activity
splenius muscle segments
capitus and cervicis
iliocostalis muscle segments
lumborum, thoracis, and cervicis
longissimus muscle segments
thoracis, cervicis, and capitus
spinalis muscle segments
thoracis and cervicis
rotatores muscle segments
longus and brevus
semispinalis muscle segments
cervicis and capitus