Muscles And Contraction Flashcards
Connective fascia and collagen that covers the entire muscle separating it from surrounding tissue
Surrounds bundles of muscle fibres, contains blood vessels and nerves to supply fascicles
Surrounds muscle fibre, contains capillaries and nerve fibres
Muscle Structure
Muscle, Fascicles, Muscle Fibres, myofibrils, myofilaments, sarcomeres
Cell membrane of muscle cell
Transverse Tubules
Carry muscle action potentials into the cell, terminal cisternae are attached which store calcium
Sarcoplasmic Recticulum
Surrounds each myofibril helping the transmission of action potential
Contractile protein that binds to actin
Tropomyosin and troponin
Regulatory proteins that block the actin binding site from myosin
Structural Proteins
Provide alignment, elasticity and extensibility e.g. Titin, myomesin, nebulin and dystrophin
Anchors myosin to m line and z disc, stretches 4 times resting length, important in eccentric contractions
Sliding Filament Mechanism
Myosin cross bridges pull on actin causing it to slide towards M line causing the sarcomere to shorten the muscle fibre to shorten and the muscle contract
Skeletal Muscle Contraction
Ach released into synaptic cleft
Na channels open causing AP to be passed on
AP spreads over sarcolemma down t tubules
AP reaches triad
Terminal Cisternae release Ca into sarcoplasm and binds with troponin
Troponin tropomyosin compels moves revealing binding site on actin
Contraction cycle begins
Contraction Cycle
Active site is exposed as Ca binds to troponin causing the complex to move
Cross bridge is formed as myosin heads move using ATP and bind to actin
Pivoting of myosin head occurs as it pulls actin towards M line releasing ADP + P
Cross bridge detaches as myosin head binds to ATP
Muscle Relaxation
AchE breaks down Ach in synaptic cleft AP in muscle ceases Ca channels close and detached from troponin is AT into terminal cisternae so Ca concentration falls in muscle cell Complex recovers binding site on actin Muscle relaxes